Press Review

The press review testifies to the center’s scientific activities and the interest raised by its guest researchers in the public debate in the Czech Republic and East-Central Europe.


Louisa Martin-Chevalier was a guest on Cultures Monde radio program series “Musique et patriotisme”  [Music and patriotism] Part #1/4 : Ukraine en guerre, les musiciens à l’unisson [Ukraine at war: “In Unison” Musicians]. Production: Julie Gacon. France Culture, 24/2/2025. With Oleg Skrypka & Arnaud Contreras.

Gilles LEPESANT was a guest on Affaires Étrangères radio program Le lithium nouvel or blanc. [Lithium. This new white gold]. Production : Christine Ockrent, France Culture, 15/2/2025.


Anabela Žigová – Lenka Kukorová, Anketa. Prezentácia slovenského výtvarného umenia v zahraničí [L. Kukorová’s interview with Anabela Žigová on her research work and her contribution “Silent screams. In the Face of Repression and Arbitrary State Violence” to EHESS-CEFRES workshop “The Voice from below” 22/11/2024]. Jazdec, 54, 2024-4, p. 3.

Louisa Martin-Chevalier “Musique et politique en Ukraine (2004-2024) : création sonore, exil et enjeux de genre”. La lettre CNRS Schences humaines & sociales, n° 90, octobre 2024, p. 29-30.

Claire Madl about CEFRES’s and CEFRES Platform’s programs to support Ukrainian researchers at Charles University: “Rektorka Králíčková: Věřím, že se můžeme vzájemně inspirovat” [Rector Králíčková: I believe we can inspire one each other], Actuality Karlovy univerzity, 26/02/2024.

About Charles University–CEFRES Tandem project “A Subaltern that sings” by Valeryia Korablyova, interviewed for “Ukrainian Scientists continue valuable work at CU” in Forum. Charles University Magazine, 20/01/2024.

“Face à la violence au cœur de l’Europe : accueil non-résidentiel des chercheurs ukrainiens au CEFRES” Analysis of the applications for the 2023 CEFRES non-residential fellowships dedicated to Ukrainian Researchers. Cahier des UMIFRE, #10, 2024.


“Xavier Galmiche představil své nové knihy” X. Galmiche presents his two new books published in the Czech Republic, Česká televize, 27/12/2023.

“Češi francouzskou optikou” Interview with Xavier Galmiche. Události, kometáře. Česká televize, 7/12/2023.

Luba Jurgenson, Olga Pavlova: “Ani mrtví nezůstanou v bezpečí. S Lubou Jurgenson o paměti míst i ruské kultuře zapomnění” [Not even the deads shall be safe. With Luba Jurgenson on the memory of places and the Russian culture of forgetting], A2, 6/2023.

Františka Schormová, “Bělošství má různé odstíny” [“Whiteness has different shades”. Interview with Ghassan Hage]. A2, No 03/2023, Feb. 2023.


Irena Jirků, “A začala doba temna… v Africe” [“And then came dark times came… in Africa”. Interview with F. X. Fauvelle]. Vesmír, No 101, Dec. 2022, p. 736-737.

“Ронан Эрвуэ: Люди в сельской местности не понимают этой войны Источник”  [“Ronan Hervouet: People, in the countryside, do not understand this war”]. Interview by Aliaksandr Atroshchankau with Ronan Hervouet, professor of sociology at Bordeau University, hosting at CEFRES / CNRS, Reformation (Belarusian independent media), 8/10/2022.


“I didn’t expect to win a scientific competition as a filmmaker”, [Nečekala jsem, že coby filmařka vyhraju vědeckou soutěž], interview with Lea Petříková about the Jacques Derrida Prize, an award given by the French Embassy to talented researchers under the age of 33, which she won in 2020, by Zuzana Keményová, Universitas, 25/10/2020.

“Le CEFRES, un centre pluridisciplinaire et déjà trentenaire à Prague”, [CEFRES, pluridisciplinary center is celebrating its 30th anniversary in Prague], interview with the director Jérôme Heurtaux about orientations, activities and ongoing challenges of the Center, by Thibault Maillet, Radio Prague, 05/02/2021.

