Category Archives: CEFRES Team

István Pál Ádám: Research & CV

The Spatial Control of Central European Concierges

Research Area 3: Objects, Traces, Mapping: Everyday Experience of Spaces.


Isti Claims PhotoIstván has been awarded the degree of PhD at the University of Bristol. His doctoral project examines the role of an understudied group of everyday Hungarians during and before the Holocaust: the Budapest building managers, concierges, or in Hungarian: the házmester. He analysed the building managers’ wartime acts in the light of their decades-long struggle for a higher salary, social appreciation and their aspiration to authority.

As he was working on his doctoral dissertation, gradually István has started to realize that it was not only the Hungarian context where building managers could play a critical role in the Jewish citizens’ survival. This is why his postdoctoral project investigates the similarities and differences among ordinary professionals working as concierges in different Central European territories in the 20th century: in Hungary, in the Czech Lands, in Slovakia and in Poland, and finally in a Western European country: France.

The comparative nature of Istvan’s postdoctoral project is useful in drawing up a European pattern of behaviour of those who belonged to the concierge profession. This could help to better understand the motivation of the general population, who witnessed the persecution of the European Jewry and who welcomed back the survivors in a transitional period. Instead of focusing on the wartime actions (or inactions) of the entire population of a specific country, or instead of drawing up righteous and less righteous realms, Istvan’s research shows that is makes more sense to choose certain groups with similar social and professional problems from various countries, and compare their long time acts and agencies.



2010-2015: PhD in Historical Studies, University of Bristol. Dissertation Title: “Bystanders” to Genocide?: The Role of Building Managers in the Hungarian Holocaust, written under the supervision of Tim Cole and Josie McLellan.

2008-2009: MA in History, Central European University, Budapest. Thesis Title: Post-Holocaust Pogroms in Poland and Hungary.

1998-2003: BA in Law, University of Szeged. Thesis Title: The History of Refugee Legislation.

1994-1998: BA in History, József Attila University, Szeged. Thesis Title: Polish Refugees in Hungary during World War II.

Grants and Fellowships

  • Claims Conference Saul Kagan Fellow in Advanced Shoah Studies, 2013–2015.
  • EHRI/European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Fellow at the Prague Jewish Museum, November 2014.
  • Junior Fellow at the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies, March 2014 – August 2014.
  • Tziporah Wiesel Fellow at the Centre for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, December 2012 – May 2013.
  • EHRI/European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Fellowship at Yad Vashem, October-November, 2012
  • J. & O. Winter Fund Grant, 2011.
  • University of Bristol, Faculty of Arts Scholarship For Postgraduates, 2010.

Selected Publications

  • Budapest Building Managers and the Holocaust in Hungary. London, Palgrave, 2017.
  • Review on Barna-Pető, Political Justice in Budapest after WWII, Hungarian Historical Review 3 (2015), p. 790-795.
  • “Tipping the Rescuer? The Financial Aspects of the Budapest Building Managers’ Helping Activity during the Last Phase of the Second World War”, in: S:I.M.O.N. – Shoah: Intervention. Methods, Documentation 2 (2015) 1, p. 4-14.
  • “Das verletzte Selbstwertgefühl des Herrn Professor” in S.I.M.O.N. – Shoah: Intervention. Methods, Documentation 1 (2014), p. 22-27.
  • “A házmesterek szerepe a magyar holokausztban” [The Role of Building Managers in the Hungarian Holocaust], in Randolph L. Braham (ed.), Tanulmányok a holokausztról VI [Studies on the Holocaust, vol. VI], Budapest, Múlt és jövő, 2014, p. 103-137.

Lara Bonneau: Research & CV

Research Area 2 – Norms & Transgressions

Contact: bonneau[@] 

Photo Lara BonneauLara Bonneau is a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (FLÚ – AV ČR) and since February 2023 an associate researcher at CEFRES. Her research focuses on the German Science of Art (Kunstwissenschaft) and more generally on the function of symbolic forms in the individuation process, drawing on the German (Cassirer), Czech (Patočka) and French (Simondon) traditions. Her work contributes to CEFRES’s research area 2. 



