This international conference is jointly organised by Department of Czech and Comparative Literature (Faculty of Arts, Charles University), the Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts, Charles University), CEFRES, the Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, v. v. i. (Slovak Academy of Sciences) and Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics – Prague (CETE-P) (the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences).
Deadline for submissions: October 31, 2025
Date: March 12–13, 2026
Location: Charles University, Faculty of Arts & CEFRES, Prague
Language: English (Slovak and Czech are also accepted)
Coordinators: Michaela Rumpíková, Mateusz Chmurski, Josef Šebek, Iwona Janicka, Alžbeta Kuchtová, Eva Voldřichová Beránková
Scientific Committee: TBC
Prof. Jack Halberstam (Columbia University),
Dr. Bogdan Popa (Transylvania University),
Hélène Giannecchini (to be confirmed)
In their 2009 book Frames of War: When Is Life Grievable, Judith Butler attempts to rethink “the complex and fragile character of the social bond and to consider what conditions might make violence less possible, lives more equally grievable, and, hence, more livable” (2009: 1). With multiple ideological conflicts around the globe, Butler’s project remains relevant. While the Czech and Slovak governments still refuse to acknowledge the Istanbul agreement, elsewhere in Central and Eastern Europe we can observe an underlying tension around LGBTQI+ and other minorities’ rights. Continue reading CFP – Queer Materiality: Becoming-Relations