“En 1991 naissait une institution nommée CEFRES”, [In 1991, the insitution called CEFRES  was born], report about creation and premises of CEFRES, by Thibault Maillet, Radio Prague, 10/02/2021.

“Le CEFRES organise un colloque pour son trentième anniversaire” [CEFRES organizes a conference for its thirtieth anniversary], about the conference “Knowledge, power and academic freedom in Europe (and beyond)” organized on the occasion of CEFRES’ 30th anniversary, by Thibault Maillet, Radio Prague, 27/05/2021.

“CEFRES has been offering Czech science an intellectual and creative background for 30 years, about the inaugural conference of CEFRES’ 30th anniversary, by Leona Matušková, Czech Academy of Sciences, 28/05/2021.

“L’objectif est de s’approprier les libertés académiques comme n’importe quelle autre liberté”, interview with Jérôme Heurtaux about the conference of CEFRES’ 30th anniversary, Is Academic Freedom a Freedom of All?, by Paul-Henri Perrain, Radio Prague International, 23/11/2021.


“Ceny Francouzského velvyslanectví si odneslo 26 mladých vědců”
[26 young researchers awarded by the French Embassy], scientific awards ceremony of the French Embassy, comprising CEFRES Plateform Award, Vědavý, 02/07/2020.

“Francouzská ambasáda v ČR letos ocenila 25 vědců a badatelů”
[The French Embassy awards 25 researchers and scientists], scientific awards ceremony of the French Embassy, comprising CEFRES Plateform Award, Eurozprá, 02/07/2020.

“French embassy awards 25 Czech scientists, researchers”
scientific awards ceremony of the French Embassy, comprising CEFRES Plateform Award, ČTK [Czech Press Agency], 02/07/2020. 

“Příroda ještě neřekla poslední slovo, připomíná antropolog, který sleduje globalizační nemoci. Interview with Frédéric Keck, anthropologist, by Catherine Portevin, Deník N, 08/05/2020. The version of Frédéric Keck’s interview for Philosophie Magazine was created in cooperation with the Institute of Ethnology of the CAS and CEFRES.


CEFRES Platform obtains a “Consolidator Grant” from ERC for its Tandam Team 2018-2019, Luděk Brož and Virginie Vaté

Mladým se do kamizoly nechce, by Eliška Nová, Lidové noviny, Newton media, 14/01/2020

Čech bude zkoumat vztah prasat, lovců a veterinářů. Dostane na to dva miliony eur [A Czech will conduct research on the relationship between wild boars, hunters and veterinarians. He will get two million euros], by Eliška Nová,, 10/12/2019

Antropolog Luděk Brož získal jako jediný český vědec evropský grant za 51 milionů, půjde na výzkum prasečího moru [The anthropologist Luděk Brož received 51 million crowns from the ERC, he conducts research on swine fever], by Markéta Růžičková, AV ČR, Hospodářské noviny, 10/12/2019

Český etnolog získal z ERC grantu 2 miliony eur na projekt o divokých prasatech a myslivosti [ A Czech ethnologist received million euros from ERC for his wild boar and hunting project], by Alice Horáčková and Markéta Růžičková, AV ČR,  Česká věda do světa, 11/12/2019

Jaký vliv má africký mor prasat na společnost? Český vědec získal na výzkum 50 milionů korun [What is the impact of African swine fever on society? A Czech scientist received 50 million crowns grants for his research], by the editorial board, Svět myslivosti, 11/12/2019

Antropolog zkoumá vliv divočáků na společnost [ An anthropologist studies the influence of wild boars on society], by Viktor Votruba, Hospodářské noviny [online], 11/12/2019

Africký mor prasat je hrozbou nejen pro zvířata, ale také pro celou společnost, varuje antropolog [ The African swine fever is a threat not only to animals but to society as a whole, warns an anthropologist], by Viktor Votruba, Hospodářské noviny, 11/12/2019, p. 4.

Grant na divočáky. Mění společnost [A grant for wild boars. They change our society], by Eliška Nová, Lidové noviny 11/12/2019, p. 5.