  • 2019: PhD in Philosophy, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University. Title of dissertation “Reading Aby Warburg in the light of his Fragments on Expression”  
  • 2011: ‘Agrégation externe’ in philosophy  
  • 2010: Master’s degree in contemporary Philosophy at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University 
  • 2009: BA in French Modern Literature, Paris IV – Sorbonne University 
  • 2007: BA in Philosophy, Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne University 

Academic positions and teaching experience:  

  • 2023- : Researcher (vědecká asistentka) at the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, associate researcher of the CEFRES.  
  • 2019-2022: Post-doctorate at the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic. 
  • 2015-2019: Lecturer, Vysoká Škola Ekonomická in Prague (High School of Economy) 
  • 2012-14: Philosophy teacher at Lycée Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire in Paris 
  • 2013-14: Cinema workshops at Forum des Images, Paris
  • 2011-12: Philosophy teacher at Lycée Montchapet in Dijon.  



  • Lire l’oeuvre d’Aby Warburg à la lumière de ses Fragments sur l’expression Dijon: presses du réel, 2022 

Contributions to edited volumes: 

  •  “Forme et expression dans les oeuvres de Heinrich Wölfflin et Aby Warburg”, in L’histoire de l’art et ses concepts, dir. Danièle Cohn, Rémi Mermet, Paris, editions Rue d’Ulm, 2019, p. 85-105 
  •  “De l’évidence à l’abstraction. Lecture croisée de Fernando Gil et Aby Warburg autour du concept d’orientation”, in Logique de la forme, dir. E. Beauron, O. Capparos, Paris, Garnier classique, 2019, p. 173-186 
  • Glossary for the French scientific edition of Aby Warburg’s Fragments sur l’expression, Paris, l’écarquillé, 2015, p. 336-338 

Articles in peer-reviewed journals:  

  • « Emil Utitz et la science de l’art », Recherches germaniques, n°52, 2022, p. 73-90.  
  • « Le monstre comme forme causale originaire : sur la théorie de l’expression d’Aby Warburg », Les Cahiers philosophiques de Strasbourg, 49 | 2021, p. 159-180. 
  • « La raison saisie par l’affect » : Une lecture de Giordano Bruno par Aby Warburg, Phantasia, 11, 2021, p. 41-55 
  • « Původ jazyka a antropologie, Vliv Herdera a Humboldta na Franze Boase » in Reflexe : Filosofický časopis, 59/2020, p. 105-125
  • « Angoisse, mélancolie et individuation : une généalogie du sujet moderne entre histoire de l’art et philosophie », Tracés. Revue de Sciences humaines, 38 | 2020, p. 31-43 

Translations: (Czech to French)  

  • Dictionnaire des penseurs et de la pensée de l’Europe du Centre-Est depuis 1945. (ed. Chantal Delsol, Joana Nowicki) Paris : Cerf, 2020.  
  • « La châsse reliquaire de Saint Maur », International exhibition of the Narodní Pamatkový Ústav, Praha- Pařiž- Florennes, 2020-2021.  
  •  « Jan Palach ’69 », Exhibition at the Czech Center in Paris (dir. Jiří Hnilica), January 2019 

Book reviews:  

  • On « Bernadette Collenberg-Plotnikov: Die Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft (1906-1943). Idee – Institution – Kontext », Regards croisés, 2022.  
  • “Trilles, arabesques et métaphores” on « L’ornement », Cahiers philosophiques n°162, Vrin, 2020, La vie des Idées, 22 juin 2022  
  • Jean-Hugues Barthélémy, Simondon. Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 2014, Carnets de recherche du CEFRES, January 2016 
  • Pierre Montebello, L’autre métaphysique, Paris, Desclée de Brouwer 2003, rééd. Presses du réel, 2015, Carnets de recherche du CEFRES, June 2016.  


Monika Brenišínová: Research & CV

From Monastery to Man – the Meaning of Monastic Architecture and its Art in 16th Century New Spain

Research Area 1: Displacements, Dépaysements and Discrepancies

Photo Monika BrenisinovaThis research project explores monastic architecture in New Spain in the 16th century. It aims at presenting this architecture and its artistic ornamentation as kept in mural painting and et sculptures in relief, while assessing the impact of this architecture on the conquest and colonization of ancient Mexico from the viewpoint of colonial society and that of the individual. Methodology therefore combines classical historical methods (research in archives) and those of art history (along the lines defined by E. Panofsky), with anthropological concepts (such as A. van Gennep’s rites of passage, V. Turner’s notions of liminality, structure and communitas). The study is based on the data collected in Central Mexico in 2013 with the financial support of Mexico government. As a full part of this project, my aim is to create a databank of photographs of Mexican monasteries.


