All posts by Cefres

Filip Vostal – Research & CV

“Slowing down” Modernity: Risky, Futile or Progressive?

Research Area 2: Norms & Transgressions


Pic Filip VostalFilip has gained his PhD in Sociology form the University of Bristol. His doctoral research critically engaged with some leading authors on social time and acceleration in late capitalism (particularly Hartmut Rosa) and examined how and with what consequences acceleration imperative plays out in contemporary academia.

Filip’s current research still revolves around theories of social acceleration, its socio-theoretical purchase and epistemological limits. He is also exploring possible intersections of acceleration theories and science and technology studies (STS).

As a postdoctoral researcher at CEFRES, Filip s will investigate both progressive potentials as well as risky pitfalls of the so-called ‘slow ideology.’ His research will focus primarily on the question as to whether abounding calls for slowing down (modernity/ modernization) contain any progressive – and transgressive – element or whether they paradoxically account for concealed engines of social acceleration dynamic and/or dangerous political currents in the form of parochial and localist fundamentalism.

Continue reading Filip Vostal – Research & CV

2 Calls for French Institutes of Advanced Studies: Toulouse and Lyon

Two calls are currently available for IAS in Toulouse and Lyon. You can look for new calls on the NEFIAS website.

  • Call for IAST in the fields of anthropology, biology, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology and sociology. Eligible applicants are active researchers who have completed their PhD after January 2013 and before September 2015.  The IAST offers candidates an opportunity to devote themselves full time to their research at the start of their careers. Fellows are provided with office space, computer facilities and a salary for two years, renewable for a third year. Deadline is 18 November 2015.

Check the call here.

  • Call for Collegium de Lyon for a residence starting 1 September 2016. Deadline is 1 January 2016

Chech the selection process here.


Les Cahiers du CEFRES

Les Cahiers du CEFRES is a collection of works of the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES). They are comprised of substantial articles on specific topics and of various lectures organized by CEFRES. Les Cahiers du CEFRES aim at a better knowledge of the state of the art in social sciences, both in France and in the Visegrad countries. Most of the Cahiers issues are published in French and in Czech.

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Individus sous contrôle (2012, N° 32)

Individus sous contrôle
sous la direction de
Françoise Mayer
Ondřej Matějka
Cahiers du CEFRES n° 32
ISBN 978-80-86311-26-5
ISSN 1805-0336

F. MAYER – Individus sous contrôle dans la société tchécoslovaque de 1945 à 1989. Avant-propos
M. SPURNÝ – Frères slaves ou éléments non fiables ? Les réémigrants dans la Tchécoslovaquie d’après-guerre (1945-1955)
P. KOUROVÁ & P. KOURA – La campagne de propagande qui accompagna le procès politique de “Milada Horáková et Cie”
O. MATĚJKA – Entre les sciences sociales et la construction de la “société socialiste”. Une perspective générationnelle
K. VOLNÁ – Enquête sur l’activité du Parti communiste tchécoslovaque à la Faculté des lettres de l’Université Charles dans les années 1969-1989
M. ČERNÁ – Comprendre le processus de consolidation. Les campagnes de vérification de 1970 en Tchécoslovaquie
P. BLAŽEK – L’expulsion du roi de Majáles. Allen Ginsberg et la Sûreté de l’État
A.-C. VELUIRE – Scènes musicales underground et alternatives en Tchécoslovaquie 1970-1980

Communism from the viewpoint of societies (2006, N° 30)

Cahiers du CEFRES n° 30, avril 2006
editor : Muriel BLAIVE
ISBN 80-86311-17-1
ISSN 1805-0336

This edition of the Cahiers du CEFRES is the result of a series of lectures organised at CEFRES during the autumn of 2004 on Communism from the viewpoint of societies.
Its aim was to leave the field of the political history of communism, which has been covered more fully by researchers, in order to concentrate on daily life in communist societies by examining themes such as the way people viewed work, the role and place of women, or what life in small towns was like. The debates that took place at these seminars, which brought together in particular young researchers and doctoral students working on a thesis related to communism, were very intense, both in terms of the facts being discussed and the research methods used to analyse them. It therefore seemed appropriate to publish the texts that gave rise to them. Continue reading Communism from the viewpoint of societies (2006, N° 30)