Boj s nákazou. Africký mor vytváří nové hranice, říká vědec, který získal 50 milionový grant [Fighting contamination. “African swine fever creates new frontiers” says a researcher who received a grant of 50 million crowns], by Eliška Nová, 11/12/2019

Český vědec dostal grant 50 milionů Kč na výzkum dopadů afrického moru prasat  [ A Czech researcher receives 50 million crowns funding for his research on the impact of the African swine fever], 10/12/2019.

Sociální antropolog Brož dostal prestižní grant 50 mil. Kč [ The anthropologist Brož receives a prestigious grant of 50 million czk], ČTK, Czech news agency, 10/12/2019.

Prestižní vědecký grant ve výši dvou milionů eur získá na svůj výzkum sociální antropolog Luděk Brož [The anthropologist Luděk Brož receives a prestigious grant of 2 million euros for his research], Deník N, 10/12/2019

ERC Consolidator Grants 2019: pro Česko opět jen jeden [ERC Consolidator Grants 2019: this year too, only one for Czech Republic], Věda a výzkum, 11/12/2019

Prestižní grant na 50 milionů pro českého vědce. Komisi zaujal výzkum afrického moru prasat [A prestigious grant of 50 million for a Czech researcher. African swine fever project appeals to commission], web Čtidoma, 10/12/2019

Etnolog AV ČR získal 2 miliony eur na projekt o divokých prasatech a myslivosti [ An ethnologist from the Czech Academy of Sciences obtains a 2 million euros grant for his project on wild boars and hunting], Czech Academy of Science online : 10/12/2019

Ocenění ERC Grant. [Award. ERC Grant], E-akademický Bulletin, 12.2019, s. 10-11.

Also on CEFRES website

Proč krajní pravice bojuje s vlky? Vztah lidí a vlků se snaží pochopit i geografka Julia Poerting.” Interview with Julia Poerting, social geographer, who participated in the international conference “Emigrating Animals and Migratory Humans: Belonging, Prosperity and Security in More-Than-Human World” organized by the Institute of Ethnology and teh Inst. of Sociology (Czech Academy of Sciences) and CEFRES. Alžběta Medková, Český Rozhlas, Radio Wave, 12-09-2019.

Tunisie : une présidentielle sous influence.” Interview with Jérôme Heurtaux, CEFRES Director, about the issues of the premature presidential election after the death of President Béji Caïd Essebsi. Laureen Piddiu, Journal La Marseillaise, 02-08-2019.

Sociální problémy pramení z rozbití rodiny, říká psycholog, který zkoumal sebevraždy kanadských Inuitů.” Interview with Michael Kral, psychologist and anthropologist, who participated in the Critical Suicide Studies International Network Meeting organized by the Institute of Ethnology (Czech Academy of Sciences) and CEFRES. Štěpán Sedláček, Český Rozhlas, 18-07-2019.

Autochtones et christianisme orthodoxe au Détroit de Béring :  contribution des études arctiques à l’anthropologie du religieux”. An article by Virginie Vaté, anthropologist, research fellow at CNRS / CEFRES in Prague. Research conducted with Marie-Amélie Salabelle (Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, CNRS / EHESS / Collège de France), also anthropologist. Monthly letter from the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities of CNRS, 3/2019.

“Lov v Evropě stojí na důležité křižovatce”. Interview with Luděk Brož (Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences / CEFRES) about the TANDEM program and his research project “Bewildering Boar”. Luděk Svoboda, AV ČR, Akademický bulletin 1/2019.


“Multiple perspectives on wild boar proliferation at research symposium in Prague”.  A review of the research symposium “Porcine Futures 1: Re-negotiating “Wilderness” in More-than-human Worlds” which took place on 16 and 17 October 2018. Erica von Essen, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 31-10-2018.

“Praha hostila konferenci o „divočině” ve světech více než lidských”. A review of the international workshop “Porcine Futures 1: Re-negotiating “Wilderness” in More-than-human Worlds” organized by the team of Bewildering Boar project at CEFRES – Aníbal Arregui, Luděk Brož, Marianna Szczygielska and Virginie Vaté together with Erica von Essen (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) on 16 and 17 October 2018. Jana Olivová, Czech Academy of Sciences, 22-10-2018.

“Il faut refaire parler de l’Europe centrale en France”, Clara Royer’s interview with Ludovic Lepeltier-Kutasi, for the on-line journal Le Courrier d’Europe centrale, 5-10-2018.

