Written Culture and Society in the Bohemian Lands 16th-18th Century

dívka s knihouA Workshop Around Roger Chartier

Where: Institute of Czech Literature of the Czech Academy of Sciences – Na Florenci 3, Prague 1, Entrance C, 3rd Floor
Languages: English and French


9:30–10:00 Pavel Sládek (Faculty of Arts, Charles University)
Fragility of Hebrew Printing and Its Impact (c. 1520 – c. 1650): Printing Press as an Agent of Destruction

10:00–10:30 Veronika Čapská (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University)
Textual Practices, Cultural and Economic Exchange in the (Swéerts)-Sporck Milieu at the Turn of the Baroque and Enlightenment

10:30–11:00 Michael Wögerbauer (Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences)
“No Applause Please or I Shall Put My Pen Down Forever”. Maria Anna Sager’s Novels Die verwechselten Schwestern (1771) and Karolinens Tagebuch (1774) and the Problem of the Near-to-non-circulation of a text

11:00–11:30 Break

11:30–12:00 Claire Madl (CEFRES/Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences)
Which boundaries for which Readership? Enlarging and Diversifying the Reading Public through Advertising

12:00–12:30 Daniela Tinková (Faculty of Arts, Charles University)
The “Dangerous Correspondance“ of the “Red Priests“ from Moravia. The French Revolution and the Formation of a Public Space in the Czech Lands