Education and Diplomas

2011-2017: PhD studies at the Center of Ibero-American Studies of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, under the supervision of Dr. Markéta Křížová, Ph.D. Dissertation title: Del convento al hombre. El significado de la arquitectura conventual y su arte en la Nueva España del siglo XVI.

2009–2011: Master at the Center of Ibero-American Studies of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, under the supervision of Dr. Markéta Křížová, Ph.D. Dissertation title: Význam představ o konci světa v procesu dobývání a kolonizace Ameriky

2003–2008: BA at the Faculty of Human Sciences of Charles University in Prague, under the supervision of PhDr. Blanka Altová. Work title: Význam zobrazení Posledního soudu v české nástěnné malbě 14. století

1997–2003: Baccalauréat at the Jan Neruda highschool, Prague, French-Czech bilingual section

Complementary education

  • 2018: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
  • 2017: Study and research stay at the Iberoamerikanishe Institut, Berlin, Germany
  • 2015: Study and research stay at the Archivo General de la Nación a Archivo Histórico de BNAH (Fondo Franciscano), Mexico
  • 2015: Study and research stay at the Iberoamerikanishe Institut, Berlin, Germany
  • 2013: Research stay at the Universidad Michoacana in San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico
  • 2013: Study and research stay at the Iberoamerikanishe Institut, Berlin, Germany
  • 2010: Study and research stay at the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
  • 2003: TYRKYS, Trade school on tourism, Prague, Guide of Prague


  • 2015/2016: CEFRES grant
  • 2013: Hlávkova nadace Foundation grant
  • 2013: Mexico Government grant
  • 2010: Hlávkova nadace Foundation grant
  • 2004-2006: grant of the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Charles University in Prague


  • 2017/2018: Seminar (history)
  • 2017/2018: Power of Images. Visual Sources in Humanities
  • 2017/2018: History of Latin America – Conquista
  • 2017/2018: Art History of Latin America I, Art History of Latin America II
  • 2016/2017: Art History of Latin America I, Art History of Latin America II
  • 2014/2015: Art History of Latin America
  • 2013/2014: Art History of Latin America – BA and MA levels – Center of Ibero-American Studies (FF UK)


  • 2016-2018: “Smrt z antropologické perspektivy a její vnímání v současnosti (ČR a Mexiko)”, University in Ostrava
  • 2016-2018: “Smrt a její reprezentace ve výtvarném umění Starověku a Novověku”, University in Ostrava
  • 2015: “Mexické kláštery. Na pomezí mezi pohanstvím a křesťanskou vírou”, Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague
    and Gallry of Moravia, Brno
  • 2014: “Kukuřiční lidé. Umění evangelizace Nového Španělska 16. století”, ÚDU AV ČR, Prague
  • 2013: “Barokní architektura v Novém Španělsku 16. století”
  • 2012: “Aztékové včera a dnes”, Regional Museum and Gallery of Křivoklátsko
  • 2012: “Internetové stránky SIAS FF UK v Praze”

Research Activities

  • 2016: “Transnational and national migration: experiences from Czech Republic and Norway”, NF-CZ07-ICP-3-3352015, coordinateur : PhDr. Vendula Hingarová, Ph.D.
  • 2015: “Christianizing Architecture and its Meaning for the Conquest and Colonization of the New World”, FF UK intern grant
  • 2014: “Art History of Latin America Histoire de l’art de l’Amérique latine”. Intern call of FF UK for development programs. Senior researcher: Dr. Markéta Krížová, Ph.D.

