(Non-)presence of Jews in Middle Age Urban Space

(Non-)Presence of Jews in Urban Space: Cheb (Eger) in the High Middle Ages

5th session of CEFRES in-house seminar
Through the presentation of works in progress, CEFRES’s Seminar aims at raising and discussing issues about methods, approaches or concepts, in a multidisciplinary spirit, allowing everyone to confront her or his own perspectives with the research presented.

Location: CEFRES Library and online (to register and get the text, please write to cefres@cefres.cz
Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 4:30 p.m.

It wll be hosted by:
Kajetán HOLEČEK (CEFRES / Faculty of Arts, Charles University)
and chaired by Petr GIBAS (Masaryk University, Brno/Institute of Sociologyy, Czech Academy of Sciences)

Text to be commented: Lars Frers, “The Matter of Absence”, Cultural Geographies 20/4 (2013), p. 431–445.

Abstract Continue reading (Non-)presence of Jews in Middle Age Urban Space

The Borders of Mountains or Rocks

Borders of Mountains or Rocks

Fourth session of the 2024-2025 CEFRES Francophone
Interdisciplinary Seminar The Map and the Border
In 2023 we  started questionning the very act of bordering and representing (a territory, a period, a trajectory). In short, thanks to the interdisciplinarity of our respective disciplines, we began inquiring into the question of the map and the border.

Location: CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
Date: Friday 13th December, 2024, from 10 am to 12 pm
Language: French

Speaker: Alžbeta KUCHTOVÁ (Slovak Academy of Sciences)
Discussant:  Iwona Janicka (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences)


In the book “Geontologies: A Requiem to Late Liberalism”, anthropologist Elisabeth Povinelli explains the concept of entanglement and its role in the indigenous cultures of Australia. In our talk, we will analyze the concept of proper and its relationship to entanglement. The concept of proper is linked to the separation of identities by boundaries. It can refer to what is proper to humans, but also to what is proper to rocks. The concept of proper implies the creation of limits and boundaries between different identities: subjects, objects, nations, races and genders.  The questions we’ll be reflecting on concern the possibility of creating boundaries between sacred rocks or mountains, and how these boundaries facilitate the capitalist exploitation of (indigenous) land today. This implies that the European concept of the proper cannot be applied in a reflection on indigenous territories, simply because it is not universal. The concept of “proper” creates the foundation of colonialism and capitalism.

See the complete program of the 2024-2025 seminar here.

Revision of the Experience of Failure in Growth Societies, and Its Hegelian Basis

Revision of the Experience of Failure in Growth Societies, and Its Hegelian Basis

4th session of CEFRES in-house seminar
Through the presentation of works in progress, CEFRES’s Seminar aims at raising and discussing issues about methods, approaches or concepts, in a multidisciplinary spirit, allowing everyone to confront her or his own perspectives with the research presented.

Location: CEFRES Library
Tuesday, 3rd December, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
Contact / To register:

It wll be hosted by:
Josefína Formanová (Faculty of Arts, Charles University)

Chair: Ivan LANDA (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences)

The following text will accompany our discussion:
Wiliiam DESMOND: “Philosophy and Failure” Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 1988, New Series, vol. 2. No. 4 (1988)


Continue reading Revision of the Experience of Failure in Growth Societies, and Its Hegelian Basis

Agency and Emancipation in Exile

Agency and Emancipation in Exile: A Decolonial Analysis of Conflict- Displaced Afghan Women in Europe

3rd session of CEFRES in-house seminar
Through the presentation of works in progress, CEFRES’s Seminar aims at raising and discussing issues about methods, approaches or concepts, in a multidisciplinary spirit, allowing everyone to confront her or his own perspectives with the research presented.

Location: CEFRES Library
Tuesday, 5 Novembre, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
Contact / To register: 

Seema Sridhar (CEFRES / CEU)

Chair: Zuzana UHDE (Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences)

Abstract Continue reading Agency and Emancipation in Exile

The Ultimate 1970’s Phenomenon in Czechoslovak Cinema

References to French, American and British Pop Cultures as the Ultimate 1970s Phenomenon in Czechoslovak Cinema

2nd session of CEFRES in-house seminar
Through the presentation of works in progress, CEFRES’s Seminar aims at raising and discussing issues about methods, approaches or concepts, in a multidisciplinary spirit, allowing everyone to confront her or his own perspectives with the research presented.

Location: CEFRES Library & Online
Tuesday, 8 Octobre, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
Contact / To register:

Anastasia Mamaeva (CEFRES / CNRS)

Chair: Františka Schormová (Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences)

Abstract Continue reading The Ultimate 1970’s Phenomenon in Czechoslovak Cinema

The Prague Castle Between the Two Wars

The Prague Castle: Cartography of the Construction of Republican Space in Czechoslovakia Between the Two Wars

First session of the 2024-2025 CEFRES Francophone Interdisciplinary Seminar The Map and the Border
Already in 2023, we  started questionning the very act of bordering and representing (a territory, a period, a trajectory). In short, thanks to the interdisciplinarity of our respective disciplines, we began inquiring into the question of the map and the border.

Location: CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
Date: Friday 4th, October 2024, from 10am to 12pm
Language: French

Speaker: Jakub Štofaník (The Masaryk Institute and the Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
Discussant:  (Eliška Tomalová (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University)


Abstract Continue reading The Prague Castle Between the Two Wars