CEFRES Epistemological Seminar

The first introductive session will be hosted by Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES’ director), Chiara Mengozzi (FF UK, associate researcher at CEFRES) and Mitchell Young (IMS FSV UK).

Jerôme Heurtaux and Mitchell Young will introduce the seminar and present general remarks about concepts and their uses in humanities and social sciences.

Chiara Mengozzi will review the achievement of the epistemological seminar so far, propose some ideas for the present academic year and briefly introduce the question of “migration” of concepts and theories from one discipline or context to another.

To introduce this session, we shall base our discussion on the following texts:

  • John Gerring, “What Makes a Concept Good? A Criterial Framework for Understanding Concept Formation in the Social Sciences”, Polity 31-3, 1999, p. 357-393.
  • Bastien BOSA, „Des concepts et des faits. La double contradiction des sciences sociales“, Labyrinthe 37 2011-2, p. 121-147.

To get the texts, please write to Claire Madl (claire[at]cefres.cz)

During this session, the program of the winter semester will be set up.

Minority Perspective and the Trouble with Liberal Discourses. Thinking History of Jewish/Yiddish Culture in Polish Context

A lecture by Karolina Szymaniak (Wroclaw University) in the frame of the seminar on Modern Jewish History of the Institute of Contemporary History (AV ČR) and CEFRES in partnership with the Masaryk Institute (AV ČR).

Where: CEFRES library, Na Florenci 3, 110 00 Prague 1
When: from 5:30 pm to 7 pm
Language: English


When in 1988 poet Marcin Świetlicki formulated in the now famous poem his sharp criticism of the rhetorics of cultural opposition and its possession by history, he wrote: „Instead of saying: I have a toothache, I’m/ hungry, I’m lonely (…)/ they say quietly: Wanda/ Wasilewska, Cyprian Kamil Norwid,/ Józef Piłsudski, the Ukraine, Lithuania/ Thomas Mann, the Bible, and at the end a little something/ in Yiddish” (trans. W. Martin). As Eugenia Prokop-Janiec has shown, in the 1980s Yiddish came to be treated as a part of the code of independent culture, and investment with it became a form of resistance. But what was this undefined „little something” and what tradition was underlying its presence in the Polish discourse? What meaning and content was it endowed with? How does this tradition bear on contemporary representations of the Jewish Polish past and the way we write the history of culture in Poland?

The talk is a discussion of existing and possible approaches to the study of Yiddish Polish cultural contacts in the 20th century, their limits, and ramifications. It is a working presentation of an on-going project. By turning to the history of Yiddish Polish cultural relations and their discourse, and interpreting them through a different lens of cultural studies, the study also seeks to think other ways of conceptualizing history of culture in Poland. An approach that includes the minority perspectives and respects their independence, and create a space where the „little something” turns into a complex polyphonic phenomenon in its own rights.

Concluding seminar 2017/2018


9:30 Clara Royer: Introduction

10:00 Martin Pjecha: The Táborites in Christian apocalypticism

10:35 Adéla Klinerová: Reception of French Early Modern Architecture within 19th-Century Historicism in the Czech Lands and Central Europe

11:05 Break

11:20 Dan Cîrjan: Regulating Citizenship through Debt in 1920s Romania

12:05 Florence Vychytil-Baudoux: Studying Polonia from a transnational perspective: reconciling unity and diversity

12:40 Lunch break

14:00 Julien Wacquez: The Implementation of Fiction Within Science: the Case Study of the Dyson Sphere

15:35 Yuliya Moskvina: State, Squat, Society: the limits to urban commons

16:10 Aníbal Arregui: Editorial Boar: Animal Amendements on Barcelona Urban Relationality

16:45 Break

17:00 Anna Gnot: Indirect and direct autobiographism in the late work of Ota Filip (2000-2018)

17:35 Thomas Mercier: The Threshold of Europe: Derrida in Prague

Assessing 1968: Intertwining Experiences from Paris, Prague and Berlin

Venue: Maison de l’Europe, Jungmannova 24, 110 00 Prague 1
: 5-8:30 PM
Organizers: CEFRES and IFP
Partners: Centre Marc Bloch, Institut français de Berlin et Université Paris Nanterre, avec le soutien de l’Institut français de Paris
Language: Czech and French (with simultaneous interpretation)

This discussion on the memory of 1968 on the basis of the 2018 commemorations in Berlin, Prague and Nanterre (Paris) will benefit from the testimonies and discussions with film director Olga Sommerová and writer and journalist Eda  Kriseová. Continue reading Assessing 1968: Intertwining Experiences from Paris, Prague and Berlin

Michael Werner: Music as a Universal Form of Art?

