Ethnology in the 3rd Millenium: Topics, Methods, Challenges

International Conference organised on the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Institute of Ethnology SAS under the auspices of the European Commission Representation to the Slovak Republic.

Where: SAS Congress Centre, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia

Organizers: T. Podolinská, G. Kiliánová, M. Vrzgulová, K. Popelková (Bratislava, Slovakia), Z. Uherek (Prague, Czech Republic), G. Bárna (Szeged, Hungary), T. Smolińska (Opole, Poland), C. Royer (CEFRES, Prague, Czech Republic)

See the complete program on the SAS Institute of Ethnology website


  1. Thematic and methodological challenges in current ethnology and anthropology
  2. Applied anthropology – How to cope with current social and societal challenges? (migrants, poverty, unemployment, the ageing of Europe, marginalised communities, intercultural communication)
  3. Ritual as a social practice in present-day society (private and public celebrating as a form of establishing personal or group/nation/state identity
  4. Communication and memory: inter-generational transfer (focus on shifting sets of values and behaviours – generation-based focus)
  5. Rumours and their functions in relationships between groups
  6. Cultural heritage
  7. Young Scientist Forum (PhD students´ poster presentation)
  8. V4-Networking Panel (presentation of the recent research of all partners and creating a new platform for further cooperation and networking)