Category Archives: CEFRES Team

CEFRES Team of Researchers 2016-2017

Benedetta Zaccarello


is a CEFRES senior researcher from January 2017. She works on “Hybridations of Paradigms and Circulation of Traditions in the Writing of Contemporary Philosophy” looking through the manuscript archives of such philosophers as Jan Patočka and Aurobindo Ghose. Her research is embedded in CEFRES research area 1.

István Pál Ádám


is from January 2016 a post-doctoral researcher at CEFRES and at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University, benefitting from the support of the Charles University in Prague. His research project is entitled The Spatial Control of Central European Concierges and contributes to CEFRES research area 3.

Chiara Mengozzi


is from January 2016 a post-doctoral researcher at CEFRES and at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, benefitting from the support of the Charles University in Prague. Her research project is entitled Animal Matters. Challenging the Anthropological Difference and Literary Norms and contributes to CEFRES’s research area 2.

Alessandro Milani


benefits from a three month long fellowship (February-April 2017) at CEFRES. A post-doctoral researcher at EPHE, Paris, he conducts his research on the condition of Western Ukrainian Greek-Catholics in interwar Poland and Czechoslovakia between 1919 and 1929. His project fits into CEFRES research area 2.

Aurore Navarro


benefits from a three month long fellowship (February-April 2017) at CEFRES. A post-doctoral researcher in geography at Laboratoire d’études rurales –Lyon 2 University, she studies artisanal food and retail trade in the Czech Republic. Her project fits into CEFRES research area 1.

Ayse Yuva


benefits from a four month long fellowship (February—May 2017) at CEFRES. A post-doctoral researcher at the Panthéon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1), her project focuses on the the borders of philosophy and the writing of its history in 19th century Prague, and fits into CEFRES research area 1.

PhD Fellows Team 2016-2017

Magdalena Cabaj


is a PhD student in cotutelle between the University of Warsaw and the École normale supérieure in Paris under the supervision of Wincenty Cesluk-Grajewski and Dominique Lestel. Her PhD dissertation on Hermaphrodite Writing is at the crossroads between philosophy and literature, and contributes to CEFRES research area 2.

Mátyás Erdélyi


is a fourth-year PhD student at the Central European University in Budapest under the supervision of Karl Hall and Susan Zimmermann. His dissertation is entitled The Making of a Productivist Middle Class in the Habsburg Monarchy, is at the crossroad between history and sociology, and contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Filip Herza


is a PhD student at Faculty of Humanities of Charles University (CEFRES Platform PhD Fellowship) under the supervision of Lucie Storchová. His dissertation is entitled Imaginations of Bodily “Otherness” and Prague’s Freak Show Culture 1860-1939, is at the crossroad between cultural anthropology and history, and contributes to CEFRES research area 2.

Lenka Kužvartová


is a PhD student at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University (CEFRES Platform PhD Fellowship) under the supervision of Richard Biegel. Her dissertation is entitled The One Who Sings Needs to Dwell. Experiments in Residential Architecture in Brazil from the 1980s, is at the crossroad between art history and sociology, and contributes to CEFRES research area 3.

Katalin Pataki


is a PhD student at the Central European University in Budapest under the supervision of László Kontler. Her dissertation in history is entitled The Implementation of Joseph II’s Monastic Policies in the Hungarian Kingdom and contributes to CEFRES research area 3.

Associated PhD students 2016-2017

Lara Bonneau


is a PhD student at Paris I University under the supervision of Danièle Cohn. Her dissertation in philosophy is entitled Form and orientation in Aby Warburg’s thought and contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Ludovic Lepeltier-Kutasi


is a PhD student at Tours University under the supervision of Nora Semmoud and Olivier Legros. His dissertation in geography is entitled Does the Residential Renewal Stand the Test of Residual Public Housing? Urban Policies and Social Dynamics in a Peripheral Budapest District and contributes to CEFRES research area 3.