Music as a Universal Form of Art ? Internationalization of Musical Life and Forming of National Identity in 19th Century Europe

A lecture by Michael Werner (CNRS-EHESS) on the occasion of the workshop When All Roads Led to Paris.

When & Where: from 6 pm to 7:30 pm, French Institute in Prague, Štěpánská 35, Prague 1, 5th floor
Language: French with simultaneous translation in Czech

Abstract (FR)
Dans la conférence, on reviendra sur les transformations de la vie musicale en Europe au 19e siècle, en particulier relatives au concert. On assiste en effet à un phénomène paradoxe : d’un côté une véritable internationalisation, fondée, entre autres, sur la mobilité des musiciens, la constitution d’un répertoire, l’émergence d’un marché et d’une presse spécialisée ou encore la professionnalisation des métiers de la musique. De l’autre une nationalisation progressive des schèmes interprétatifs de la musique et des phénomènes de réception, voire l’appropriation de la musique par les mouvements nationaux. On proposera quelques outils d’analyse permettant d’éclairer ces mutations et de les inscrire dans une histoire croisée des cultures en Europe.

Michael Werner is a research director at Centre national de la recherche scientifique, and a lecturer at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. His main focus is history of social and cultural relations between France and Germany between and 18th and 20th century. Along with Michel Espagne he introduced a theory of cultural transfers; with Bénédicte Zimmermann he then developed a similar concept of „histoire croisée“, i.e. entangled history. Besides cultural transfers between France and Germany, Michael Werner focuses also on the perspectives of entangled history in humanities, on literary science and social history of music. The latter will be the subject of his Prague lecture.

  • Begegnungen mit Heine. Berichte der Zeitgenossen, Hamburg, 1973, 2 vol.
  • avec Michel Espagne, La construction d’une référence culturelle allemande en France: genèse et histoire (1750-1914), Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations 42, 1987, no 4, p. 969-992.
  • avec Bénédicte Zimmermann (éds.), De la comparaison à l’histoire croisée, Paris, 2004.
  • Musikgeschichte als « Histoire croisée ». Zu den Verflechtungen des Musiklebens, in : Anne-Madeleine Goulet, Gesa zur Nieden (éds), Europäische Musiker in Venedig, Rom und Neapel (1650-1750) / Les musiciens européens à Venise, Rome et Nâples (1650-1750), Kassel, Laaber, 2015 (Analecta musicologica 52), p. 49-67.

Illustration : The Piano Lesson, Edmund Blair Leighton (1896)


When All Roads Led to Paris. Artistic Exchanges Between France and Central Europe in the 19th Century


OrganizersKristýna Hochmuth (ÚDU FF UK, NG) and Adéla Klinerová (ÚDU FF UK, EPHE, CEFRES)
When & Where: 26-27 June 2018, AV ČR, Národní 3, Prague 1
Languages: French and English

This workshop, organized by CEFRES, the Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ÚDU AV ČR), the National Gallery in Prague (NG) and the Institute of Art History of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University (ÚDU FF UK) is open to PhD students, post doctoral students and young researchers. Our discussions will be initiated by a keynote speech by professor Marek Zgórniak, Institute of Art History, Jagiellonian University, Kraków. A complementary program will be open to active participants and public.
The goal of the workshop is to look at French art history from the viewpoint of the cultural transfer theory. It will touch upon various aspects of the spreading of French culture and art (painting, sculpture, architecture, applied arts) but also the fields of museology and cultural heritage protection.

Call for papers.

Opening conference by Marek Zgórniak : “Artistic Exchanges with France During the XIXth Century : The Polish Case”

Marek Zgórniak is a art historian, professor at the Jagellone University of Krakow. The XIXth century architecture – in particular the neo-Renaissance architecture – is one of his main interests, as much as the pre-impressionist French art – his PhD thesis was about the Venitian designs in French painting. Marek Zgórniak worked later on the Polnish painter Jan Matejko, whose paintings were exhibited at the Paris Salon. He also worked on the reasons why gorillas kidnap women in French sculptor Emmanuel Frémiet art.

  • Wokół neorenesansu w architekturze XIX wieku, Kraków 1987 (nouvelle édition: Kraków 2013).
  • Autour du Salon de 1887. Matejko et les Français, in: L. Salomé (éd.), Jeanne d’Arc, les tableaux de l’histoire, Paris 2003, 65–79.
  • Fremiet’s Gorillas: Why Do They Carry off Women?, Artibus et Historiae 27, no 54, 2006, 219–237.
  • Polish students at the Académie Julian until 1919, RIHA Journal, August 2012, nepag.

