Tag Archives: Political Expression

A Subaltern That Sings

A Subaltern That Sings:
From Sound Resistance to Musical Diplomacy in Wartime Ukraine

A project developed within CU-CNRS Tandem Program supported by Charles University, CNRS and CEFRES

Project principal investigators: Valeriya Korablyova, Louisa Martin-Chevalier

The joint TANDEM project “A Subaltern That Sings: From Sound Resistance to Musical Diplomacy in Wartime Ukraine” by Dr Valeriya Korablyova and Dr Louisa Martin-Chevalier is dedicated to the musical dimension of Ukrainian resistance as a vehicle for escaping the subaltern position of a double periphery in the blind spot between the EU and Russia. The overlap between musical production and political resistance has always been indicative of the Ukrainian public scene: from the musical underground in late Soviet times to the iconic songs codifying the core meanings behind the mass protests. By co-imagining future-oriented sovereign imaginaries in unison and making them audible, people manifest themselves as sovereign citizens and create affective ties among themselves and with others across national borders who sympathize with their cause. Importantly, by the same token, they prefigure and bring about a new political reality. Continue reading A Subaltern That Sings