Pascal Schneider

is a PhD student at Paris-Sorbonne University (Paris IV), under the supervision of Johann Chapoutot. His dissertation in Contemporary History is entitled La sociologie des membres du NSDAP, le Parti National-Socialiste des travailleurs allemands dans les territoires annexés du IIIe Reich (Alsace, Moselle, Eupen-Malmédy, Sudètes) de 1938 à 1944, and contributes to CEFRES research area 2.

List of Interns 2015/2016

Paul-Antoine Météier

Photo CEFRESBA in History and Czech at Paris-Sorbonne (Paris-IV) University, Paris / Master at Sciences-Po-IEP de Paris.
Master’s thesis topic: Courtly Culture As a Transfer in 12th-15th c. Bohemia
Internship period : June—July 2016.


Marion Clain

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESMaster International and European Studies, Politics and Societies, Europe and the World, University of Nantes, France. Bachelor in Law and Political Sciences, University of Nantes.
Master thesis: Islamophobia in Central Europe/Czech Republic.
Internship period: May—June 2016

Pierre Neau

PierreNEAUMasters in Gender Studies at EHESS, Paris, France.
Bachelor in Philosophy and Sociology & Bachelor in Cultural studies at Lille 3 University, Lille, France.
Fields of research: Sociology, Gender Studies, homosexualities, masculinities, post-colonial and post-communism studies.
Master’s thesis topic: “Expatriation, Manlihoods, and Homosexualities: Prague as a Gay Paradise Named Desire”.
Internship period: April 2016

Ludovic Schlosser

BA in history and slavic studies at Aix-Marseille University and Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen (Germany).
Fields of research: Social history of German culture and East-Central Europe, history of everyday life.
Master’s thesis topic: Tourism Industry and Ethnographic Production. Their Changing Interrelations and Impact on Local Identity Patterns in the Giant Mountains (1880-1918).
Internship period: March—April 2016.

Marion Eschard

Marion1Master at Paris-Sorbonne University.
Graduated in Eastern Central European Studies, specialization in Czech and Hungarian Languages (Paris-Sorbonne University) and in Literary Studies at Nantes University.
Fields of research: History and Literature. Idiocy, Humour and Dissidence.
Master’s thesis topic: Smart Idiocy in the Journalistic Writings of Alfred Jarry (1873-1907) and Jaroslav Hašek (1883-1923).
Internship period: February–April 2016.

Gwendal Piégais

Master at University of Louvain.
Graduated in philosophy and in history – University of Bretagne Occidentale (Brest) and Catholic university of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve).
Fields of research: Military and social history in WWI.
Planned PhD thesis topic: Practices and Uses of Interrogating German and Austro-Hungarian Deserters by the Intelligence Service of the Entente Armies during WWI.
Internship period: October 2015—January 2016.

Xavier De Poulpiquet de Brescanvel

Photo XavierMaster TEMA EHESS / FF UK.
BA in history and in philosophy at University of Rennes.
Fields of research: Modern history, cultural history.
Master’s thesis topic: An Analysis of De la Crequinière’s Narrative: Conformity of Eastern Indians’ Customs with these of Jews and other ancient peoples (17-18th c.).
Internship period: October—December 2015.

Alicia Bouchot

photo AliciaMaster TEMA EHESS / FF UK.
BA in history and geography at Jean-Jaurès University, Toulouse.
Fields of research: Urban studies, minority studies, history of immigration.
Master’s thesis topic: “Ethnic neighborhood” or “place of diversity”: the study of a neighbourhood in Toulouse (1969-2009).
Internship period: October 2015. Intern at the library.

Giuseppe Bianco: Research & CV

The Construction of a Philosophical International Through World Congresses of Philosophy between 1900 and 1940

Research Area 1: Displacements, Dépaysements and Discrepancies.


My current research aims at appraising the history of world congresses of philosophy between 1900 and 1940, and the way European philosophers strove to translate and exchange their concepts. I am taking into consideration these fifty years through which European philosophers attempted to create a transnational community, and a common vocabulary and language. This case study is not limited to the texts and their content, but also encompasses the social, technical and economical aspects of this endeavour to spread concepts. This phenomenon implies a complex dynamic not undevoided of struggles engaging several actors (such as the authors, the societies, magazines, governments and so forth), which unfold both in the national and the international space.