Invited by the organisers to present the Polish case, Marek Zgórniak will attempt to give an overview of the developments in French-Polish artistic exchange from the late 18th till the early 20th centuries in the country partitioned between three neighbouring powers. The political situation of Polish lands, as well as complex and changing social and ethnic factors make the task difficult, and instead of one “case” one has to deal with cases of several (at least three) fairly distinct regions. The speaker will discuss in brief the state of research, which is patchy and does not always permit to draw conclusions about certain phenomena.


Tuesday 26 June 2018, room 205 (2nd floor)

9h – 9h30 Registration of participants

9h30 – 10h Opening and introduction

10h – 11h
Keynote lecture by Marek Zgórniak (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
Artistic Exchanges with France During the 19th Century: The Polish Case

Coffee break

11h30 – 13h30
I. Transmission of style, models, ideas
Chair: Richard Biegel (Charles University, Prague)

Karolina Stefanski (Technical University of Berlin)
Transformation of French Empire Style in Silver from Berlin, Warsaw and Vienna, 1797-1848

Emeline Houssard (Sorbonne University, Paris / Centre André Chastel, Paris)
Paris-Berlin-Vienne, nouveau regard sur les marchés couverts de quartier (1838-1884)

Adéla Klinerová (Charles University, Prague / École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris / CEFRES)
La référence française dans les revues d’architecture du XIXe siècle : le cas des revues publiées par la Société des architectes et ingénieurs du Royaume de Bohême

Lunch break

15h – 18h
II. Experience of the Parisian milieu: Art education, salons, artists’ colonies
Chair: Michael Werner (CNRS / École des Hautes Études en sciences sociales, Paris)

Konrad Niemira (École normale supérieure, Paris / University of Warsaw)
Shopping in Paris? Michał Hieronim Radziwiłł and French Art Market 1788-1802

Kristýna Hochmuth (Charles University, Prague / National Gallery in Prague)
Couture ou Cogniet? La première vague d’artistes tchèques en France

Coffee break

Stéphanie Baumewerd (Technical university of Berlin)
« Steffeck et son école d’après le modèle parisien ». L’atelier de Carl Steffeck (1818-1890) comme exemple de la formation artistique transnationale au XIXe siècle

Stéphane Paccoud (Museum of Fine Arts, Lyon)
« L’école de Paul Delaroche ». Un modèle français pour une peinture d’histoire nationale en Europe centrale

Wednesday 27 June 2018, room 108 (1st floor)

9h – 11h
III. Network: Individual mediators
Chair: Taťána Petrasová (Czech Academy of Sciences)

Réka Krasznai (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest / Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest)
Réseaux et médiateurs – de Gautier à Munkácsy – et leur rôle dans les stratégies d’émergence et de carrière des peintres hongrois à Paris 

Kati Renner (Technical University of Dresden / Berlinische Galerie)
Bringing Paris to Florence. Otto Hettner (1875-1931) and the Dissemination of Modern Artistic Ideas around 1900

Barbara Vujanović (University of Zagreb / Museums of Ivan Meštrović – Meštrović Atelier, Zagreb)
Ivan Meštrović. Exemples de diplomatie culturelle entre Paris et Prague

Coffee break

11h30 – 13h
IV. Network: Transmission of savoir-faire 
Chair: Taťána Petrasová (Czech Academy of Sciences)

Anežka Mikulcová (Charles University, Prague)
French “silhouette” versus Czech “shadow image”

Małgorzata Grąbczewska (University of Gdańsk / Royal Łazienki Museum, Warsaw)
La diffusion de la pensée et du savoir-faire photographique entre la France et la Pologne au XIXe siècle

13h Conclusion

Guided visit of the National Gallery in Prague – Veletržní palace with Kristýna Hochmuth
Including part of the permanent collection as well as the temporary exhibition The End of the Golden Times. Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and the Viennese modernism.
Meeting point: Entrance hall of the museum, Dukelských hrdinů 47, Prague 7

18h – 19h30
Lecture by Michael Werner (CNRS-EHESS)
Music as a Universal Form of Art? Internationalization of Musical Life and Forming of National Identity in 19th Century Europe

Venue: French Institute in Prague, Štěpánská 35, Prague 1, 5th floor
Language: French with simultaneous translation in Czech

Abstract (FR)
The lecture elaborates on the transformations of European 19th century musical life, with special focus on concerts. Paradoxically, along the internationalisation of this musical life, due to the mobility of the musicians, the constitution of a repertoire, the rise of specific market and press, and the professionalization of musical trades, the interpretative patterns and reception phenomena grew increasingly national. One can even speak of the appropriation of music by national movements. The lecture will call forth a few analytical tools that allow to cast a light on such evolutions and to ground them in a histoire croisée of European cultures.