France and the Bohemian Lands in the 17-18th Centuries. Crossing Points and Influences in Musical Life

An international workshop organized by the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles (CESR – UMR 7323 CNRS), the French Institute in Prague and CEFRES

Scientific committee:
Jana Franková (Centre de musique baroque de Versailles),
Barbara Nestola (CNRS, Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance-Centre de musique baroque de Versailles),
Venue: French Institute in Prague – Štěpánská 35 – Prague 1
Languages: French, Czech, English; with simultaneous translation between Czech and French

Organized in the frame of the partnership between the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles and the Summer Festival of Ancient Music in Prague (Collegium Marianum), this workshop aims at adding to the discussions on the cultural exchangesbetween the Lands of the Bohemian Crown and the Kingdom of France from the Ancien Régime. As the first step of a current research project, it will create an opportunity to assess the state of the art focusing on the musical culture.
After the departure of the imperial court of Prague to Vienna (1612), the Lands of the Bohemian Crown, which belonged for half a century to the hereditary lands of the Habsburgs, found themselves in a liminal position. Such times were characterized by a hostiluty in the Austrian Empire’s foreign policy toward France, which was followed by a radical change leading to a diplomatic revolution (1768). We would like therefore to study the place of French music and theatre in the territory, and to cast some light on France’s interest for artists from the Czech Lands. Our project shall add to the works and research projects led on the reception of Italian music on this territory, as well as to the research conducted on musical exchanges between Vienna and Paris in the 18th century.
Not restricted to bilateral French-Czech studies, this workshop will focus on the transmission and the reception of the repertoire, as well as on the circulation of the actors of such exchanges (artists, patrons). The analysis of the French repertoire, whether preserved or recorded in the collections of noble families, should give way to several questions. Was the reception of the repertoire independent from the evolution of the foreign policy of the Germa Empire and of France? What were the places and who were the agents of circulation? What kind of repertoire was favored and for what use? The circulation of people and the part played by the “Francophile” aristocratic network will also be brought to light.



10:00 Jana Franková (CMBV), Barbara Nestola (CNRS-CESR-CMBV): Introduction

Chair: Barbara Nestola
10:15 Ivo Cerman (Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích): Česká šlechta a Francie / La noblesse des pays tchèques et la France
11:00 Petr Mašek (Vedoucí oddělení zámeckých knihoven, Národní muzeum): Zámecké knihovny v zemích Koruny české / Les bibliothèques aristocratiques dans les pays de la couronne de Bohême
11:30 Jana Franková (CMBV): Země Koruny české a Francie z pohledu migrace / Les pays de la couronne de Bohême et la France du point de vue de la migration
12:00-12:30 Discussion / Diskuze


Chair: Jana Franková

2:30 Thomas Leconte (CMBV) : Musiques et musiciens des pays de la couronne de Bohême dans les collections royales françaises : les collections Brossard et Philidor de la Bibliothèque nationale de France / Hudebníci a repertoár ze zemí Koruny české ve francouzských královských sbírkách : Brossardova a Philidorova sbírka v Národní knihovně v Paříži
3:00 Herbert Schneider (Universität des Saarlandes) : Suites d’orchestre françaises de la bibliothèque du Prince de Lobkowicz / Francouzské orchestrální suity ze sbírky knížete Lobkowicze


3:45 Miloslav Študent (Nadace pro dějiny kultury ve střední Evropě – Association for Central European Cultural Studies, Praha): Francouzský repertoár tabulatur pro drnkací nástroje v českých zemích a kavalírské cesty české šlechty jako jeden z významných způsobů jeho migrace / Le répertoire français des tablatures dans les pays de la couronne de Bohême et le Grand Tour de la noblesse tchèque comme l’un des procédés fondamentaux de sa transmission
4:15 Robert Rawson (Canterbury Christ Church University): Gottfried Finger – the music and style of Lully in Moravia in the 1670s / Gottfried Finger – Lullyho hudba a hudební styl na Moravě v 70. letech 17. století / Gottfried Finger – la musique et le style de Lully en Moravie dans les années 1670
4:45 Discussion finale / Závěrečná debata