Category Archives: Research Projects

Visual Representations of WWII: Museums, Memorials, Commemorations

 Visual Representation of the Second World War in Museums, Memorials, and Commemorations in Central Europe

A project carried out within the TANDEM CNRS-SAV program developed by the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV), the CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences (CNRS SHS), and the French Research Center for Social Science Research (CEFRES)

Project principal investigators: Petra Hudek and Thomas Chopard

Petra Hudek and Thomas Chopard’s TANDEM project on “Visual Representations, Memorials and Commemorations of the Second World War in Central Europe” aims to examine historical narratives, memorial practices and commemorations in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland. Continue reading Visual Representations of WWII: Museums, Memorials, Commemorations

Representing same-sex desire

Representing same-sex desire.
Local contexts, global circulations

A project funded by the 4EU+ University Alliance, developed by Sorbonne University (Paris), the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (Prague), the Universities of Copenhaguen, Milan and Warsaw, and CEFRES.

Project coordinators:

Josef Šebek, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Czech and Comparative Literature – principal investigator of the 4EU+ minigrant
Mateusz Chmurski, CEFRES – French Center for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Prague / Sorbonne Université
Carlotta Cossutta, Università degli Studi di Milano Statale / FUEL – Feminist and Queer Philosophy Lab
Libuše Heczková, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Czech and Comparative Literature / Centre of Gender Studies
Anton Juul, University of Copenhagen / Centre for Gender, Sexuality and Difference
Iwona Kurz, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Instytut Kultury Polskiej
Jean-François Laplénie, Sorbonne Université / Initiative Genre Philomel


The project intends to develop a network of 4EU+ colleagues working on LGBTQ+ cultural and literary history around a book project for the International Comparative Literature Association series’ Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages (ICLA CHLEL). Continue reading Representing same-sex desire

Central-European Masculinities

Central-European Masculinities in a Comparative Perspective

A project developed by the Institute of Literary Studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice (IL WNH UŚ), the Department of Czech and Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (ÚČLK FF UK), the Institute of Czech Literature at the Czech Academy of Sciences (ÚČL AV ČR), the Institute of Polish Culture at the Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw (IKP WP UW), the Institute of Slovak Literature at the Slovak Academy of Sciences (ÚSL SAV), the Center for Social Sciences – Sociology Institute (HUN-REN TK SZI), and the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences, Prague (CEFRES, CNRS-MEAE), supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research through the PARCECO program.

Time and place: June 19th and 20th, 2024, at CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1, and November 14th and 15th, 2024, at the University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland.
Language: French, English
Organizers: Wojciech Śmieja (IL WNH UŚ), Mateusz Chmurski (CEFRES/Sorbonne), Iwona Kurz (IKP WP UW), Richard Müller (ÚČL AV ČR), Josef Šebek (ÚČLK FF UK), Ivana Taranenková (ÚSL SAV)

Image ©️ Nadège Ragaru


Continue reading Central-European Masculinities

A Subaltern That Sings

A Subaltern That Sings:
From Sound Resistance to Musical Diplomacy in Wartime Ukraine

A project developed within CU-CNRS Tandem Program supported by Charles University, CNRS and CEFRES

Project principal investigators: Valeriya Korablyova, Louisa Martin-Chevalier

The joint TANDEM project “A Subaltern That Sings: From Sound Resistance to Musical Diplomacy in Wartime Ukraine” by Dr Valeriya Korablyova and Dr Louisa Martin-Chevalier is dedicated to the musical dimension of Ukrainian resistance as a vehicle for escaping the subaltern position of a double periphery in the blind spot between the EU and Russia. The overlap between musical production and political resistance has always been indicative of the Ukrainian public scene: from the musical underground in late Soviet times to the iconic songs codifying the core meanings behind the mass protests. By co-imagining future-oriented sovereign imaginaries in unison and making them audible, people manifest themselves as sovereign citizens and create affective ties among themselves and with others across national borders who sympathize with their cause. Importantly, by the same token, they prefigure and bring about a new political reality. Continue reading A Subaltern That Sings

Contested energy transitions

Contested energy transitions.
Conflicts and Social innovations in big cities in the Czech Republic, France and Poland

A project carried out under the TANDEM program as a joint initiative of the French National Research Center, the Czech Academy of Science and Charles University united within the CEFRES Platform for Cooperation and Excellence in Humanities and Social Sciences.

Principal investigators: Martin Ďurďovič, Gilles Lepesant
Member of the team: Krzysztof Tarkowski

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has presented unprecedented challenges to the European Union’s energy security. Nonetheless, the EU remains steadfast in its commitment to achieving climate neutrality by 2050, as outlined in the European Green Deal (2019). This ambitious goal necessitates a significant increase in the share of low-carbon energy sources, coupled with transformative changes in the distribution and consumption of energy. Continue reading Contested energy transitions

Displacements: Gendered-based Violence, Women’s Writing and Creative Practices

Displacements: Gendered-based Violence, Women’s Writing and Creative Practices in Modern Central and Southeastern Europe

A project funded by a 4EU+ minigrant


Conveyors: Eva Krásová – Mateusz Chmurski – Clara Royer – Lola Sinoimeri – Iwona Kurz – Hélène Martinelli

Using a transnational and interdisciplinary approach, the proposed research program confronts the polysemic category of displacement/dépaysement (exile, disorientation, dislodgement…) with the literary and artistic trajectories of Central European women. We aim at observing how the experience of gendered-based oppression fuels the literary and artistic practices of women from a region that has been torn between different imperial structures, marked by mass violence (the Holocaust, forced migrations, war crimes…) and where culture has always been permeated by a strong dialectical relationship between norms and transgressive gestures. Continue reading Displacements: Gendered-based Violence, Women’s Writing and Creative Practices