Foreigners without remission and exiles from colonial worlds

The 3rd session of the Franco-czech historical seminar organized by Institute for Czech History of the Faculty of arts, Charles University (FFUK), in collaboration with CEFRES will be hosted by:

Michèle Baussant (CEFRES)
Topic: Foreigners without remission and exiles from colonial worlds: a comparative approach (Algeria-Egypt)

Where: Faculty of Arts of Charles University, nám. J. Palacha 2, Prague 1, room 201
When: Thursday, November 12th,  9:10-12:30
Language: French

This session is part of the Franco-czech historical seminar organized by Jaroslav Svátek et Martin Nejedlý
For more information about the seminar, visit the website of the Faculty of Arts

Without a “Concept”? Race as Discursive Practice. An Uneasy History of Race and Socialism

The second session of IMS / CEFRES Epistemological seminar will be hosted by:

Nikola Ludlová (doctorante CEU / CEFRES)
Topic: Without a “Concept”? Race as Discursive Practice. An Uneasy History of Race and Socialism.

Organisers: Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES), Claire Madl (CEFRES), Tomáš Weiss (FSV UK) and Mitchell Young (IMS FSV UK)
Where: on line
To register, please contact: claire(@)
When: Wednesday, November 11th, 4:30 pm- 6:00 pm
Language: English

Francine Hirsch : “Race without the Practice of Racial Politics”, Slavic Review , Spring, 2002, Vol. 61, No. 1 (Spring, 2002), pp. 30-43


Representing the living world: collapse of ecosystems and reconfiguration of knowledge

The 6th session of FSV / CEFRES seminar “Reflecting on Crises” will be hosted by:

Chiara Mengozzi (FF UK / CEFRES) &
Julien Wacquez (CEFRES)
Topic: Representing the Living World: Collapse of Ecosystems and Reconfiguration of Knowledge

Where: online.
To register, please contact the organizers:
When: Wednesday November 11th, 12:30–1:50pm
Language: French

As part of the seminar:
Enjeux contemporains. Penser les crises / Current Issues. Reflecting on Crises
organized by Maria Kokkinou (CEFRES / UK) and Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES)

Presentation of the seminar:

The crisis has the wind in its sails: due to the appearance and extensive spread of Covid-19 in 2020, this concept has regained a world-wide attention, last observed during the financial crisis of 2009. Apart from these spectacular moments of global turmoil, we can no longer count the events or phenomena that are described as crises.

A concept inextricably linked to modernity, a “crisis” (pre)occupies our societies in all its dimensions. The polysemic uses of the term and its very topicality prompt us to revisit this concept, its different meanings and uses. This seminar course is devoted to this task. It will involve the intervention of researchers from various disciplines – political sociology, history, art history, anthropology, philosophy, etc.

What realities are qualified as “crises” and in which ways are they critical? What is a crisis and how to explain its emergence? How does a crisis unfold, what are its effects and consequences? Why do crises give rise to conflicts of interpretation over their meaning? Is the notion of crisis a central operator of our modernity and a key to understanding the challenges that contemporary societies face?



Shaping the ‘Socialist Self‘? The Role of Psy-Sciences in Communist States of the Eastern Bloc (1948–1989)

International Workshop

Venue: Prague. Online.
Date: November 6, 2020
Organizer: Jakub Střelec (FSV UK/CEFRES)
Partner institutions: CEFRES, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Collegium Carolinum – Research Institute for the History of the Czech Lands and Slovakia

(823 2113 4974)
Password: 111784

This workshop aims to bring together researchers dealing with the history of psy-sciences in communist Europe. The main aim is to (1) discuss contemporary approaches, topics and themes in current research about the role of psy-sciences in the communist states of the Eastern Bloc and to (2) outline possible questions and issues relevant for future research in this field.

Read the call for contributions.