“Les transferts culturels entre l’Europe médiane et Paris au XIXe siècle”. Adéla Klinerová (CEFRES, FF UK, EPHE) and Kristýna Hochmuth (National Gallery, Prague) about the workshop “When all paths led to Paris” devoted to artistic exchanges between France and Central Europe and organized by CEFRES 26 & 27 June 2018.  Pierre Meignan, Radio Praha, 11-7- 2018.

“A l’époque des fake news, l’historien doit dire que la vérité existe”
Annette Wieviorka is a historian, specializing in the Holocaust history. She delivered a lecture in Prague, organized by CEFRES, the  Prague Centre for Jewish Studies (Faculty of Arts, Charles University) and the  Institute of Contemporary History (Czech Academy of Sciences). She also delivered a lecture-debate  about the disputes in Europe from 1968 to 2018, organized by the French Institute of Prague and the think tank Europeum. Radio Prague met her in order to talk about the Prague Spring and the role of historians in today’s society with her.

Radio Prague, 7.3.2018.

« Fake news: Human and Social Sciences in the Post-Fact Era»
Report from the first session of the European seminar Critical news organized by the École normale supérieure in partnership with CEFRES. The event took place on the 25th of January at the French Institute in Prague. Nicolas Thervet, ENS-PSL, 2018.


Filozofická fakulta UK hostila konferenci Citová rétorika
A short review of the international conference  “The Rhetorics of Affective Life: Stirring, Understanding and Naming Emotions” organized the Faculty of Arts of Charles University (FFUK) from 30 November to 2 December 2017, in the frame of the Excellence Centre VOICE, by the Institute of Romance languages and the Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the FFUK, in collaboration with CEFRES, on the occasion of the integration of Charles University into the Agence universitaire de la francophonie. I-Forum, journal of the FF UK, 7.12.2017

La Fabrique de l’Histoire sonde les nostalgies en Europe centrale
Emmanuel Laurentin will discuss the political and cultural connotations of the history of Central Europe in his programme La Fabrique de l’histoire on France Culture between 18th and 21st december 2017. Institut français de Prague. Novembre 2017.

France Culture s’invite à Prague pour parler Europe centrale
Radio report on the round table and workshop of Fabrique de l’Histoire organised by France Culture in collaboration with CEFRES and IFP on 13th november 2017 on the subject of Central Europe and its historical nestalgies (Europe centrale et ses nostalgies historiques). S. Cazabon, Radio Praha, 15th november 2017.

Nové přístupy k výzkumu dějin Židů za železnou oponou
Interview with Kateřina Čapková (Insitute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences) about the international conference she organized in collaboration with CEFRES in Prague 23-25 May 2017 : “New Approaches to the History of the Jews under Communism”. L. Matušková, Český rozhlas, 18 June 2017.

Roger Chartier : Co je to kniha? Odpověď na Kantovu otázku
Czech translation of Roger Chartier’s lecture held in Prague, 18 May 2016, at the French Institute: (translation by Anna Machová), Knihovna: knihovnická revue, Vol. 28, 2017-1, p. 45-56.

The Impact of literary translations on social processes (SK)
A review of the international conference “Translating from French in Central Europe in the 20th century: Political and Cultural Contexts (Hungary, Czech Lands, Poland, Slovakia)”, Bratislava, 16-17 May 2017, by Ľ. Suballyová.  Slovakian Academy of Sciences, 30.5.2017.

L’histoire de l’Europe centrale est faite d’altérités culturelles
During her stay in Prague as a Visegrad guest, Laure Teulières, historian of emigration at the University Jean Jaurès in Toulouse gave an interview about the stakes of immigration to come for Europe. She stated that we must keep in mind the historical diversity of European countries and therefore the very distinct point of views about this sensitive question, which is source of tension in the Czech republic and other Central European countries. Radio Prague, on the 3.05.2017.

“Written Culture and Society in the Bohemian Lands 16th–18th Century Workshop in Honour of Roger Chartier, 18 May 2016” Compte rendu par Katalin Pataki, Cornova, vol. 6 n° 2 2016, p. 114-116.

