“The Spirit of the Laws”. Presentation of the Czech translation

Hana Fořtová presents her Czech translation of Montesquieu’s The Spirit of the laws at the CEFRES library, on the occasion of the publication of the last volume by Oikoymenh publisher.

The first scientific edition of this major text of the European thought gives way for the Czech audience to Montesquieu’s notes and to a contemporary critical commentary .

Montesquieu, O duchu zákonů II., Obrana Ducha zákonů ; přeložila a poznámkami opatřila Hana FořtováPraha, OIKOYMENH, 2015, 584 s. Continue reading “The Spirit of the Laws”. Presentation of the Czech translation

Private Actors in Politics and Policy-Making: Trespassers Producing Norms?

A Platform CEFRES workshop organized by Jana Vargovčíková (CEFRES & FF UK) and Kateřina Merklová (FF UK).
Where: CEFRES, Národní 18, conference room on 7th floor.
Language: English.

See the call for papers here.


Hélène Michel (SAGE, Institut d’Études Politiques in Strasbourg) Michael Smith (CERGE-EI, Czech Academy of Sciences) Ondřej Císař (Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences) Mitchell Young (Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague).

9:15-9:30 — Welcome & Opening
9:30-11:30 — Panel 1

Armèle Cloteau, Laboratoire Printemps, UVSQ –Paris Saclay, France: “The Angels of Europe – European External Affairs employees: in-house entrepreneurs of Europe”

Lola Avril, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France: “Lobbying and influence: lawyers in competition law as actor in european policies”

Oriane Calligaro, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium: “The Open Society Foundation, Advocacy NGOs and the Making of EU Anti-Discriminatory Norms”

11:30-11:45 —  Coffee Break
11:45-13:00 — Panel 2

Katarína Svitková, Charles University, Czech Republic: “The Role of Private and Hybrid Actors in Urban Resilience and Security”

Olivier Gajac, Centre Émile Durkheim, Bordeaux, France: “The Private Universities in the Education System in Turkey: Shared Interests Among Economic Actors, Political Power and New Elites”

13:00-14:30 — Lunch
14:30-15:50 — Panel 3            

Jaromír Mazák, Tomáš Diviák, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic: “Transactions in multidimensional social networks: The case of the Reconstruction of the State”

Tomáš Korda, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic: “Emancipation of the universal will from the particular one”

15:50-16:00 —Coffee Break
16:00-17:20 — Panel 4

Milos Resimic, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary: “The role of networks in privatization in post-Milosevic Serbia”

Vít Šimral, University Hradec Králové, Czech Republic: “Regulating Lobbying in Europe: No Model Fits All”