International Workshop
Organizers: Benedetta Zaccarello (CEFRES) & Kannan Muthukrishnan (French Institute in Pondicherry)
Partners: CEFRES & French Institute in Pondicherry
Where: French Institute in Pondicherry, India
When: 7 & 8 March 2019 Language: English
March 7th, 2019
9:30 AM Opening remarks
Prof. Frédéric Landy, director, IFP
Session 1: Methodological, historical and theoretical standpoints
- Dr. Benedetta Zaccarello, CEFRES (CNRS-MEAE, Prague) and Mr. Kannan M. (IFP), introductory remarks
11 AM Coffee break
11:15 AM
- Dr. Jayanta Sengupta (secretary and curator at Victoria Memorial, Kolkata), on the intercultural issues related to archival practices
- Prof. Subbarayalu (IFP), on archives and inscriptions: an historical overview
1 PM Lunch
2 PM
Living memories: past and present of some Indian archives
- Mr. Peter Heehs (historian, former archiviste, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Archives), on the history of Sri Aurobindo’s Archives
- Mr. Rengaiyah Murugan (Librarian, MIDS, Chennai), on Tamil manuscripts and archives
- Dr. Roland Wittje (IIT, Chennai), collections and archives: history of science and technology
4 PM Coffee break
4:15 PM
- Dr. Anupama K. (IFP), on interrelated collections at the Ecology Department of IFP
- Mr. Venkat Srinivasan (Archiviste, IIS, Bangalore), on the digital representation of the archives at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Visit of the IFP collections (palm leaf manuscripts with Dr. Devi Prasad, collections of photographs with Mr. Ramesh Kumar and collections of Ecology with Dr. Anupama K.)
7.30 PM Dinner at IFP
March 8th, 2019
Session 2: Archives beyond borders and mindsets
Archives: trans-cultures and post colonialisms
9:30 AM
- Prof. Albert Dichy, IMEC, Caen, France, head of literary collections
- Dr. Chandramohan (Curator, GOML, Chennai), on the colonial period and the palm leaf and paper manuscripts from the “McKenzie” collection
11 AM Coffee break
11:30 AM
- Mr. Richard Hartz (Researcher, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Archives), on the intercultural aspects of Sri Aurobindo’s manuscripts
- Dr. G. Sundar (Director, Roja Muthaiah Research Library, Chennai), on archiving 20th century Tamil
1 PM Lunch
2 PM
Oral traditions and visual heritage in the age of digital archives
- Dr. C.S Lakshmi (director, SPARROW, Sound and Picture Archives for Research on Women, Mumbai), on archiving women’s testimonies and archives of orality
- Mr. Prashant Parvatneni (Kabir Project, Bangalore), on building the “Kabir Project” Archive
- Ms. Ranjani and Mr. Faizal (Keystone Foundation), on the creation of the Keystone Foundation Resource Centre, Nilgiris
4 PM Coffee break
4:15 PM
- Dr. Alexandra De Heering (IFP), on accessibility to visual archives
- Mr. Gopinath Sricandane (IFP), on the visual medium of archives
- Dr. Pierre Triomphe (Institut National du Patrimoine, Paris), on heritage and archives
5:30 PM Roundtable discussion
The sixth session of IMS / CEFRES epistemological seminar of this year will be hosted by
Ekaterina Zheltova (IMS FSV UK / associated at CEFRES)
Pavel Baloun (FHS UK / CEFRES)
Topic: Sovereignty
Where: CEFRES Library – Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
When: Wednesday 6 March 2019 from 4:30 pm to 6 pm
Language: English
- Humphrey: „Sovereignty“, A Companion to the Anthropology of Politics (ed. David Nugent, Joan Vincent), Malden-Oxford-Victoria, Blackwell, 2007, 418–436.
- Jennifer Illuzzi, “Negotiating the ‘state of exception’: Gypsies´ encounter with the judiciery in Germany and Italy, 1860-1914”, Social History 4/2010, p. 418-438.
A lecture by Laura Hobson Faure (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3) in the frame of the seminar on Modern Jewish History of the Institute of Contemporary History (AV ČR) and CEFRES in partnership with the Masaryk Institute (AV ČR).