Coordination and Conception of Conferences

  • 2018: conference “Género, política y religion en España e Iberoamérica: una perspectiva a largo plazo” in partnership with SIAS FF UK and Universidad Nacional de Madrid, Prague
  • 2017: “(Trans)missions: Monasteries as Sites of Cultural Transfers”, conference in partnership with Střediska ibero-amerických studií, CEFRES, ÚDU AV ČR
  • 2017: “BRASIL 2017”, conference in partnership with Department of Portuguese, ÚRS and SIAS FF UK
  • 2016: workshop “Vystěhovalectví do Latinské Ameriky a písemné prameny v třeboňském archivu”
  • 2012: “Česko-brazilské a česko-španělskoamerické vztahy: exkurze do západních Čech s workshopem”. With Simona Binková and Petr Polakovič, West Bohemia (Kynžvart – Karlovy Vary – Jáchymov – Nejdek)

Conferences and Workshops

  • 2018: “Arte de evangelización desde la perspectiva de género”, conference “Género, política y religion en España e Iberoamérica: una perspectiva a largo plazo” in partnership with SIAS FF UK and Universidad Nacional de Madrid
  • 2018: “Conventual Architecture in Mexico seen from Anthropological Point of View”, conference “Search for Indian America 2”, in partnership with Department of Ethnology and University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
  • 2018: “Conventos de Nueva España vistos desde Praga”, symposium “No sólo 95 años de relaciones diplomáticas” SIAS FF UK
  • 2017: “Mexické kláštery na pomezí mezi historií dějinami umění a antropologií”, conference “Architektura mezi myšlenkou a skutečností”
  • 2016: “Klášterní umění Nového Španělska 16. století: umění na hranici kultur a vědeckých disciplín”, conference of ÚDU FF UK “Překračování hranic. Mezioborovost, migrace a mobilita v dějinách umění a příbuzných oborech”
  • 2016: “The (16th Century Mexico) Architecture of Conversion. Problems and Responses”, Epistemological Seminar of CEFRES
  • 2016: “Architecture and art as an historical source: on the border of humanities and social sciences”, Interdisciplinary Seminar, CEFRES Library
  • 2015: “Sixteenth Century Mexican Architecture: the Circulation of Forms and Ideas Between Europe and America”, workshop “Exchange and Circulations: Cultural Contacts and Processes of Transfer, Freiburg University” – CEFRES and Charles University in Prague
  • 2015: “Architektura konverze v procesu dobývání a kolonizace Nového Španělska”, conference “ArtHist 2015: Umění v prostoru / Prostor v umění”, ÚDU FF of Palacký University in Olomouc
  • 2014: “Millénarisme des ordres mendiants en Nouvelle Espagne du XVIe siècle et ses manifestations dans l’art et l’architecture”, conference “Circulation as a Factor of Cultural Aggregation: Relics, Ideas and Cities in the Middle Ages”, seminar in partnership with University of Lausanne and ÚDU AV ČR
  • 2013: “Ikonografie mexického metra”, lecture “Vizuální studia – věda, umění, instituce”, FSS MU in Brno, “Reprezentace eschatologických představ v klášterní architektuře Nového Španělska 16. století “, “Umění a politika: IV. sjezd historiků umění”, FF MU in Brno
  • 2011: “La representación del Juicio Final en la Nueva Espana del siglo XVI”, lecture “Jornada de hispanistas”, Palacký University in Olomouc
  • 2011: “Význam zobrazení Posledního soudu v klášterní architektuře Nového Španělska 16. století”, conference “Vizuální studia – věda, umění, instituce”, FSS MU in Brno

Professional Activities

2017-: Researcher at SIAS FF UK, Prague

2015– Executive editor of the yearbook Ibero-Americana Pragensia of the Center of Ibero-American Studies of Charles University in Prague

2015: Member of Academic Senate, FF UK

2012–2017: Administration of the official website of the Center of Ibero-American Studies (FF UK)

2012–2017: Editor of the magazine in humanities Člověk, FF UK

2011–2012: French tutor, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague

