Valeriya Korablyova. Recherche & CV

Une subalterne qui chante :
De la
résistance sonore à la diplomatie musicale dans l’Ukraine en guerre

Axe de recherche 1 : Déplacements, dépaysements et décalages

Contact : valeriya.korablyova[@]

Valeriya Korablyova est sociologue et spécialiste de théorie politique; elle travaille sur les transformations post-soviétiques en Ukraine et dans la région. Ses recherches se concentrent sur la politique performative et sur l’entrecroiseement des héritages impériaux et coloniaux. Elle est maîtresse de conférences au Département d’études russes et est-européennes et dirige le centre de recherche « Ukraine in a Changing Europe » à l’Institut d’études internationales de la Faculté des Sciences sociales de l’Université Charles. Valeriya Korablyova a obtenu son habilitation (D. of Sc. degree) en 2015 à l’université nationale Taras Shevchenko de Kiev, avec le livre Social Meanings of Ideology (Kyiv University, 2014) consacrées aux transformations de la modernité européenne, dont l’éthique de la solidarité qui sous-tend le soulèvement de Maidan est un cas spécifique. Elle a obtenu différentes bourses et a été professeure invitée, en particulier à l’université de Stanford, à l’Institut des sciences humaines (IWM) de Vienne, à l’université de Bâle, à l’université Justus Liebig de Giessen. Plus récemment, elle a présenté des exposés sur les larges implications de la guerre d’agression russe pour l’imaginaire politique européen et les structures de production des connaissances. Parmi ces dernières publications sur ce sujet :  

“Fighting Russia’s ‘Dark Power’: The ‘Bright Power’ of Enacted Values” in Putin’s Europe. Russian Influence in European Democracy (European Liberal Forum, 2023);  

‘Why Is Ukraine Important? Challenging the colonial and Cold War legacies in European social sciences’ in Soziologie (vol. 52, no. 3, 2023);  

‘Russia vs. Ukraine: A Subaltern Empire Against The “Populism of Hope”’ in Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Studia Territorialia (# 2 2022);  

Elle a dirigé le numéro spécial de la revue Topos : “Transformations of Society and Academia in the Wake of the Russian War in Ukraine: Urgent Notes” (#2 2022). 

Pendant deux ans (2024-2026), elle travaille en collaboration avec Louisa Martin-Chevalier (Sorbonne Université) dans le cadre du programme TANDEM CU-CNRS sur le projet « A Subaltern That Sings: From Sound Resistance to Musical Diplomacy in Wartime Ukraine ». 



 2015 – Habilitation (Dr. of Sc.) in Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine), Dissertation: “Social Meanings of Ideology in Contemporary  Society”. 

 2006 – Ph.D. in Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine). Dissertation: “The Representation of the Idea of Generation in Socio-Cultural Contexts.” 

 2003 – MA in Sociology (with highest honors; Personal Stipend from the President of Ukraine), V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine).  

 2001 – BA in Sociology (with highest honors; Personal Stipend from the President of Ukraine), V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine).  


 Since February 2023 – Leader of the Research Centre “Ukraine in a Changing Europe”, Institute of International Studies, Charles University 

Since September 2022 – Assistant Professor, Department of Russian and East European Studies, Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University 

September 2020 – August 2022 – Senior Research Fellow, Department of East European Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University 

September 2018 – September 2019 – Senior Research Fellow, Department of Russian and East European Studies, Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University 

September 2017 – June 2018 – Professor, Department of Philosophy of Humanities, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv  


 January – November 2023 – International conference “600 Days of the All-Out War: Fighting for Freedom, Fighting for Democracy” (Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, PI, € 3500) 

November 2022 – November 2023 – „Cultural transformations of society at war: practices, agencies, shifting identities“ (4EU+/UA/F2/08; PI, 100k CZK); “Integration of Ukrainian refugee children and underage IDPs in the comparative perspective (Czech republic – Ukraine)” (4EU+/UA/F2/05; PI, 100k CZK); “Public launch of the research centre “Ukraine in a Changing Europe” (4EU+/UA/F2/10; PI, 100k CZK). 

