Grand Entretien avec Xavier Galmiche

Entretien avec Xavier Galmiche autour de la parution de deux de ses ouvrages en tchèque : le Poulailler métaphysique (Revolver Revue, 2023) et Znaky a přízraky (Karolinum, 2023)

Date : 6 décembre 2023, à partir de 18h
Lieu : Institut français de Prague, Štěpánská 35, Prague 1
Langue : français et tchèque (traduction simultanée)

Partenaires de la rencontre : CEFRES, Institut français de Prague, Revolver Revue, Université Charles de Prague,  Editions Karolinum

Modérateur : Mateusz Chmurski, directeur du CEFRES, maître de conférence en littérature centre-européenne à Sorbonne Université.

Discutant : Xavier Galmiche

Xavier Galmiche est professeur de littérature tchèque et de cultures centre-européennes, à la Faculté des Lettres de Sorbonne Université. Il est également traducteur (J. A. Komenský, K. H. Mácha, J. Weil, B. Hrabal, J. Vladislav, etc.).
Lauréat du prix Premia Bohemica de la Bibliothèque de  Moravie de Brno depuis 2020 pour l’ensemble de son œuvre, il est poète et prosateur.
Cette rencontre nous permettra de revenir sur la sortie de deux de ses ouvrages en langue tchèque :

Le Poulailler métaphysiquetexte autobiographique, à la croisée du carnet intime, de la méditation philosophique et du poème en prose (récompensé par le Prix Décembre 2021), vient de paraître chez Revolver Revue (dans la traduction de Jean-Gaspard Páleníček)

Znaky a přízraky (Signes et spectres), à paraître chez Karolinum.
Editorial Note
Signs and Spectres. Selected Essays on Czech and Central European Literature comprises thirty-eight essays by Xavier Galmiche written between 2000 and 2022 and published in various academic press, conference or thematic proceedings and periodicals, as accompanying texts in books of selected Czech literature, or as contributions in collective monographs. Many of them were written with a foreign audience in mind, which is why the author introduces facts well-known to Czech readers in them. Approximately half of the texts included in this volume have so far been published only in the original language, i.e., in French or German—these have been translated into Czech by Karolinum Press for the purposes of this edition. As for the remaining texts, existing Czech or Slovak translations have been used, with slight modifications made to them and obvious factual errors and contradictions corrected. These are not marked in the text. The collection of essays is structured by topic, with the texts within the individual sections arranged chronologically (in relation to the subject of each text). Printed for the first time ever, the volume includes an interview conducted by Jiří Pelán with the author of the book that focuses in on the biographical, pedagogical, translation and research curriculum of Xavier Galmiche. The interview, originally conducted in French, has been translated into English by Jiří Pelán, who also affixed it with footnotes. Signs and Spectres will be the seventh title published in the Czech Studies Abroad series.

For bibliographic information on the individual essays and other information of a technical nature, see below. In recording this information, we have relied on the author’s bibliography from 2020 compiled and published by the Moravian Library in Brno on the occasion of the awarding of the Premia Bohemica prize to the author. We have supplemented and corrected the bibliography in a few places.

Throughout the volume, we have unified the method of citation and referencing. In several texts, we have omitted superfluous explanations relating to phenomena (Devětsil) or authors (Jakub Deml) commonly known to the Czech reader. In the footnotes, we have also left out information on published translations of Czech literature into German and French relevant in the respective language regions. By contrast, in many places we have added the French version of the quoted passages, something that was not present in the texts when originally published. We have not edited the inevitable repetitions of phrasing or parts of paragraphs across the individual essays. All texts have been revised and, in several places, slightly modified by the author.

Lire et télécharger la note éditoriale complète avec le sommaire du volume ici.