2006–2018: French tutor, Prague British School

2006–2007: French tutor, Tutor, s.r.o., Prague

2004-2006: Evaluation of diploma thesis on philosophy, FHS UK

2004-2006 : French tutor, DDM Prosek, Prague


  • Brenišínová, M.: “The 16th-century Mexican Monasteries and Art. An Anthropological Perspective”, Ethnologica Actualis 1/2018, Trnava: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoděje, ISSN 1336-569X  (v přípravě)
  • Brenišínová, M.: “Mexican Monasteries and Processions. The Transmission of Ideas between the Old and New World”, in: M. Brenišínová a L. Panušková (eds.), Transmissions: Monasteries as Sites of Cultural Changes, Praha: Nakladatelství FF UK, (v přípravě). Brenišínová, M. a Křížová, M.: Dějiny umění Latinské Ameriky, Praha, Nakladatelství Karolinum, 2017. ISBN 978-80-24631-75-2
  • Brenišínová, M.: „Mexické Kláštery na pomezí mezi historií, dějinami umění a antropologií“in: Jan Galeta a Martin Šolc (eds.), Architektura mezi myšlenkou a skutečností, Brno: Seminář dějin umění FF MU, (v tisku)
  • Brenišínová M.: „Klášterní umění Nového Španělska 16. století: umění na hranici kultur a vědeckých disciplín“, in: Překračování hranic, mezioborovost, migrace a mobilita v dějinách umění, 2017, (v tisku)
  • Brenišínová M.: „Mexické kláštery na pomezí mezi pohanstvím a křesťanskou vírou“, Dějiny a současnost 2/2017, Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové Noviny, s. 36-39. ISSN 0418-5129
  • Brenišínová M.: „Sixteeenth-century Mexican Architecture: Transmission of Forms and Ideas between the Old and New World“, Historie-Otázky-Problémy 1/2016, Praha: Nakladatelství FF UK, 2016, s. 9-24. ISSN 1804-1132
  • Brenišínová M.: „Jak se dostat do San Cosme? Systém značení mexického metra“, Dějiny a současnost, Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2015, s. 36-38. ISSN 0418-5129
  • Brenišínová M.: „Architektura konverze a její význam v procesu dobývání a kolonizace Nového Španělska“, in: J. Macháčková, M. Pavelková Rýdlová a S. Soušková (eds.), Umění v prostoru prostor v umění (=Zprávy Vlastivědného muzea v Olomouci – SUPLEMENTUM), Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2015, s. 104-110. ISBN 978-80-85037-74-6
  • Brenišínová M.: „Iconography of the Mexico City Metro“, Sociální studia 12, Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, s. 75-92. ISSN 1214-813X
  • Brenišínová M.: „Role křesťanských eschatologických představ a jejich reprezentace v klášterní architektuře Nového Španělska 16. století“, in: O. Jakubec a R. Miltová (eds.), Umění a politika: sborník 4. sjezdu historiků umění, Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014, s. 213-235. ISBN 978-80-7485-023-3
  • Brenišínová M.: „Millénarisme des ordres mendiants en Nouvelle Espagne du XVIe siecle et ses manifestations dans l’art et l’architecture“, Convivium. Exchanges and Interactions in the Arts of Medieval Europe, Byzantium, and the Mediterranean 1, Brno: Seminarium Kondakovianum Series Nova, 2014, s. 32-48. ISSN 2336-3452


French: fluent
Spanish: fluent
English: intermediate level (FF UK PhD exam)
Russian: passive knowledge

PhD Fellows Team 2015-2016

Lara Bonneau


is a PhD student at Paris I University under the supervision of Danièle Cohn. Her dissertation in philosophy is entitled Form and orientation in Aby Warburg’s thought and contributes to CEFRES’s research area 1.

Monika Brenišínová


is a PhD student at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague (CEFRES Platform PhD Fellowship), under the supervision of Markéta Křižová. Her dissertation is entitled From Monastery to Man – the Meaning of Monastic Architecture and its Art in 16th Century New Spain, is at the crossroad between art history, cultural anthropology and history, and contributes to CEFRES’s research area 1.

Mátyás Erdélyi


is a third-year PhD student at the Central European University in Budapest under the supervision of Karl Hall and Susan Zimmermann. His dissertation is entitled The Making of a Productivist Middle Class in the Habsburg Monarchy, is at the crossroad between history and sociology, and contributes to CEFRES’s research area 1.

Jana Vargovčíková


is a PhD student under the joint supervision of Milan Znoj at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague and Georges Mink at Paris-Nanterre University (CEFRES Platform PhD Fellowship). Her dissertation in political sciences is entitled Modes of Legitimating Lobbying in Central Europe and their Ambivalences and contributes to CEFRES’s research area 2.

