CFA – TANDEM Program, CNRS / AV ČR 2024-2025

The French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences in Prague (CEFRES) in Prague, the French National Research Center (CNRS), and the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)  are launching the fourth call for applications for the TANDEM incubator program of the CEFRES Platform. TANDEM program endeavors excellency in social sciences and humanities by bringing together Czech and French colleagues to intensify scientific collaboration between our countries in the frame of European Research Area.

The aim of the program is to associate two researchers, one from the CAS and one from CNRS or affiliated to CNRS (i.e. member of an UMR) around a joint research project leading to foster joint Czech-French scientific collaboration through the submission of a project proposal:


One TANDEM team will be selected and will work for two years, starting in February 2024 and it will be based at CEFRES in Prague.

  • The CAS researcher of the TANDEM team will be appointed for 50% of his/her work time at CEFRES with extra salary
  • The researcher from CNRS will benefit subsequently:
  • The TANDEM team will also recruit a post-doctoral researcher co-funded by CEFRES and the Charles University for 2 years (2024-2026). The call will be announced on both Charles University and CEFRES websites.

During the common research period the recipients:

  • will be expected to organize one Czech-French and (Central-)European scientific event at the CEFRES per year (workshop, seminar, conference)
  • will be advised to participate in the common ERC pipeline launched by Charles University & the Czech Academy of Sciences
  • will be offered the support of the Institute of Humanities & Social Sciences of the CNRS in developing European research applications.


The selection will be based on the potential of the team to submit a successful project proposal. Members of the selection committee are representatives of the CAS, CEFRES, CNRS and Charles University.

Project proposals in English (preferred) or in French must be completed and submitted within the stated deadline. Knowledge of English is enough for those interested (the aim of the program is not only to support French-speaking applicants).

It is highly recommended the applicants contact the program coordinators on the behalf of CAS & CEFRES before submitting their proposal: an ad-hoc webinar to discuss both scientific and practical issues may be organized if needed.

IMPORTANT: Information on the TANDEM program is published by the CAS (for researchers from the CAS) and at the same time by the CEFRES (for researchers from the CNRS).

CAS researchers should submit their applications exclusively via the KIS online application ( An approval of the CAS Institute Director is necessary in the KIS application.

CNRS researchers should send their applications to Mr Mateusz Chmurski, Director of CEFRES (please find the contact below).


Opening of the call: March 10, 2023
Deadline for submissions: August 25, 2023, 23:59 CET
Selection of the team by the CAS-CEFRES Committee: September 2023
SMI & delegation / affiliation applications (CNRS): October 2023 / February 2024
Launch of the selected project: February 1, 2024



Please send any inquiries related to your TANDEM application to the following coordinators:

  • Mateusz Chmurski, Director of CEFRES: CEFRES may help CNRS (or CAS) applicants to find potential CAS (or CNRS) research partners, tel.: (+420) 224 921 400
  • Jana Whalen, CAS, Division of International Cooperation, Národní 3, 117 20 Prague 1, , tel.: (+420) 221 403 354