Échanges et Circulations : contacts culturels et processus de transferts

Date et lieu : 27 novembre 2015,  13h30 – 18h, dans la salle de conférence de l’Institut de littérature tchèque au 3 rue Na Florenci.

Partenaires : IGK 56 (Université de Freiburg) – CEFRES – Université Charles.

Langue : La journée d’étude se déroule en anglais.


13h30 : Charlotte Krauss and Clara Royer – accueil et introduction.

Session 1. Discutante : Veronika Čapská (FHS UK)

13h45 : Tomáš Masař (FF UK) – Czech and Finnish Mutual Interactions During  the Long 19th Century.

14h15 : Nataliya Kopcha (RSUH Moscou) – Fedor Dostoevskij as a Cultural Good in Germany of the Early 20th Century: Selection, Distribution and Reception.

Session 2. Discutante : Charlotte Krauss (Université de Freiburg)

14h45 : Natalja Salnikova (Université de Freiburg) – The social and cultural life of things: Migrating household objects (Hausrat) as an identity resource.

15h15 : Monika Brenišínová (CEFRES – FF UK) – Sixteenth Century Mexican Architecture: the Circulation of Forms and Ideas Between Europe and America.

15h45 : Pause.

Session 3. Discutante : Ľuda Klusaková (FF UK)

16h15 : Katja Plachov (Université de Freiburg) – Bridges or Bulwarks? The Presentation of Soviet Russia in The Mind and Face of Bolshevsim (1926). The Author René Fülöp-Miller as an Intermediate in Soviet–Western European Relations During the Interwar Period.

16h45 : Daniela Hannová (FF UK) – Arab Communism Across Europe. Arab Communists in France and Czechoslovakia and the Limits of Cultural Transfers.

Session 4. Discutant : Christian Jacques (Université de Strasbourg)

17h15 : Cécile Guillaume-Pey (CEFRES & FMSH) – Writing from the Margins. Appropriation of Literacy and Emergence of Indigenous Movements in India and Beyond.

17h45 : Linda Kovářová (FF UK) – Cultural Transfers Between City and Countryside (so called neorurals/cultural creative individuals).