Private Actors in Politics and Policy-Making: Trespassers Producing Norms?

A Platform CEFRES workshop organized by Jana Vargovčíková (CEFRES & FF UK) and Kateřina Merklová (FF UK).
Where: CEFRES, Národní 18, conference room on 7th floor.
Language: English.

See the call for papers here.


Hélène Michel (SAGE, Institut d’Études Politiques in Strasbourg) Michael Smith (CERGE-EI, Czech Academy of Sciences) Ondřej Císař (Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences) Mitchell Young (Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague).

9:15-9:30 — Welcome & Opening
9:30-11:30 — Panel 1

Armèle Cloteau, Laboratoire Printemps, UVSQ –Paris Saclay, France: “The Angels of Europe – European External Affairs employees: in-house entrepreneurs of Europe”

Lola Avril, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France: “Lobbying and influence: lawyers in competition law as actor in european policies”

Oriane Calligaro, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium: “The Open Society Foundation, Advocacy NGOs and the Making of EU Anti-Discriminatory Norms”

11:30-11:45 —  Coffee Break
11:45-13:00 — Panel 2

Katarína Svitková, Charles University, Czech Republic: “The Role of Private and Hybrid Actors in Urban Resilience and Security”

Olivier Gajac, Centre Émile Durkheim, Bordeaux, France: “The Private Universities in the Education System in Turkey: Shared Interests Among Economic Actors, Political Power and New Elites”

13:00-14:30 — Lunch
14:30-15:50 — Panel 3            

Jaromír Mazák, Tomáš Diviák, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic: “Transactions in multidimensional social networks: The case of the Reconstruction of the State”

Tomáš Korda, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic: “Emancipation of the universal will from the particular one”

15:50-16:00 —Coffee Break
16:00-17:20 — Panel 4

Milos Resimic, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary: “The role of networks in privatization in post-Milosevic Serbia”

Vít Šimral, University Hradec Králové, Czech Republic: “Regulating Lobbying in Europe: No Model Fits All”

Ritual Change in South Asia: Circulations, Transfers, Transgressions

Where: CEFRES, Národní 18, conference room, 7th floor.

Organizers: Cécile Guillaume-Pey (CEFRES & FMSH) and Martin Hříbek (FF UK).

Language: English

A workshop organized by CEFRES and the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, with the participation of researchers from the Heidelberg University (Germany), of University College Cork (Ireland), of Wageningen (Netherlands) and of Charles University.


Panel 1 – Discussant: Barbora Spalová (Assistant Professor, Charles University, Prague)

9:45 AM – Max Stille (Ph.D. student, University of Heidelberg) : Bengali Islamic sermons between ritual and non-ritual frames of interpretation

10:20 AM – Alexis Avdeeff (Maître de Conférences, Université de Poitiers) : Chanting destiny: the commercialization of a traditional “divinatory art”

10:55 AM – Break

11:25 AM – Martin Hříbek (Assistant Professor, Charles University): Animating images of Durga: Art, ritual and technologies of enchantment on the streets of Calcutta


Panel 2 – Discussant: Luděk Brož (Institute of Ethnology, The Czech Academy of Sciences)

2 PM – Lidia Guzy (Assistant Professor, University College Cork): From ritual music to stage, museums and politics. Ritual transfers in Western Odisha, India

2:35 PM – Rhadika Borde (Ph.D. Student, Wageningen University): Politicized rituals of worship: Activist involvement in the Dongaria Kondhs’ worship of the Niyamgiri Mountain in Odisha, India

3:10 PM – Break

3:30 PM – Soňa Bendíková (Assistant Professor, Charles University) : The Kota funeral: change of rituals in time

4:05 PM – Cécile Guillaume-Pey (Postdoctoral research fellow, IIAC, Paris): Drinking letters or talking with spirits? Ritual change in a Sora religious movement


Rituals are not atemporal, infallible devices that always “work” regardless of the performers’ motivations and social contexts in which they are embedded. Rituals are social and historical constructs sometimes considered to be unsatisfying or useless by the participants. They might even “fail” and are then recast, abandoned or replaced. Highlighting the flexibility and polysemy of rituals, recent studies have emphasized the relevance of a diachronic approach that considers the experience of the actors engaged in the performance, how they criticize and reinvent it, and the ways in which they appropriate alternative ritual models.

This workshop aims to investigate the processes of transformation, circulation and transfer of rituals in South Asia. Whether adjusting a “traditional” ritual form in a new social, political or religious context, or integrating new media – writing, audio or video – to diffuse a religious message, the papers will highlight the different ways in which actors reshape their ritual practices and invent new liturgical forms.


Central Europe at the Crossroads

A workshop organized by the PhD students of “Passages” within EUR’ORBEM research center, in partnership with FF UK and CEFRES.