The Holocaust and its Aftermath from the Family Perspective
Review of the lecture arranged by Kateřina Čapková (Institut d’histoire contemporaine, AV ČR), Eliyana Adler (The Pennsylvania State University) and Ruth Leiserowitz (German Historical Institute, Warsaw). (Istvan Pal Adam H-Soz-Kult 15.3.2017 – 16.03.2017).

Austrian Refugee Movements to Czechoslovakia, 1934-39. From Political Exiles to Jewish Refugees
Interview with Wolfgang Schellenbacher (University of Vienna / Jewish Museum in Prague) on the occation of his lecture at CEFRES in the frame of a seminar on Modern Jewish History of the Institute of Contemporary History (AV ČR) and CEFRES in partnership with the Jewish Museum. (Radio Prague 5/04/2017)

Marek Skovajsa: Neortodoxní bourdieuovec Bernard Lahire
Bernard Lahire: 
Aktér mezi dispozicemi a kontexty jednání
The Czech translation of Bernard LAHIRE’s lecture organized by CEFRES on 8 October 2015 was published in Czech Sociological Review (1 / 2017) with an introduction by Marek Skovajsa.


Roger Chartier in Prague
Review of Roger Chartier‘s visit in Prague, in the electronic journal of the Czech National Library (by Anna Máchová, Knihovna Plus 1-9-2016)

Komunista, který pomáhal disidentům, Étienne Balibar: Obavy nebyly na místě
Étienne Balibar came to Prague for the Night of Philosophy. In an interview with Radio Wave, he tries to make a link between his exclusion from the communist party and his support to the Czechoslovak dissidents.(Radio Wave, 29/08/2016)

Přes čáru: „Migranti nás znova učí, co je to občanství“
During his stay in Prague for the Night of Philosophy, Etienne Tassain gave an interview about Cosmopolism and the “jungle” of Calais. (Radio Wave, 08/08/2016)

Nadvláda trhu ve středovýchodní Evropě je totální
Invited at the Night of Philosophy in Prague, Miklós Gaspár Tamás reflected upon the perils of capitalism and liberal democracy, and criticized the current policy of European countries (a2larm, 26/07/2016).

Zablokovaná představivost
Miklós G. Tamás talks about the political situation in Hungary and his own experience in the political sphere (Nový Prostor, 21/07/2016).

Dříve komunista, dnes liberál
Shortly after the Night of Philosophy, Étienne Balibar gave an interview on the French political situation, discussing subjects such as Islam, laïcité, communism and freedom of speech (Lidové noviny, 09/07/2016).

Přes čáru: „Muslimští homosexuálové ukazují, že nemusíme žít v zajetí opozic“
The French sociologist Eric Fassin, guest of the Night of Philosophy, talks about homonationalism with Radio Wave. (Radio Wave, 20/06/2016)

Na Noc filozofie přijela spisovatelka Marinová, ke studiu a napsání románu ji přivedla vážná nemoc
The French writer Claire Marin, guest of the Night of Philosophy, gave an interview on her writing experience (Hospodářské noviny, 17/06/2016).

V USA trestají přísněji než v Evropě
During his stay in Prague in the frame of CEFRES Platform lectures, Pierre Lascoumes gave an interview on the corruption of political elites in France and worldwide (Lidové noviny, 16/05/2016).

La littérature est un moyen tout à fait discret de faire de la politique
During her stay in Prague as a Visegrad guest, Ioana Popa introduced her work on the translation of East European literatures in France during the Cold War (French Radio Prague, 21/04/2016).

Michel Wieviorka: Jsme sirotci studené války a boje dělnické třídy
During his stay in Prague as a Visegrad Forum guest, Michel Wieviorka gave an interview on the political situation in Europe (Deník Referendum, 26/03/2016).

Voliči evropských politiků ztratili s uprchlíky soucit, říká přední sociolog
In this interview, Michel Wieviorka talks about the refugee crisis in Europe (Lidové noviny, 06/03/2016).

Interview with Michel Wieviorka on Czech TV
Michel Wieviorka appears on the TV program “Události, komentáře” and shares his view on the political tensions among EU members, particularly about the refugee crisis (ČT24, 24/02/2016).

French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences – Prague