9.00     Conference Opening

Producing Psy-expertise in the Eastern Bloc

Chair: Martin Schulze Wessel (Collegium Carolinum)

9:30     Ana Antic (University of Copenhagen)
Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Beyond the Hospital in Socialist Yugoslavia

9:50     Melinda Kovai (Eötvös Lorand University)
From a Movement to the Privatization of Psychotherapy – Group Psychotherapy in Hungary in the 1970s and 1980s

10:10     Sarah Marks (Birkbeck, University of London)
From Pavlov’s Dogs to Cybernetic Tortoises: The Psy-Professions and the New Science of Cybernetics in Communist Czechoslovakia

10.30 – 11.15     Discussion

11.15 – 11.30     Break


Defining (Ab)normality

Chair: Adéla Gjuričová (Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences)

11:30     Cristiane Brenner (Collegium Carolinum)
Judging the Anti-Socialist Element: The Role of Psychiatric Experts in Trials Against “Parasitic Women” in Socialist Czechoslovakia

11:50     Kate Davison (University of Melbourne)
From Prague to Sydney: Rethinking Psychiatry, Sexology and ‘Sexpertise’ in the Cold War

12:10     Jakub Střelec (Charles University in Prague)
Psychopaths as ‘New Danger‘ to the Socialist Society. Forensic Psychiatry, Criminology and Crime in Communist Czechoslovakia in the 1960s

12:30 – 13:15     Discussion

13:15 – 14:15     Lunch break


Shaping the ‚Socialist Self’

Chair: Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES)

14:15     Verena Lehmbrock (Erfurt University)
Psychological Leadership Training in East Germany – A Transnational Technology of the Self?

14:35     Frank Henschel (Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel)
Bowlby vs KPČ: Knowledge Transfer, Psychology and the System of State Childcare in Socialist Czechoslovakia

14:55     Lisa Dittrich (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
Partnership and the Socialist Personality: Marital Coping Strategies in the GDR between Empowerment and Subjection

15:15 – 16:00     Discussion

16:00 – 16:30     Closing remarks

Alterity, class relationships and photography

The 2nd session of the Franco-czech Historical Seminar organized by the Institute for Czech History of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (FFUK), in collaboration with CEFRES will be hosted by:

Fedora Parkmann (ÚDU AV ČR / associate at CEFRES)
Topic: Alterity, class relationships and photography

Where: Faculty of Arts of Charles University, nám. J. Palacha 2, Prague 1, room 201
To register, please contact: jaroslav.svatek(@)
When: November 5, Thursday 9:00-12:30
Language: French

This session is part of the Franco-czech Historical Seminar organized by Jaroslav Svátek and Martin Nejedlý.
For more information, visit the website of the seminar at the Faculty of Arts.

Adolf Schneeberger, Le Mendiant, 1926, tirage gélatino-argentique, 29×23 cm, Brno, Galerie morave.

1958, 1968, 2002: Political crisis in France

The 5th session of FSV / CEFRES seminar “Reflecting on Crises” will be hosted by:

Jérôme Heurtaux (Paris-Dauphine Université, CEFRES)
Topic: 1958, 1968, 2002: Political Crisis in France

Where: online.
To register, please contact the organizers:
When: Wednesday, November 4th, 12:30-1:50pm
Language: French

As part of the seminar:
Enjeux contemporains : penser les crises / Current Issues: Reflecting on Crises
organized by Maria Kokkinou (CEFRES / UK) and Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES)

Presentation of the seminar:

The crisis has the wind in its sails: due to the appearance and extensive spread of Covid-19 in 2020, this concept has regained a world-wide attention, last observed during the financial crisis of 2009. Apart from these spectacular moments of global turmoil, we can no longer count the events or phenomena that are described as crises.

A concept inextricably linked to modernity, a “crisis” (pre)occupies our societies in all its dimensions. The polysemic uses of the term and its very topicality prompt us to revisit this concept, its different meanings and uses. This seminar course is devoted to this task. It will involve the intervention of researchers from various disciplines – political sociology, history, art history, anthropology, philosophy, etc.

What realities are qualified as “crises” and in which ways are they critical? What is a crisis and how to explain its emergence? How does a crisis unfold, what are its effects and consequences? Why do crises give rise to conflicts of interpretation over their meaning? Is the notion of crisis a central operator of our modernity and a key to understanding the challenges that contemporary societies face?