Tag Archives: Normes & transgressions

CFP – Queer Materiality: Becoming-Relations 

This international conference is jointly organised by Department of Czech and Comparative Literature (Faculty of Arts, Charles University), the Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts, Charles University), CEFRES, the Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, v. v. i. (Slovak Academy of Sciences) and Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics – Prague (CETE-P) (the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences).

Deadline for submissions: October 31, 2025
Date: March 12–13, 2026
Location: Charles University, Faculty of Arts & CEFRES, Prague
Language: English (Slovak and Czech are also accepted)

Coordinators: Michaela Rumpíková, Mateusz Chmurski, Josef Šebek, Iwona Janicka, Alžbeta Kuchtová, Eva Voldřichová Beránková
Scientific Committee: TBC

Prof. Jack Halberstam (Columbia University),
Dr. Bogdan Popa (Transylvania University),
Hélène Giannecchini (to be confirmed)

In their 2009 book Frames of War: When Is Life Grievable, Judith Butler attempts to rethink “the complex and fragile character of the social bond and to consider what conditions might make violence less possible, lives more equally grievable, and, hence, more livable” (2009: 1). With multiple ideological conflicts around the globe, Butler’s project remains relevant. While the Czech and Slovak governments still refuse to acknowledge the Istanbul agreement, elsewhere in Central and Eastern Europe we can observe an underlying tension around LGBTQI+ and other minorities’ rights. Continue reading CFP – Queer Materiality: Becoming-Relations 

Grand Entretien with Françoise Vergès

Decolonizing Feminism – Grand Entretien with Françoise Vergès

On the occasion of the publication in the Czech edition of Un féminisme décolonial (La Fabrique, 2019) by Karolinum, CEFRES, the French Institute in Prague and Charles University invite you to a Great Interview with the author Françoise Vergès.

When: Wednesday, 12/3 2025, 6 pm
Location: French Institute in Prague, Štěpánská 35, Prague 1, 5th floor
Language: French with simultaneous Czech interpretation
Moderator: Chiara Mengozzi (CEFRES / Faculty of Arts, Charles University)

Who cleans up the world? It is with this question that Françoise Vergès introduces a decolonial feminism, taking as her starting point the underpaid, underestimated work that women, the majority of them racialised, do every day, all over the world, to make a society work. This feminism sees itself as the only one with a true understanding of women’s rights. Françoise Vergès defends an anti-racist and anti-capitalist feminism. Continue reading Grand Entretien with Françoise Vergès

Iwona Janicka. Research & CV

Living on Earth: Philosophies of Habitability in the 21st Century

Axis of research 2. Norms and transgressions.

Contact: Janicka(@)flu.cas.cz

Iwona Janicka is Research Team Leader at the Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics – Prague (CETE-P) and Senior Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. She works in contemporary environmental and political philosophy. Her CEFRES project entitled “Living on Earth: Philosophies of Habitability in the 21st Century” contributes to axis 2: Norms and transgressions. For more information, please consult CETE-P and her personal webpage.

Tetiana Karabin – Research & CV

“Challenges of the Europeanization of the Public Law of Ukraine”

Contact: tetyana.karabin[@]uzhnu.edu.ua

Research area 2 – Norms and transgressions

Tetiana Karabin is a head of the Department of administrative, financial and informative law, Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine. She specializes in administrative law, administrative procedure, ratio of powers of public authorities. The issues of Ukrainian administrative law transformation of norms under the influence of European integration processes and the principles of good administration as well are in the focus of her interests. She is the author of the book Rozpodil povnovazhenʹ publichnoyi administratsiyi (Distribution of powers of public administration). Uzhhorod: Hrazhda, 2016 [in Ukrainian].   Continue reading Tetiana Karabin – Research & CV

Jan Musil – Research & CV

“Thanatographies and the Modes of Literary Mourning”

Contact : me@janmusil.net 

Research Area 2 

In my research at the Department of Czech and Comparative Literature, Charles University, I am looking at autobiographical narratives concerned with the death of a close person and mourning, which I call thanatographies. 

In the contexts of claims that death had been made into a taboo during the 20th century (Ariès, Becker, Ohler, Jankélévitch, etc.), I understand thanatographies, emerging mainly in the second half of the period, as counter-narratives that treat death in its different forms, such as death of the other, grief, fear of own death, processes of dying, hospitalization, suicide, etc. in a sensitive and complex manner. If the norm is death that is on the one hand inexpressible or radically Other, or, on the other hand, aesthesized, objectified and medicalized, then the transgression is death, dying and grief as a subjective experience, communicated through writing, which is aware of its own performative nature (de Man) and seeks a sense of agency in the grieving process (Blumenberg). I am mainly interested in how mourning is staged using literary means, and I offer alternatives to the widespread Freudian reading of grief writing (not just thanatographies, but elegies and other commemorative genres, too) as work of mourning.  Continue reading Jan Musil – Research & CV