PhD Student at CEFRES

Doctoral supervision and training have always been at the core of CEFRES’s activities. Young researchers at CEFRES can experience collaborative research there. They can benefit from three different mobility programs at CEFRES:

  • the France & Visegrád PhD Fellowships at CEFRES, for PhD students from France or the Visegrád countries (to the exclusion of PhD students of the Platform Czech partners). These young researchers from France, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia are hosted at CEFRES for one year;
  • the CEFRES Platform PhD Fellowships, for PhD students enrolled at the Czech Academy of Sciences or at the Charles University in Prague. These young researchers are hosted at CEFRES for one year;
  • short stays at CEFRES for PhD students from EHESS enrolled at EHESS for a national diploma
  • the CEFRES-SAV Fellowships which offers mobility grants at CEFRES to 2nd year and above PhD students enrolled at the Slovak Academy of Sciences
  • CEFRES-FiF UK Fellowships program which offers mobility grants at CEFRES to PhD students enrolled at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University for stays ranging from 2 to 5 months;
  • the CEFRES-CEU Fellowships program which offers mobility grants at CEFRES to PhD students enrolled at the Central European University for stays ranging from 2 to 5 months.

Each CEFRES PhD fellow is supervised by a tutor, to be chosen among the researchers of the Center or from one of CEFRES Platform’s partners, the Charles University and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The tutor, whose task is to guide and advise the PhD student during his stay at CEFRES, is no substitute to the PhD supervisor.

CEFRES PhD fellows must commit to the Center’s activities and of its partners’. Their research project is engaged with CEFRES’s scientific policy, that is, fit into one of CEFRES’s three priority research areas.

PhD fellows are required to present their work during the year they spend at CEFRES in the frame of the PhD seminars and workshops organized by the Center and its partners. We encourage our PhD fellows to organize scientific events on their own initiative and to take part in full to our scientific life.

Results of 2024 campaign here.

French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences – Prague