2021-2022 Seminars

CEFRES Seminar

Through the presentation of works in progress, CEFRES’s Seminar aims at raising and discussing issues about methods, approaches or concepts, in a multidisciplinary spirit, allowing everyone to confront her or his own perspectives with the research presented. The seminar can be led by a single researcher or in pairs, be based on a reading or a document, or welcome an external researcher invited to present particularly inspirative work.

Rethinking Psychoanalysis in Central Europe

A seminar organized by Agnieszka Sobolewska (PhD fellow at CEFRES, PhD candidate at Paris-Sorbonne University & Warsaw University) with CEFRES, the Institute of Polish Culture (Warsaw University) and Eur’ORBEM (Paris-Sorbonne University). 

During the cycle of psychoanalytic webinars, we would like to concentrate on the history and specificity of Freudianism in Central Europe. We invited researchers and specialists in different scientific disciplines, such as literary studies, history, anthropology, cultural and gender studies, medicine, and psychotherapy to talk about historical and contemporary psychoanalytic theories and practices in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland. By approaching this topic from different methodological angles, we hope to reveal the transnational character of contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies developing in Central Europe, as well as the interdisciplinary and supranational dimension of psychoanalysis itself.

Webinars for Ukraine

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine marks the return of war to Europe. Although the war dates back to the 2014 armed conflict in Donbas, with the war of aggression against Ukraine, it is now taking on an unprecedented scale. This war is also fought in the field of information and interpretation, posing major challenges for the humanities and social sciences. Located in the heart of Central Europe directly affected by the war, CEFRES is hosting a series of webinars dedicated to the analysis of the war and its effects in the region from the position of humanistic and social scientific inquiry.

First session
Second session

Seminars hosted by CEFRES members

Mémoires et patrimonialisations des migrations (Memory and the heritage of migration)

Date: Winter Semester 2021–2022, Thursdays 12:3014:30
Place: at EHESS and online
Lecturer: Michèle Baussant (CEFRES / CNRS), with Évelyne Ribert (CNRS) and Catherine Perron (Sciences Po)
Language: French

A History of Quantification: Problems and Perspectives in Central Europe

Date: Summer Semester 2021, Thursdays, at 9:30 am
Place: Online, Room YT211, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University
Lecturer: Mátyás Erdélyi (CEFRES / FHS UK)
Language: English

French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences – Prague