Ivan Blatný, Langston Hughes : traduction, transnationalité et le blues

Quelle intertextualité entre les oeuvres du poète afro-américain Langston Hughes et le poète tchèque Ivan Blatný ? Comment Blatný utilisait-il l’anglais dans sa poésie, comment Hughes usait-il de références à la Tchécoslovaquie ? Comment les poètes et les poèmes se meuvent-ils par-delà les langues et les blocs politiques et, plus largement, quelles étaient les relations littéraires entre les pays tchèques et la communauté culturelle afro-américaine ? Et quels rôles jouait la traduction dans ces relations ? Voilà quelques-unes des questions qui seront discutées lors de cette tables ronde.

Date : vendredi 19 mai, à 10h
Lieu : Institut de littérature tchèque, Académie tchèque des sciences
Organisateurs : Institut de littérature tchèque et CEFRES
Intervenant.e.s : Julie Hansen (Uppsala University), Charles Sabatos (Yeditepe University), Justin Quinn (FF UK), modérée par Františka Schormová (ÚČL, chercheuse associée au CEFRES)
Langue : anglais (mais aussi en tchèque)

Julie Hansen is an Associate Professor of Slavic Languages at the Department of Modern Languages, Uppsala University. She is interested in translation studies, multilingual and translingual literature, and cultural memory studies and publishes on especially Russian but also Czech literature of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Charles Sabatos is an Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Yeditepe University in Istanbul. Apart from his scholarly work on Czech and Slovak literature, he has also translated Slovak authors such as Pavel Vilikovský, Ján Uličiansky a Peter Karpinský into English.

Justin Quinn, a poet, translator, and literary critic teaching at Charles University in Prague and the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň, is interested in topics such as Cold War poetry, English as a lingua franca in contemporary literature, and transnational approaches to literature. He has translated Czech poets such as Jan Zábrana, Bohuslav Reynek, and Ivan Blatný into English.

The roundtable discussion will be moderated by Františka Schormová from the Institute of Czech Literature who has written a dissertation on the Cold War connections between 1950s and 1960s Czechoslovakia and the African American literary figures. Now, as a post-doc researcher at ICL, she looks at discourses of whiteness in Czech emigrant literature in the 1970s and 1980s Canada.