Walking through the spaces/traces of the past(s)

CEFRES and Primorska University organize the second Proteus Webinar as part of the bilateral program PHC Proteus.

When: July 2nd, 2021, at 10:30 am
Where: Online
Connection link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85960136043 
Language: English

Neža Čebron Lipovec, University of Primorska and
Maria Kokkinou, Charles University / CEFRES
Funding and Evaluation: Campus France, French Institute in Slovenia, MEAE, MESRI (France) Slovenian Research Agency, Slovenian ministry of science (Slovenia)

Gruia Bădescu, Research Fellow, Zukunftskolleg,
University of Konstanz
Olga Sezneva, the Amsterdam Institute for Social
Science Research (AISSR), University of Amsterdam

with the collaboration of:
Felipe Kaiser Fernandes (CEFRES / EHESS) and
Johana Wyss (CAS / CEFRES)

”And so the Bulgarian Jews were saved…” Researching, retelling, and remembering the Holocaust in Bulgaria

Tandem Webinar
organized by Michèle Baussant (CEFRES, CNRS / ICM Fellow) with the collaboration of Maria Kokkinou (CEFRES / FSV UK) and Johana Wyss (CEFRES / Institute of Ethnology AV ČR)

Date: Wednesday, May 12th, 2021, 3:00–5:00 pm
Place: Online, streamed live on CEFRES Facebook page: www.facebook.com/cefres
Or on Zoom, to register please contact Claire Madl: claire(@)cefres.cz
Language: English

Presentation of the book: « Et les Juifs bulgares furent sauvés… ». Une histoire des savoirs sur la Shoah en Bulgarie (Presse de  Sciences Po, 2020) with the participation of:

The author, Nadège Ragaru, Research Professor, Center for International Studies of Sciences Po (CERI, CNRS),

And as discussants:
Henriette-Rika Benveniste (Professor of History, University of Thessaly, Greece)
Jan Grabowski (Professor of History, University of Ottawa, Canada)

Bulgaria was an exception, a state allied with the Reich that refused to deport its Jewish community. This image of Bulgaria during WWII has persisted until the present day, overlooking the fact that in the Yugoslavian and Greek territories occupied by this country between 1941 and 1945, almost all the Jews were rounded up, sent to Poland, and exterminated.

The result of a vast documentary and archival investigation, Nadège Ragaru has pieced together the origins of what was long assumed to be factual because it was widely believed. It explains why a single aspect of a complex and contradictory history was emphasized in the transmission of history. She shows how the deportations, although not expunged, were considered secondary in public discourses, museums, history books, and the arts. She looks at how writings on the persecutions of Bulgarian Jews became caught up in the Cold War and then the political and memorial struggles of the post-communist period in the Balkans and the rest of the world.

Deeply original in its approach and in its style, this historical investigation is an exemplary reflection on the silences of the past.

For more information about the Tandem 2021 research project De-imperial Europe: A Resentful Confederation of Vanquished Peoples? Raw and Lapsed Memories of Post-imperial Minorities, please see here.

For more information about the Tandem programme, see here.

Crisis of the foundations: foundation of the crisis?

Yoann Morvan (French Research Centre in Jerusalem CRFJ)

will be taking part in the seminar called
Current Issues. Reflection on Crises

organised by CEFRES.

Date: Wednesday , May 5th 2021, 12h30 – 13h50
Where: Online on Zoom.
:  Maria Kokkinou (post-doc at CEFRES / Charles University), Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES)
Language: French

Link to join the seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84097191940 

For more information about the programme and the seminar,  see the website: http://cefres.cz/fr/seminaires/penser-les-crises.

Intertextuality: A Mesh of Fiction and History

CEFRES is glad to participate to a special session of the FF UK Phd seminar of the Institute of Romance studies. It will be hosted by:

Astrid Greve Kristensen (PhD candidate at Paris-Sorbonne University & associated fellow at CEFRES)
Topic: Intertextuality: A Mesh of Fiction and History

Organiser: Chiara MENGOZZI (Institute of Romance studies, FF UK & associated fellow at CEFRES)
: online
To register, please contact: claire(@)cefres.cz
When: Tuesday, May 4th, 5:30 pm-7:30 pm


Hutcheons Linda, “Historiographical Metafiction: Parody and the Intertextuality of History” in Intertextuality and Contemporary American Fiction. Ed. O’Donnell, P., and Robert Con Davis. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989. 3-32.

How “migratory crises” challenge anthropology

Maria Kokkinou (CEFRES / Charles University) and
Charlotte Grégoreski (IIAC-EHESS / University of Chile)

will be taking part in the seminar called Current Issues. Reflection on Crises organised by CEFRES.

Date: Wednesday,  April 28th 2021, 12:30 – 13:50
Where: Online on Zoom.
:  Maria Kokkinou (post-doc at CEFRES / Charles University), Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES)
Language: French

Link to join the seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84097191940 

For more information about the programme and the seminar,  see the website: http://cefres.cz/fr/seminaires/penser-les-crises.

Credit image: Banksy

Identities in crises and “total institutions”: the case of imprisonment in 18th century

Falk Bretschneider, associate Professor at the EHESS

will be taking part in the seminar called Current Issues. Reflection on Crises organised by CEFRES.

Date: Wednesday,  April 21th 2021, 12h30 – 13h50
Where: Online on Zoom.
:  Maria Kokkinou (post-doc at CEFRES / Charles University), Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES)
Language: French

Link to join the seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84097191940 

For more information about the programme and the seminar,  see the website: http://cefres.cz/fr/seminaires/penser-les-crises.