14 April: at CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, C building, 3rd floor, conference room.
15 April: at Faculty of Arts (FF UK), nám. Jana Palacha, room 104.

See the call for papers here.

Thursday 14 April: CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1, building C, 3rd floor, conference room.

9h30 : Opening
– Clara Royer (CEFRES)
– Eva Voldřichová-Beránková (FF UK)
– Xavier Galmiche (Paris-Sorbonne University / EUR’ORBEM)

10:00-11:00. Panel 1: Networks and Intertextuality in Central Europe

Jean Boutan (Université Paris-Sorbonne) : « Czechs and Germans in the poetical rewritings of the Maidenwar in the romantic era: stanzas and stances on nation »
Nicolas Porta (Université Paris-Sorbonne) : « Intertextualité centre-européenne et évolution dans les littératures tchèques contemporaines »


11:30-12:30. Panel 2: Russian Literature As an Opposition Space between Russia and Europe

Leandre Lucas (Université Paris-Sorbonne) : « Gontcharov et l’ailleurs européen »
Simona Fialová (Université Charles de Prague) : « Reading Dostoevsky as „controversy between East and West“ »


2:00-3:00. Panel 3 : Central European Science-Fiction and Its Echoes from East to West

Natalia Chumarova (Université Paris-Sorbonne) : « Stanislav Lem: une personnalité polonaise de la science-fiction soviétique »
Alžběta Tichá (Université Charles de Prague) : « Des reflets de l’œuvre R.U.R. de l’écrivain tchèque Karel Čapek dans la pièce „Frénésire ! ou le nouvel Orphée“ du dramaturge suisse David France Jakubec »


3:30-4:30. Panel 4: The Reception of Latin Writers in Czech Literature

Katarína Zatlkajová (Université Charles de Prague) : « The image of St. Teresa of Avila in Czech cultural, spiritual and literary milieu »
Jana Kantoříková (Université Charles de Prague) : « Odkud to přišlo ?! La réception tchèque d’un décadent français »

Friday 15 April: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, room 104, náměstí Jana Palacha 1/2, 116 38 Praha 1.
9:30-11:00. Panel 5: Intellectual Circles and Elites

Svetlana Skvortsova (Université Paris-Sorbonne) : « Les étapes de la formation du marché de l’art du XIXe à nos jours »
Matyas Erdélyi (CEFRES) : « Les écoles supérieures de commerce et les sciences du commerce : un projet national dans l’espace habsbourgeois (1867-1918) »
Stéphanie Cirac (Université Paris-Sorbonne) : « Les émigrés russes et les intellectuels tchèques pendant l’entre-deux-guerres. Réseaux épistolaires »


11:30-12:30. Panel 6: Territories and Borders

Ksenia Smolovic (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne) : « Discours français au lendemain de l’attentat de Sarajevo (1914) »
Laura-Jane Duquesney (Université Paris-Sorbonne) : « La frontière entre la Moldavie et la Roumanie : une ex-frontière soviétique devenue frontière de l’Union européenne »


2:00-3:00. Panel 7: Communist Politics and Social Practice

Marián Lozi (Université Charles de Prague) : « Francouzský a český komunismus v historii i historiografii: podobnosti, průniky a možné inspirace »
Lucie Dušková (Université Charles de Prague) : « Prague et Tchécoslovaquie de nuit de l’après-guerre : entre l’Occident et l’Orient, l’imaginaire et la pratique sociale de la fin de la guerre à la constitution socialiste »


3:30-4:30. Roundtable: Central Europe at the Crossroads.

Visegrad Forum: Lydia Coudroy de Lille, between Budapest & Prague


Monday 14 March – Budapest

3-5 PM
Lecture within the frame of the French-Hungarian Workshop of the Faculty of Arts of Lorand Eötvös University.
Topic: Thinking Dwelling and Housing Beyond National Categories.

Wednesday 16 March – Prague

10 AM-4 PM
A young researcher workshop on “Neighbourhoods”, organized by the Institut of World History of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, program Erasmus+ TEMA – European Territories: Identity and Development;
Discussant: Lydia Coudroy de Lille.
Convener: Luďa Klusáková.
Language: English.
Where: at CEFRES, Na Florenci 3.
A complete program is available here.

Thursday 17 March – Prague

5:30-7 PM
Lecture by Lydia Coudroy de Lille – in the frame of the European Habitat United Nations regional conference (see the program here).
Topic: How do we call the urban change? The case of Central and Eastern Europe.
Discussant: Pr. Ludĕk Sykora.
Language: English.
Where: Prague Congress Center, room Club D. 5. Kvetna 65, 140 21 Prague 4.
Registration is compulsory on the conference’s website The entrance is free.