Continue reading Giuseppe Bianco: Research & CV

Ioana Cîrstocea: Research & CV

Gender As a Transnational Platform. Toward a Sociology of the Diffusion of Feminist Knowledges in Central Europe in the 1990s

Research Area 1: Displacements, “Dépaysements” and Discrepancies.


Ioana CirstoceaMy work focuses on the diffusion and the institutionalization of the knowledges on gender in the post-communist context. Under the democratization and, more generally, the integration of Central Europea societies in globalized dynamics during the 1990s, such knowledges, supported by the technocratic promotion of the rights of women through international programs (may they be philanthropical or derived from EU or UN policies) have been understood and applied in various ways on the local level. Such diversity reflects the social processes leading to the building of transnational communities of thoughts and concern.

My hunch is that gender appears as and becomes a legitimate intellectual issue all through Central Europe through a transnational “platform”, which abides by academic, militant and technochratic logics. Such social space is defined by the trajectories of a diversity of actors (feminist groundbreakers, who founded new teaching programs and research centers, and specialized in equality) anchored in different national frames. Without turning into formalized collectives, this transnational space is articulated around institutional places (militant networks, academic initiatives, programs of international organizations) and events (mobilization, scientific events, collective projects or publications).

My study of its perimeter and structuring dynamics is based on a prosopographic approach, with special attention to the variety of places and observation scales, using theoretical tools from the history of social and human sciences and from the sociology of international circulations.


Current Situation

  • Researcher (chargée de recherche) at CNRS, within the research unity CESSP Paris (CNRS, EHESS, Paris 1 University, team CSE – UMR 8209).
  • Coordinator of the ANR program “GLOBALGENDER. Regards croisés sur la globalisation du genre”, 2013-2016, Maison interuniversitaire des sciences de l’homme MISHA Strasbourg.
  • Member of the scientific board of the review L’Homme et la société.


EHESS (office 503), 190-198, Avenue de France, 75013 Paris.
Personal webpage:


2004: PhD (Sociology), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris.

2000: DEA, equ. 2nd year of Master (Sociology), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris.

1996 : Master (Cultural Studies), University of Bucarest.

1995 : Maîtrise, equ. 1st year of Master (French Studies), University of Bucarest.


2013: Prix de la Francophonie pour jeunes chercheurs.

2004: Mention spéciale, Prix de la meilleure thèse soutenue à l’EHESS (best PhD defended at EHESS).

Professional Experience


From 2006: chargée de recherche au CNRS (section 40) ; membre de l’UMR 8209 CESSP Paris depuis le 1er octobre 2015, précédemment membre de l’UMR 7363 SAGE Strasbourg ; chargée de recherche de première classe depuis 2011.

2013-2016: coordinatrice du programme ANR « GLOBALGENDER. Regards croisés sur la globalisation du genre » (Maison interuniversitaire des sciences de l’homme Alsace MISHA Strasbourg).

2011-2013: Coresponsable avec Dorota Dakowska (Université de Strasbourg) du projet « L’Académie en chantier. Transformations des universités centre-est européennes depuis 1989 » (Programme formation-recherche du CIERA Centre interdisciplinaire d’études et de recherches sur l’Allemagne).

2013-2015: Membre du programme « Réformer l’Etat par le marché. L’’économisation’ du secteur public dans l’Europe postcommuniste » (MISHA Strasbourg coordonné par Valérie Lozac’h).

2010-2013: Membre du programme ANR « EureQUA. Quantifier l’Europe » (Université de Nantes-ENS Paris, coordonné par Martine Mespoulet)

International Research Stays

2014 (September-November): Center for European and Mediterranean Studies, New York University (Soutien à la mobilité internationale of the CNRS).

2010 (September-October): Institute for Research on Women, Rutgers State University, New Jersey (Visiting Global  Scholars;  Fulbright grant).

