Decolonizing Feminism – Grand Entretien with Françoise Vergès
On the occasion of the publication in the Czech edition of Un féminisme décolonial (La Fabrique, 2019) by Karolinum, CEFRES, the French Institute in Prague and Charles University invite you to a Great Interview with the author Françoise Vergès.
When: Wednesday, 12/3 2025, 6 pm
Location: French Institute in Prague, Štěpánská 35, Prague 1, 5th floor
Language: French with simultaneous Czech interpretation
Moderator: Chiara Mengozzi (CEFRES / Faculty of Arts, Charles University)
Who cleans up the world? It is with this question that Françoise Vergès introduces a decolonial feminism, taking as her starting point the underpaid, underestimated work that women, the majority of them racialised, do every day, all over the world, to make a society work. This feminism sees itself as the only one with a true understanding of women’s rights. Françoise Vergès defends an anti-racist and anti-capitalist feminism. Continue reading Grand Entretien with Françoise Vergès