October 2019 – March 2020 – Visiting Professor in Ukrainian Studies, Justus Liebig University of Giessen, Giessen Centre for East European Studies (GiZO), Department of Sociology. Research project “Post-Soviet Ukraine between population, citizenry, and spectatorship”.  

September 2018 – February 2019 – EU Operational Programme “Research, Development and Education”, Charles University, Department of Russian and East European Studies. Research project: “Metamorphosis of Eastern Europe: Back to the Future?”. 

February – July 2018 – Ukrainian Research in Switzerland (URIS) Fellowship, University of Basel. Research project: “Re-Inventing Ukraine: nation-building in the post-national era.”  

September 2015 – June 2016 – Ukraine in European Dialogue Programme Fellowship, Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna. Research project: “EuroMaidan as the trace of ‘equaliberty’: recapitulation of modern European values”. 

October 2014 – February 2015 – Carnegie Research Fellowship Program, Stanford University, USA. Research project: “Ideology in contemporary Ukraine: social topography”. 


 “Fighting Russia’s ‘Dark Power’: The ‘Bright Power’ of Enacted Values” in Hodun, M. & Cappelletti, F. (eds) Putin’s Europe. Russian Influence in European Democracy, European Liberal Forum, 2023, pp. 104-125. 

“The decolonization of education and research in Belarus and Ukraine: theoretical challenges and practical tasks” in Canadian Slavonic Papers, 2023, 

October 2023 – keynote speech “Russia’s War as an Epistemological Challenge: “Banal Imperialism” in the (Inter-)Disciplinary Knowledge Production” at the International conference “War and Peace in Ukraine: reflecting, Studying and Engaging Across Disciplines” (University of Bielefeld, Germany) 

September 2023 – keynote speech “(Re-)Politicization of Culture in Times of War: Culture as Weapon / Shield / Stigma / Civic Space” at the 4EU+ Interdisciplinary workshop “Role of Culture in Times of War and Post-War Reconstruction. The Case of Ukraine” (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University) 

Why is Ukraine important? Challenging the colonial and Cold War legacies in European social sciences. In: Soziologie. Jenseits des Postsowjetismus: Zur Rolle der Soziologie in der (Ost-)Europaforschung, Vol. 3, 2023: 309-319. 

Russia vs Ukraine: A Subaltern Empire Against the “Populism of Hope”. In: Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Studia Territorialia, # 2, 2022: 39-60. DOI: 

Who Owns The Ukrainian State? Tensions between the People and the Elites After 1991. In: Gawrich, A.; Haslinger, P.; Wingender, M. (eds.). Analyzing conflict settings. Case studies from Eastern Europe with a focus on Ukraine, Harrassowitz: 25-44. DOI: 10.13173/9783447117715.025 

Korablyova, V. (ed.). Topos. # 2, 2022: Transformation of society and academia in the wake of the Russian war in Ukraine: urgent notes. DOI: 10.24412/1815-0047-2022-2-7-11 

January 2022 – public lecture “Performing Citizenship in Post-1991 Ukraine: between ‘street politics’ and ‘audience democracy’” (Research Center for the History of Transformations (RECET), University of Vienna, Austria) 

Contemporary Ukraine: Borderland – Bloodland – Neverland? In: Susan S. Pierce,  E. Sojka (eds.) Cultural Change in East-Central European and Eurasian Spaces: Post-1989 Revisions and Re-Imaginings, Springer, 2021, 17-32. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-63197-0_2 

Еurope as an Object of Desire: Ukraine between “Psychological Europe” and the “Soviet Mentality”. In: Topos, 2020, # 2, 79-99. 

Ukraine After 1991 Between Citizenry and Spectatorship: From Mass Protests to Ocular Democracy, presentation at the International conference “Ukrainian Studies Today: State of the Art in Switzerland”, University of Basel, 29-31 January 2020. 

EuroMaidan and the 1989 legacy: solidarity in action? In: The Long 1989: Decades of Global Revolution / Piotr H. Kosicki, Kyrill Kunakhovich, (eds), CEU Press, 2019, Ch. 9, 231-252.