Where: CEFRES library, Na Florenci 3, 110 00 Prague 1
When: from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Language: English
Since the 1990s, historians have sought to incorporate Jewish children’s experiences into the historiography on the Holocaust (Dwork, 1991, Stargardt, 2006), seeking out child-produced sources to write child-centered histories. Childhood as a sub-field of Holocaust studies has continued to develop, and now includes works on Jewish children’s experiences in Occupied Europe, as well as in the countries to which they fled (Michlic 2017, Gigliotti and Tempian, 2016, Cohen 2018, Ouzan 2018). However, historians have often constructed their work within local or national frameworks, remaining staunchly attached to a narrow periodization, focusing either on the war years or the postwar period. My current research, on a small group of about 300 children who fled from Central Europe to France in 1938-39, and from France to the United States in 1941-42, proposes a new reading of this history by considering children’s lives in transnational perspective, over a period of time that includes both the Holocaust and its long aftermath. By following the process through which children became refugees, I will shed light on little known child-evacuation schemes, but also question how these children, as adults, shaped the rise of contemporary Holocaust memory, as Holocaust survivors. This project thus proposes a microhistory of children’s networks, with the hope of raising larger questions of how individuals and families responded to persecution collectively, how social work practices and organizations shaped children’s lives, and how former child victims shaped the rise of Holocaust memory in Western Democracies.
The fifth session of IMS / CEFRES epistemological seminar of this year will be hosted by
Anna Simbartlová (IMS FSV UK)
Topic: Civic Integration
Where: CEFRES Library – Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
When: Wednesday 20 February 2019 from 4:30 pm to 6 pm
Language: English
- Sara Wallace Goodman (2010) Integration Requirements for Integration’s Sake? Identifying, Categorising and Comparing Civic Integration Policies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36:5, 753–772,
Gellner Seminar
Daniel Fisher (UC Berkeley) will give a lecture within the Gellner seminar organized by the Czech Association for Social Anthropology (CASA– Česká Asociace pro Sociální Antropologii), the Czech Society of Sociology, in cooperation with the Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and CEFRES.
When: 5th February 2019, at 4:30 pm
Where: CEFRES Library (Na Florenci 3, Prague 1)
Language: English
Spun Dry: Mobility, Morbidity, and Jurisdiction in Northern Australia
This paper pursues an ethnographic account of intra-Indigenous relations and jurisdictional contest in urban northern Australia. Its narrative explores the relationship between Aboriginal community policing and emergent forms and figures of urban mobility and morbidity in Darwin, capital of Australia’s Northern Territory. While Darwin’s Indigenous patrols have no police powers, they do have some authority and status vested in them by the traditional owners of the country on which they patrol. Their Aboriginal-directed efforts thus entail both an assertion of Indigenous jurisdiction, and an accompanying reflexivity about the substance and limits of its reach — limits informed by settler colonial oversight, by the diversity of Indigenous claims to urban space, and by poetic figures and mediatized narratives that trope the volatility of Aboriginal dispersal and displacement. The paper explores the ways patrols negotiate their authority and reckon its limits, extending a local poetics jurisdiction and movement to illuminate the new urban worlds they traverse. This provides ground for considering the mobility and multiplicity of law and the distribution of sovereign power at the margins of the settler colony.
Daniel Fisher is associate professor of anthropology at UC Berkeley. He is author of The Voice and its Doubles (Duke, 2016) and co-editor of Radio Fields: Anthropology and Wireless Sound in the 21stCentury (NYU, 2012). His work has appeared in American Ethnologist,Cultural Anthropology and collections including Aural Cultures and Keywords in Sound. He is currently completing a monograph on new Indigenous urban worlds in Australia’s Northern Territory, while pursuing a second project on the political life of Aboriginal musical celebrity.
Roundtable discussion with professors and young researchers in humanities and social sciences open to public
In the frame of the Night of Ideas 2019 (Nuit des idées) entitled “Facing the Present: Being or Not Being Feminist Today?” the French Institute in Prague and CEFRES are organizing a roundtable on the contemporary issues of feminism.
Venue: CEFRES Library (Na Florenci 3, Prague 1)
Time: 2-4pm
Organizers: Felipe Fernandes (PhD student at EHESS and associated PhD student at CEFRES) and Olga Slowik (PhD student at the Charles University and associated PhD student at CEFRES)
Language: English
Roundtable: Who is afraid of Gender Studies?
The already complex situation of gender studies in Central Europe has gotten even more complicated by the recent political changes, which consequences are the most visible in Poland and Hungary. On the other hand, the situation of this field in the Western world, including France, its academic recognition are often idealized by scholars from Czechia, Poland and Hungary. Is this really the case? What is the current place of gender studies in different countries? What are the challenges, obstacles, and controversies that they are facing nowadays?
- Réjane Sénac (France)
- Blanka Knotková-Čapková (Czech Republic)
- Anikó Gregor (Hungary)
Moderated by Olga Slowik and Felipe Fernandes