Edita Wolf


is a PhD student at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague (CEFRES Platform PhD Fellowship) under the supervision of Milan Bažil. Her dissertation is entitled Seneca, Tragedy and Judgment, is at the crossroad between philosophy, history and law, and contributes to CEFRES’s research area 2.

Mátyás Erdélyi: Research & CV

The Making of a Productivist Middle Class in the Habsburg Monarchy

Research Area 1: Displacements, “Dépaysements” and Discrepancies


Photo ErdélyiMy research explores the making of a ‘productivist’ middle-class and their battle for social legitimation, intellectual authority, and middle-class identity in the Habsburg Monarchy between the 1867 Ausgleich and the aftermath of the Great War. In this study I analyze who became engaged in the battle for social recognition, what their motivations (scientific, social, economic) were, and what themes and social issues they considered important in their professional and private endeavors. A special emphasis is put on the relation between the educational system, with its inherent role in the knowledge production of specialized disciplines, and the economic and social modernization of the Dualist Monarchy. Here, my approach focuses on how educational change (e.g. the rise of professional education) could be interpreted from the perspective of its social effects or even in terms of economic causes. My research also includes the analysis of various types of white-collar work in early urban capitalism, especially from the perspective of how the struggles around class, status, and power were represented and negotiated in the public sphere and in related scientific endeavors by our protagonists. In this vein, selected case studies deal with the practices of accounting, banking, insurance business, engineering, and transportation.



ž2013-2017: PhD in Comparative History at Central European University.

2010-2012:ž MA in Comparative History at Central European University.

2005-2010: MA in Sociology at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest.

Selected Publications

  • ž“A History of the Great Influenza Pandemics: Death, Panic and Hysteria, 1830 – 1920, by Mark Honigsbaum”, European Review of History 22, no. 3 (2015), 508-509.
  • ž“Névmagyarosítás és magyarság: gondolatok a névmagyarosítás dualizmuskori megítéléséről” [Name changes and the social recognition of non-Magyars: reflections on the reception of the Magyarization of foreign names in Dualist Hungary], in Slávka Otčenášová and Csaba Zahorán (eds.), Keressünk közös nyelvet a közös múlthoz. Szlovák és magyar történészek fiatal nemzedékének párbeszéde [Looking for a common language to our common past. Dialogues among the young generation of Slovak and Hungarian historians], Košice, Filozofická fakulta UPJŠ, 2012, 42-46.
  • ž“Cities in Modernity. Representations and Productions of Metropolitan Space, 1840–1930 by Richard Dennis,” Korall, 47 (2012), 192-196. [In Hungarian]
  • ž“In the Shadow of the longue-durée. Braudel and Veyne,” in …de van benne rendszer. Tanulmányok az Eötvös Collegium Filozófia műhelye fennállásának 15. évfordulójára, Budapest: Eötvös Collegium, 2012, 22-33.
  • ž“A szabadság fogalma Sartre A lét és a semmi című munkájában” [The Concept of Liberty in Sartre’s Being and Nothingness], ELPIS 10 (2012), 72-99.


Hungarian (mother tongue); French (fluent); English (fluent); German (only reading).

Edita Wolf: Research & CV

PhD Research at CEFRES

Seneca, Tragedy & Judgement

Research Area 2: Norms & Transgressions

Photo Edita WolfThe research project seeks to analyse the stakes behind the concept of judgement in the light of Seneca’s tragedies. In such works, judgement stands as a decision-making process within the frame of Stoicism, as a decision of the judicial authority under the Roman Empire and last, as a part of tragedy as genre. Legal procedure formalising the decision making, the new constellation of the judicial field in the imperial era raised new questions about the nature of judgement in general, including that of moral and aesthetical judgement. The aim of this research is to explore how the formalising of assessing and decision making processes, especially in legal procedure, are being questioned–since they are at the origin of European law. This will lead to reflecting upon judicial authority and judgement. Grounded in the study of classics, this survey of the judgement in the works of Seneca should enable to look into the precondition of social sciences topics and the study of law, without being embedded in their methodology.

Continue reading Edita Wolf: Research & CV