Bohdan Shumylovych. Recherche & CV

L’art ukrainien (post-)soviétique.
Les groupes artistiques urbains et leur investissement de l’espace/lieu (années 1980 et 1990)

Axe de recherche 3. Expérience quotidienne des espaces

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Bohdan Shumylovych a obtenu un master en histoire moderne à l’Université d’Europe centrale (Budapest, 2004-2005) et un diplôme en histoire de l’art à l’Académie des arts de L’viv (Ukraine, 1993-1999). En 2020, il a obtenu un doctorat de l’Institut universitaire européen de Florence. Il a été boursier de plusieurs programmes de soutien à la recherche et a travaillé dans les archives de la faculté des arts visuels de l’Université George Washington, à Washington, et archives de l’Open Society Institute ( à Budapest.

Au Centre d’histoire urbaine (L’viv), il codirige le programme d’histoire publique, donne des conférences, participe au développement des expositions thématiques du Centre d’histoire urbaine et effectue des recherches. Dans son travail, il combine l’histoire et l’histoire de l’art, et en tant qu’historien public, il est l’auteur de nombreuses expositions. Au Centre d’histoire urbaine, il a lancé des collections de vidéos urbaines (2008-2011) et est devenu le chef de l’Urban Media Archive (2011-2019), avant de se tourner vers des projets d’histoire publique (2020-2022) et de se concentrer davantage sur la recherche. À l’Université catholique ukrainienne, il donne des cours d’études visuelles et d’esthétique, dirige le laboratoire visuel et coordonne des séminaires de recherche pour les étudiants en licence.

Ses travaux portent principalement sur l’histoire des médias en Europe centrale orientale et en Union soviétique, ainsi que sur les arts médiatiques, les études visuelles, les pratiques spatiales urbaines et la créativité urbaine.

Depuis le début de la guerre russe contre l’Ukraine en 2022, il a commencé à collecter des journaux intimes et des “ego-documents” de la guerre, en particulier concernant les rêves. En 2024, il se concentrera davantage sur les changements dans la vie nocturne pendant la guerre et sur les temporalités urbaines.



2014, August

– 2019, August

Ph.D. in History, Department of History and Civilization, European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Awarded 26 May 2020.
2004-2005 MA in Central European History, Central European University, Department of History, Budapest, Hungary.
1993-1999 Specialist diploma of Higher Education in Art History, L’viv Academy of Arts, Department of History and Theory of Art, L’viv, Ukraine.

Fellowships & projets de recherche collectifs

2023 Grant for the project: Dreams of war: documenting life experiences. Hertziana Grants for Art Historians in Ukraine Funded by Getty.


Grant for the project: Diaries of War: Documenting Life Experiences of Spring 2022.Documenting Ukraine”: Non-Residential Documenting Ukraine Fellowships funded by the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM, Vienna) and the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University (HURI).
——– Grant for the project: Recording Lived Experiences of the War in Ukraine: Psycho-social and Cultural Memory Perspectives. Research project funded by the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), made in cooperation with A/Prof. Magdalena Zolkos (University of Jyväskylä).


Visiting scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study (Zukunftskolleg) of the University of Konstanz (Germany). Affiliated with the Department of History and Sociology, May-October. Project: Healing the socialist body: The Ukrainian broadcasts of Anatoly Kashpirovskii.
2005-2007 Fellow, Academic Fellowship Program (AFP), Returning scholar, Open Society Institute, High Education Support Program (OSI HESP), L’viv, Ukraine.
2003-2004 Fellow, Program for MA Courses Development, Center for Humanities, L’viv National University, L’viv, Ukraine


 Accepted: Digital tools and old heuristic methods: placing artists on the map. Colloquia Humanistica (2024), (interdisciplinary journal of humanities of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences), special issue: Digital studies of culture in Central Europe (edited by Ondřej Daniel, Charles University, and Robert Kulmiński, University of Warsaw).

 Accepted: Solid Television: Ukrainian Art of the 1990s and its Media. Television in Eastern European Literature, Art, Film and Theatre (Slavica TerGestina, 2024). 

2023 Ukrainian Cinematic Culture During the War. IMAGES. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, T.XXXIV, Nr. 43., DOI: 10.14746/i.2023.34.43.7
2020 “Ukrainian Labor and Siberian Oil in the Late Soviet Empire” (co-authored with Alexander Etkind and Evgeniy Poliakov). Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, Vol. 6 Issue 2, P. 241-280. (ISSN: 1614-3515; 2364-5334)
—— “One Hundred Years of Solitude: Meditating on Tarik Amar’s Book on Lviv.” Nationalities Papers, 1-4. doi:10.1017/nps.2019.134
2019 “Fragmenting soviet mythologies: romantic imagery and musical films in Ukraine.” Studies in Eastern European Cinema – Special Issue CfP: Popular Music and the Moving Image in Eastern Europe (Taylor & Francis Group), 1 March, P. 111-128. (DOI: 10.1080/2040350X.2018.1527162

Chapitres de livres

Accepted book: Psychosocial and Cultural Perspectives on the War in Ukraine: Imprints and Dreamscapes, edited Bohdan Shumylovych and Magdalena Zolkos (Routledge)

2023 Soviet Media After 1968: Visuality, Corporeality and Identity. Luisa Passerini and Dieter Reinisch (eds.), Performing Memory: Corporeality, Visuality, and Mobility after 1968, Making Sense of History Series, Volume XYZ, New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2023.
2015  “L’viv 1960h: socialistyčnyj modernizm, konservatyvnyj romantyzm ta molodižnyj protest.” [L’viv of the 1960s: Socialist Modernism, Conservative Romanticism and Youth Protest]. Iskusstvo Ukrainskikh Shestidesiatnykov, Kyiv, Osnovy (in Russian).
2013  “Alternatyvni prostory Lviva 1980kh – 2000kh” [Alternative Spaces of Lviv in 1980-2000ies] Misto I onovlennia: Urbanistychni studii [City and its Regeneration: Urban Studies series], Kyiv: Smoloskyp (published by Heinrich Böll Stiftung), P. 69-83. (in Ukrainian)
2010  “Kulturni industriji v suchasnomu misti.” [Cultural Industries in Contemporary City]. Sociologiia Mista (Urban Sociology, textbook section), Donetsk: Knowledge publishing. (in Ukrainian)
——  “Lenin as Major Urban Hacker in L’viv. From Monument to Market.” Urban Hacking: Cultural Jamming Strategies in the Risky Spaces of Modernity (Gunther Friesinger, Johannes Grenzfurthner, Thomas Ballhausen eds.), Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld.

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