“Invisible violence within dissidence au féminin”
Research Area 2 – Norms & Transgressions
Research Area 3 – Objects, Traces, Mapping: Everyday Experience of Spaces
Contact : Anabela.Zigova@etu.univ-paris1.fr
I propose to research and write a PhD thesis that revisits the legacy of Czechoslovak dissidents as a striking practice of nonviolence in the face of the “erasure” and “invisibility” of women in the 19th and 20th centuries and their afterlives in similar violence against women in the 21st Century. Common to all is an anatomy of the subtle, almost invisible forms of violence which precede clear and manifest events of violence and the erasure of persons.
The aim of this thesis is to draw out and document the various invisible processes that take place even before the more blatant act of wars; the not-so-visible day-to-day practices of violence that precede the destruction of the dignity and integrity of persons, and that often issues in the physical harm, death, rape, or torture of women (but not limited to them) and other phenomena that serve to erase female identity.