Franco-Czech historical seminar

CEFRES has resumed the partnership with the Institute of Czech History of Faculty of Arts (Charles University in Prague) to organise a historical seminar. This weekly seminar, which is open to Czech francophone students and French students on the Erasmus programme, invites French researchers to speak about a unifying topic chosen each semester.

Date and time: Thursdays, from 9am to 12:30am (seminar and worskhop)
Venue: Faculty of Arts, Charles University (nám. J. Palacha 2, hall no. 201). Due to sanitary restrictions, the seminar is presently held online. To register, please contact Jaroslav Svátek: jaroslav.svatek(@)
Language: French
First semester topic: Alterity

Presentation of the seminar:
The societies in the face of alterity and diversity

Every year, the Franco-Czech seminar and the historical science workshop focus on a transversal and interdisciplinary topic. In 2020, the seminar will study how the societies, in different historical and cultural contexts, face, grasp and deal with alterity and diversity. Through the examination of several cases, we will be asking in particular how the relationships between different religions (for example between Muslims and Christians, Protestants and Catholics), but also the relationships with different “minorities” (religious, national, sexual and others), have been perceived in history.

Several areas for reflection could be followed on:

  • The categories of alterity: the fool, the foreigner, the immigrant, the refugee, sub-national or extra-national alterity, real or imagined;
  • The operations of construction of alterity, categorization and labeling, marking, qualification and disqualification;
  • The management systems of alterity: edicts of tolerance and systems of religious coexistence, migration and integration policies, policies of diversity, policies of exclusion, state racism;
  • The lived realities of alterity: discrimination, racism, stigmatization, indifference;
  • The conflicts which involve alterity: fights, pogroms, ethnic conflicts, genocides.

Programme of summer semester 2021

February 18th 2021
Véronique GRUCA (CEFRES / Charles University)
Seminar: When the Other is Closest: Neighbourhood relations among the Buryats in rural Mongolia
Workshop: Photographing Mongolian Shamanic Rituals. 

February 25th 2021
Seminar: From One Chancellery To Another: The European Circulation of Chancellery Writings (13th-15th c.) 
Workshop: Foreigners in Bohemia? The notaries of the Chancellery of John of Luxembourg

March 4th 2021
( Lyon III University)
Seminar: Joinville on the Customs of the Bedouins, Mongols, Mamluks
Workshop: The Templars in accusation

March 11th 2021 
Cécile GAUTHIER (University of Reims)
Seminar and workshop : “Black” Otherness and National Identity

March 18th 2021
To be published soon.

March 25th 2021
Seminar: Handling Social Otherness: Friendship in a Society of Orders
Workshop: Introducing Otherness into the ‘Imperial and Royal Schools’: the Czech ABC’s attempts at typographical innovation around 1800

April 1st 2021

April 8th 2021
Laurent VISSIERE (Sorbonne University)
Seminar: Vampires
Worskhop: The Art of Insult in Times of Siege

April 15th 2021
Seminar: Reflection on Crises in the 18th century
Atelier: Societies Facing Otherness and Diversity (Holy Roman Empire in modern times)

April 22th 2021
(Sorbonne University)
Seminar: Religious Otherness, Political Otherness: some examples on Bohemia in the Thirty Years’ War
Worskhop: Otherness on the Shelves: books censored in 16th- and 17th-century libraries

April 29th 2021
(University of Perpignan)
Seminar and workshop: Jews and Muslim Slaves in the Medieval City of Perpignan

May 6th 2021
( Masaryk University of Brno)
Roman historique vendéen et chouan du XIXe siècle: vers une construction romanesque de l’altérité

May 13th 2021
Frédérique LACHAUD (Sorbonne University)
Seminar and worskhop: “The Foreigner” as a Social, Cultural and Political Construction in England, 11th-12th century

May 20th 2021
Examination (seminar)

Workshop : Oral exam at the end of May (to be specified soon)

See the programme of the previous semester on this website.

French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences – Prague