Social Movements and Public Action (2009)

Social Movements and Public Action : Lessons from Environmental Issues
edited by :
Pascal MARTY and Sandrine DEVAUX
Prague, CEFRES, 2009, 193 p.
ISBN 978-80-86311-20-3


Since the end of the 80’s environment issues are taken into account in almost every domain of public action (energy, industry, agriculture, regional development, strategies for sustainable development…). Environment is not any more only related to narrow “green” issues (e.g. waste management, nature and wildlife conservation…). On the other hand, environmental issues have long been promoted by local groups and NGOs representing alternative social movements.
As public action for environment is now acknowledged or presented as a necessity by almost every institutional actor, social movements involved in environmental issues are being put in front of new challenges and particularly participation in public decision-making and institutionalisation.
This book was published with the support of the EU-CONSENT network of excellence, a European Commission Framework 6 programme.

« Environmental NGOs in the raising debate of climate change » (A. Dahan-Dalmedico, Ch. Buffet)
« Social protests and the world of the environmentalists in the Czech Republic » (N. Maslowski)
« The Green Party : an undeserved success ? » (M. Perottino)
« Involvement of the Czech environmental movements in the European game » (S. Devaux)
« Who knows ? Notes on civic epistemology in the Czech Republic » (T. Stöckelová)
« Social participation and environmental assessment policies » (P. Marty)
« Local actors facing environmental issues : a bottom-up approach« (M.-C. Maurel)
« Social actors and environment in local sustainable development initiatives » (A.-L. Lereboullet)

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