Treating historical traumas between psychic breakdowns and institutional failure

Marine Mazel, psychologist and psychoanalyst

will be taking part in the seminar called Current Issues. Reflection on Crises organised by CEFRES.

Date: Wednesday , March 17th 2021, 12h30 à 13h50
Where: Online on Zoom.
:  Maria Kokkinou (post-doc at CEFRES / Charles University), Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES)
Language: French

Link to join the seminar : 

For more information about the programme and the seminar,  see the website:


The 7th session of IMS / CEFRES Epistemological seminar will be hosted by:

Zach Lavengood (PhD candidate at FSV UK)
Topic: The concept of “Core-periphery”

OrganisersJérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES), Claire Madl (CEFRES), Tomáš Weiss (FSV UK) and Mitchell Young (IMS FSV UK)
Where: on line
To register, please contact: claire(@)
When: Wednesday, March 10th, 4:30 pm- 6:00 pm
Language: English


  • Shannon, T. R.  “The Contemporary World-system”. In : T. R. Shannon, An Introduction to the World-System Perspective (pp. 85-124). Boulder: Westview Press, 1996.

Crises and migrations : the case of post-sovietics Greeks

Dimitris Kataiftsis, Paris IV, University of Macedonia

will be taking part in the seminar called Current Issues. Reflection on Crises organised by CEFRES.

Date: Wednesday , March 10th 2021, 12h30 à 13h50
Where: Online on Zoom.
:  Maria Kokkinou (post-doc at CEFRES / Charles University), Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES)
Language: French

Link to join the seminar : 

For more information about the programme and the seminar,  see the website:

« An extraordinary thrill » : reflexions from the first letter of « Crisis of the Mind » (1919) by Paul Valéry

Benedetta Zaccarello, ITEM (Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes, CNRS/ENS)

will be taking part in the seminar called Current Issues. Reflection on Crises organised by CEFRES.

Date: Wednesday , March 3th 2021, 12h30 à 13h50
Where: Online on Zoom.
:  Maria Kokkinou (post-doc at CEFRES / Charles University), Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES)
Language: French

Link to join the seminar : 

For more information about the programme and the seminar,  see the website:

Prefiguration within legal frame: process of depoliticising of an autonomous zone

The 6th session of IMS / CEFRES Epistemological seminar will be hosted by:

Lukáš Kotyk (PhD candidate at FSV UK / associated at CEFRES)
Topic: Prefiguration within legal frame: process of depoliticising of an autonomous zone
Discussant: Yulia Moskvina (PhD candidate at FSV UK / associated at CEFRES)

OrganisersJérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES), Claire Madl (CEFRES), Tomáš Weiss (FSV UK) and Mitchell Young (IMS FSV UK)
Where: on line
To register, please contact: claire(@)
When: Wednesday, February 24th, 4:30 pm- 6:00 pm
Language: English


  • Luke Yates, “Prefigurative Politics and Social Movement Strategy: The Roles of Prefiguration in the Reproduction, Mobilisation and Coordination of Movements”, Political Studies, 2020-1

Secularisms in crise(s): Turkey and France in parallel?

Honoré Banidje, CEFRES

will be taking part in the seminar called Current Issues. Reflection on Crises organised by CEFRES.

Date: Wednesday 24th 2021, 12h30 à 13h50
Where: Online on Zoom.
:  Maria Kokkinou (post-doc at CEFRES / Charles University), Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES)
Language: French

To join the Zoom meeting, please click on this link:

For more information about the programme and the seminar,  see the website: