Nataliia Romanyshyn: Research & CV

Discursive (De)construction of Ukrainian National Identity: From Totalitarianism to Democracy

Research Area 1. Displacements, “Dépaysements” and Discrepancies: People, Knowledge and Practices

Nataliia Romanyshyn, born in Lutsk, Volyn region in Ukraine. She graduated in Philology at Volyn State University where she continued her PhD studies in the field of communication and lingual pragmatics.

She has been working as an Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Linguistics at Lviv Polytechnic National University since 2006 and later performed her postdoctoral research there. The results of the research conducted in the period from 2014 to 2022 are presented in numerous scientific publications and a monograph “National identity in the poetry of English Romanticism”, Lviv, Publishing house of Lviv Polytechnics, (2021). In the monograph, she reveals cognitive-discursive and cognitive-conceptual nature of national identity and suggests the understanding of national identity as a result of author’s individual and collective artistic cognition and interpretation of different existential categories of ethnic-social universe embodied in the semantic space of a poetic text. Since then, she has become passionate about exploring the complex and evolving nature of national identity and its impact on societies. She adopted the complex approach to the national identity study, which helps reveal the processes of linguistic and discursive construction of national identity and facilitates its understanding in close connection with the creative and cognitive activity of an individual and national community – dynamics of socio-cultural processes, artistic manifestation, tendencies in literary-aesthetic modelling of the reality.  

By the proposed research “Discursive (de)construction of Ukrainian national identity: from totalitarism to democracy”, she seeks to contribute to the CEFRES activities aimed at discussing of “memory, heritage, area, border… in the light of changes occurring since the invasion” and the ways in which national identity is being redefined in the current context. The time period encompassed by the research is characterized by the transition of Ukrainian society from Russian imperial colonized territory / soviet totalitarian enslaved state to independent democracy and can be construed as a specific forms of displacement in terms of shift in circulation of ideas, ideologies, concepts, knowledge and social practices. She tries to demonstrate that the critical points of these shifts coincide with the crucial historic moments for Ukrainian society (the gaining of independence in 1991, the Orange Revolution in 2004, regress in Ukrainian ways for democratic changes and European integration caused by Yanukovych presidency, the Euromaidan and Revolution of Dignity, Russian territorial invasion), and the discourses of these historic periods are marked by considerable cognitive-conceptual displacements and repositioning of the constituents of the model of identity in its dynamics. 



  • 2011: obtained the position of Associate Professor
  • 2004: PhD in Philology (10.02.04. — Germanic languages) 
  • 1991-1996: Student at the Department of English Philology, Lesia Ukrainka Volyn State University

Employment and Scientific experience 

  • 2006-present: Associate professor of the Department of Applied Linguistics, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
  • 2013-2019: Post-doctoral studies, Department of Applied Linguistics, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
  • 2002-2006: Lecturer, Department of Applied Linguistics, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
  • 1997-2000: PhD at the Department of English Philology, Lesia Ukrainka Volyn State University.

Academic courses 

  • Contrastive stylistics of English and Ukrainian
  • Theory and practice of translation
  • Linguistic Pragmatics
  • Communicative linguistics.

Training courses

  • Certificate of advanced training of the Centre of International Education of Lviv National Polytechnic University No. 28-20 dated December 26, 2020 (0.5 credits) (Polish Language Club);
  • Certificate on advanced training of the Centre of International Education of Lviv National Polytechnic University No. 24-21 dated February 11, 2021 (0.5 credits) (International educational projects);
  • Certificate of advanced training of the Centre of International Education of Lviv National Polytechnic University No. 73-21 dated May 31, 2021 (1 credit) (Polish Language Club);
  • Certificate on advanced training of the Centre of International Education of Lviv National Polytechnic University No. 236-21 dated June 2, 2021 (0.5 credits) (International educational projects);
  • Certificate of professional development No. 0576-21 dated 03.12.2021 (1 credit) (Publication strategy of a scientist);
  • Certificate of professional development No. 0942-22 dated 14.10.2022 (2 credits) (Digital tools for organizing classes with students in distance learning conditions).

Research interests

  • Cognitive linguistics
  • Cognitive stylistics
  • Cognitive poetics
  • Linguistic conceptology
  • Discourse studies
  • Linguistic pragmatics
  • Corpus linguistics. 

Professional responsibilities 

  • Guarantor of Educational program, Master level, specialty 035 “Philology”  
  • Member of the project group for accreditation of Educational program, PhD level, speciality 035 “Philology”  
  • Member of the quality management system group at the Department of Applied Linguistics. I am currently working on the development of international cooperation of the department. On my initiative, a Framework Agreement on Cooperation was signed between the University of Wroclaw and the Lviv Polytechnic National University. 
  • Organization of the summer school “Applied Linguistics in the European educational space” from 6.05 to 10.06 2021. In cooperation with the Institute of English Philology of the University of Wroclaw. 
  • I participate in the training and certification of scientific and pedagogical staff; I review dissertations submitted for preliminary defense at the Department of Applied Linguistics, specialty Applied Linguistics and German Languages.  
  • Member of the program committee of the International scientific conference “Man. Computer. Communication” (Institute of computer sciences and information technologies, Applied Linguistics Department, 2017-2019)  
  • Member of the organizing committee and appeal commission of the 2nd stage of the All-Ukrainian English Language Olympiad (2017-2019).  
  • Member of the Appeals Commission of the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty “Translation Studies” (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Foreign Languages, 2021)
  • Co-author of the grant application to National Fund of Researches of Ukraine Dynamics of Ukrainian language space in the context of socio-cultural and political transformations of society, National Fund of Research of Ukraine,  (2021)
  • CEEPUS Mobility grant – The Institute of English Studies, University of Wroclaw, Poland (May 2022)
  • ERASMUS+ Teaching Mobility The Institute of English Studies, University of Wroclaw, Poland (14-19 November 2022)


  • UAM Corpus Tool, WordSmith Tools, AntConc, SentiStrength, LIWC, SDL Trados 
  • Lexical databases WordNet та FrameNet, text corpora BNC, COCA,, GRAK 

Online scientific profiles


  • Romanyshyn, N. Application of corpus technologies in conceptual studies (based on the concept Ukraine actualization in English and Ukrainian political media discourse). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020, 2604, pp. 472–488 
  • Romanyshyn, N. Application of computer technologies in conceptual analysis Concept UKRAINE in modern English and Ukrainian political discourse. International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, 2018, 2, pp. 55–57 
  • Romanyshyn N. Artistic conceptualization of native land in William Wordsworth’s poetry // Academic Journal of Modern Philology. – 2021. – Vol. 12. – P. 137–146.  
  • Nataliya Romanyshyn. Concept land in XIX-XX centuries Ukrainian poetic discourse / Славістичні студії. Етнолінгвістика і міжкультурна комунікація. – Видавництво Католицького Люблінського Університету Іоанна Павла II, Люблін 2018. – С. 9-27. (Slavic studies. Ethnolinguistics and intercultural communication. – Publishing House of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland). 
  • Romanyshyn N. Anthropological dimentions of natural and cultural context in John Keat’s poetry: the dialog between poet and motherland // Лінгвістичні студії. – 2018. – Вип. 36. – С. 84–93.  (Index Copernicus International). 
  • Romanyshyn N. Antiquity and Englishness as literary aesthetic forms of national identity in John Keats’ poetry // Вісник Київського національного лінгвістичного університету. Серія “Філологія”. – 2020. – том 23(1). – С. 41–50. 
  • Monographs 
    • Nataliia Romanyshyn. National identity in the poetry of English Romanticism, Lviv, Lviv Politechnics Publishing house, 2021, 536 p.  
    • Data of Textual corpora in linguistic researches/ eds. V.A. Shyrokov, O/P/ Levchenko, N/I/ Romanyshyn, I.A. Bekhta, Lviv, Lviv Politechnics Publishing house, 2015. 
    • Romanyshyn Nataliya. Concept “Language” in the poetry of the 20th century / Ucrainica VI. Problemy jazyka, literatury a kultury. – Universita Palackiego v Olomoucsi, Olomouc, 2014. – s.311-315 
    • Multidimentional space of philology: collective monograph, Chernivtsi: Yu. Fedkovych Chernivtsi national University, 2020. 

French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences – Prague