The (non-)revolutionary character of the economic revolution: the case of Central Europe – CANCELLED

A lecture by Mátyás Erdélyi (CEFRES)  in the frame of the Franco-czech historical seminar organized by Institute for Czech History of the Faculty of arts, Charles University (FFUK), in collaboration with CEFRES.

Venue: Faculty of Arts of Charles University, nám. J. Palacha 2, Prague 1, room 201
Time: 9:10-10:30
Language: French


The industrial revolution is commonly considered as a constitutive part of the “Great Transformation” of the nineteenth century that made possible the birth of modern societies. The seminar proposes perspectives about how to understand the revolutionary and non-revolutionary nature of this event based on selected primary and secondary sources.

Psy-sciences, expert knowledge and the ‘self’ in Europe after 1945 – POSTPONED TO 1 APRIL

Seventh session of IMS / CEFRES epistemological seminar of this semester led by:

Jakub Střelec (FSV UK / CEFRES)
Topic: Psy-sciences, expert knowledge and the ‘self’ in Europe after 1945

Where: CEFRES Library – Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
: Wednesday 18 March 2020, from 4:30 pm to 6 pm

Texts to be read:

  • Rose, Nikolas (1992). Engineering the Human Soul: Analyzing Psychological Expertise. Science in Context, 5, pp 351-369.

World Literature, Cold War Edition

Sixth session of IMS / CEFRES epistemological seminar of this semester led by:

Františka Zezuláková Schormová (FF UK/CEFRES)
Topic: World Literature, Cold War Edition

Where: CEFRES Library – Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
: Wednesday 4 March 2019, from 4:30 pm to 6 pm

Text to be read:

  • Pascale Casanova, The World Republic of Letters (Harvard University Press, 2007), Chapter One, p. 9–44.

“And they were not even curious about my religion” – The first Czechoslovak Republic and incoming foreign Jewish students

A lecture by Agnes Kelemen (Research Fellow in ERC Consolidator grant UnRef: Unlikely refuge?, Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague) in the frame of the seminar on Modern Jewish History organized by the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences,  Charles University, CEFRES and the Prague Center for Jewish Studies.

Where: CEFRES Library, Na Florenci 3, 110 00 Prague 1
When: from 5:30 pm to 7 pm
Language: English


Interwar Czechoslovakia’s universities and colleges where German was the language of instruction attracted numerous Jewish students who escaped official and unofficial Jewish quotas and antisemitic campus violence in their home countries (f. ex. Hungary, Poland, Romania). They met antisemitism in Czechoslovakia as well, in addition to xenophobia. Yet, when looking back at the Czechoslovak Republic with the knowledge that it became a victim of Nazi Germany, Hungarian Jews marginalized their experiences of anti-Jewish hostility such as the Steinherz-affair (1922-23) and demonstrations for the introduction of a numerus clausus (1929) to the point of ignoring them in their memoirs and praising Czechoslovak amicability. This talk is going to present the curious interplay of Czech nationalism, German institutions of higher education, academic antisemitism, xenophobia and foreign Jewish students through the case study of Hungarian “numerus clausus refugees” who studied in Prague, Brno and Liberec between 1920 and 1938.

The naming conflicts “revolution” and “civil war” in Greece

A lecture by Maria Kokkinou (CEFRES)  in the frame of the Franco-czech historical seminar organized by Institute for Czech History of the Faculty of arts, Charles University (FFUK), in collaboration with CEFRES.

Venue: Faculty of Arts of Charles University, nám. J. Palacha 2, Prague 1, room 201
Time: 9:10-12:30
Language: French


This seminar aims to question the concept of (lost) revolution through a contemporary historical moment: the Greek Civil War (1946-49).  In order to achieve it, we will first present the balance of power of different actors (national and international) during a period that begins with the Occupation (1941) and extends until the outbreak of armed conflict.  In the second part we will try to provide some answers to the following questions: What was the political project of the Resistance movement for the day after the Liberation? “Was it possible, for a country in the camp of the West, for a social revolution or a Civil War guided by communists to succeed at that time? Was it possible for such a strong social movement to overturn the geopolitical relations that the Allies had accepted during World War II? ».

Worker Photography in Museums: History and Politics of a Cultural Heritage in East-Central Europe

International Workshop 

Date & Venue: 26th -27th February 2020, Institute of  Art History, CEFRES, Lower Hall, Prague
Organizers: Institute of Art History (CAS) & CEFRES
In partnership with: Institute of Contemporary History (CAS), Université Paris-Nanterre, within the Strategy AV21 framework
Language: English

This international workshop examines the legacy of worker photography as museum object, cultural heritage and history in East-Central Europe from 1945 until today. How was worker photography preserved, historized, and mediated in East- Central European museums?


Wednesday 26 February 2020
Institute of Art History, Husova 4, Prague 1

16.30-17.30 Keynote Lecture
Christian Joschke (Université Paris-Nanterre, Paris)
“How German Communists Invented French Radical Photography. Regards and Arbeiter Illustrierte Zeitung (1928-1936)”

17.30 Discussion

Thursday 27 February 2020
CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1

9.45-10.00 Registration

10.00-10.30 Welcome and Introduction
Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES, Prague)
Petra Trnková (PHRC, De Montfort University, Leicester / Photography Research Centre, Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Fedora Parkmann (Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences / CEFRES, Prague)

Panel 1: Photographs in Changing Contexts
Chair: Christian Joschke (Université Paris-Nanterre)

Lucia Almášiová (Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava).
“From Amateur Social Criticism to Institutional Art” 

Katalin Bognár (Hungarian National Museum, Budapest)
“Uses of Interwar Worker Photographs in post-1945 Hungarian Public Collections”

11.30-11.45 Coffee break

Fedora Parkmann (Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences / CEFRES, Prague)
“The Family Photographs of Antonín Zápotocký: between Private and Public Memory”

Anna Hejmová (Arts and Theatre Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences / Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prague)
Continuity and Discontinuity in the Iconology of Physical Culture Photography in the Interwar and Postwar Period

12.45-13.00 Discussion

13.00-14.30 Lunch break

Panel 2: Institutional Practices
Chair: Petra Trnková (PHRC, De Montfort University, Leicester / Photography Research Centre, Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)

Andreas Ludwig (Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam)
“Contemporary Collecting in History Museums: Material Evidence or Cultural Memory as Concurring Conceptions – GDR, Sweden, West-Germany”

Tomáš Kavka (National Museum, Prague) – Čeněk Pýcha (Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague)
Museum of the Working Class Movement for the 21st Century”

Françoise Mayer (Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier).
“Communism in Museum: What Kind of Challenge?”

16.00-16.15 Discussion and Conclusion

The workshop is supported by the Czech Academy of Sciences within the Strategy AV21 framework, the CEFRES in Prague and Université Paris-Nanterre (HAR EA 4414).