2008 (February-June): Central European University, Gender Studies Department, Budapest (visiting scholar in residence).

2005-2006 (October-July): Faculty of Social, Political and Economic Sciences, Université libre de Bruxelles (bourse postdoctorale de l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie).


From 2013: Séminaire de recherche « Regards croisés sur la globalisation du genre », EHESS, Paris (avec Delphine Lacombe et Elisabeth Marteu, dans le cadre du programme ANR « GLOBALGENDER » et du master « Genre, politique, sexualités » (mention Sociologie) de l’EHESS).

2008-2015: Cours à l’Université de Strasbourg (Institut d’études politiques, Institut des hautes études européennes) : « Initiation à la recherche en sciences sociales » ; « Genre et politique » ; coordination d’une douzaine de mémoires de recherche d’étudiants.

Publications (selection)


Faire et vivre le postcommunisme. Les femmes roumaines face à la « transition », Bruxelles, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 2006.

  • « La ‘sororité’ à l’épreuve – pratiquer l’internationalisme féministe au lendemain de la guerre froide », Critique internationale 66, janvier-mars 2015 (dossier thématique « Communismes et circulations transnationales » coordonné par Paul Boulland et Isabele Gouarné), pp. 85-104
  • « Soi-même comme un autre » : l’individu aux prises avec l’encadrement biographique communiste (Roumanie, 1960-1970),  Bernard Pudal (dir.), Le sujet communiste. Identités militantes et laboratoires du « moi », Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2014, pp. 59-78
  • « Les restructurations de l’enseignement supérieur en Roumanie après 1990 : apprentissage international de la gestion, professionnalisation de l’expertise et politisation de l’enjeu universitaire », Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, Vol. 45, 2014, n° 1, pp. 125-163
  •   « Cooptation et adhésion des femmes au Parti communiste roumain », in Rose-Marie Lagrave (dir.), Fragments du communisme en Europe centrale, Paris, Editions de l’EHESS, 2011, pp. 143-191.
  • « The Transnational Feminism in the Making: the Case of Post-communist Eastern Europe », in C. Fillard, F. Orazi (dir.), Exchanges and Correspondence: the Construction of Feminism, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010, pp. 64-83.
  • « Eléments pour une sociologie des études féministes en Europe centrale et orientale », International Review of Sociology/ Revue internationale de sociologie, 20, n° 2, 2010, pp. 321-346.

Seminar: Modernization in Nineteenth Century Central Europe. Topics, Problem Areas and Research Methods in historical sociology and social history

A seminar hosted by CEFRES young researcher Mátyás Erdélyi

"Locomotive en grève"
“Locomotive en grève” – une du journal satirique “Kakas Márton”, 24 avril 1904.

Department of Historical Sociology of the Faculty of Humanities (FHS UK). Open to BA and MA students.

Time & Venue: Tuesday 15:30-16:50, FHS UK Jinonice, building A, room 2083
Lecturer: Mátyás Erdélyi – CEU / CEFRES
Language: English



The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the main topics and problem areas in the history of Central Europe in the long nineteenth century. The course follows a topical arrangement focusing on central themes at the intersection of social history and historical sociology; it is neither chronological, nor comprehensive. Each section starts with the presentation of basic theoretical concepts, followed by the discussion of selected readings. The course focuses on problem areas in connection with the social and economic changes that took place in Central Europe during the long nineteenth century. The key concept of our discussion is ‘modernization theory’ and the different facets of modernization understood as a process of social and economic change in the period under scrutiny. Here, instead of interpreting ‘modernization’ as a normative developmental model, the course demonstrates how modernization could be analyzed as a heterogeneous and non-linear process, which always infers the possibility of fallbacks, as the history of Central Europe demonstrates it, and contains a mixture of ‘traditional’ and ‘modern’ elements.


Active class participation, one in-class presentation on a chosen topic (ca. 10-15 minutes), a position paper based on the presentation (ca. 1500 words) at the end of the term.

See the Syllabus and bibliography here.