All posts by Cefres

Adrien Beauduin: Research & CV

Re-articulations of gender, sexuality, race and class in the populist radical right in Czechia and Poland

Research Area 2 & 3 – Norms and transgressions & Objects, Traces, Mapping: Everyday experience of spaces

Contact: adrien.beauduin(@)

Adrien Beauduin is a PhD student at the Central European University, where he devotes his researches to radical right populist political parties in Czechia and Poland. His work focuses on the party members’ individual motivations, socio-political opinions and mobilisation factors, with a particular emphasis on gender and sexuality, and the ways these themes intersect with racial and socio-economic issues.

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CEFRES Mobility Grants Winners – 2020-2021

The interdisciplinary selection jury of the CEFRES mobility grants auditioned 12 candidates on May 27, 2020. It congratulates all the candidates for the high quality of their file and their hearing.

After deliberating, the jury have decided as follows:

Platform CEFRES Grants
  • Ekaterina Zheltova (Charles University, FSV): Between the Northern Epirus and Chameria: Political, cultural, and linguistic imaginaries in the Albanian-Greek borderlands
Young Fellows Grants
  • Felipe Kaiser Fernandes (EHESS): Le marché au quotidien : les défis d’une ethnographie du « marché »
  • Mert Kocak (CEU): Transnational Governance of Displacement, Sexuality and Gender Identity: UNHCR as the Main Actor in Creating a Legal Basis for Asylum-Seeking for LGBT Refugees in Turkey
Waiting list
  • 1. Nikola Ludlová (CEU): Roma as an Object of Science and State Polices. Knowledge and Citizens in the Making in Post-war Czechoslovakia, 1945–1989
  • 2. Véronique Gruca (Univ. Paris-Nanterre): Chamanisme, mort et mines en Mongolie post-communiste
The following candidates are proposed to become « associated fellows » to CEFRES for the year 2020-2021:
  • Adrien Beauduin (CEU): Réarticulations de genre, sexualité, race et classe dans la droite radicale
    populiste en Tchéquie et en Pologne
  • Véronique Gruca (Univ. Paris-Nanterre): Chamanisme, mort et mines en Mongolie post-communiste
  • Lukáš Kotyk (Charles University, FSV): Nonhierarchical Model of Project Governance
  • Nikola Ludlová (CEU): Roma as an Object of Science and State Polices. Knowledge and Citizens
    in the Making in Post-war Czechoslovakia, 1945–1989
  • Tereza Sedláčková (Charles University, FSV): Multiple bodies in the context of vaccination as a medical practice

CFA: International PhD Contract on the Construction of the Orphan in 20th Century East-Central Europe

CFA: International PhD Contrat “All Alone” in East-Central Europe: Reinventing the Orphan from the Fascist to the Socialist Era

Deadline for submission (on Portail Emploi): 30 June 2020
Interviews (videoconference): 6-8 July 2020
Start date of the thesis: 1st October 2020
Contract period: 36 months
Remuneration: 2 135,00 € gross monthly

The selected candidate will be enrolled in the PhD program “Civilizations, Cultures, Literatures and Societies” (ED 4), within the Faculty of Arts of the Sorbonne University. They will be a member of the research group Eur’ORBEM “Cultures and Societies of Eastern, Balkan, and Central Europe” (CNRS, Sorbonne University, UMR 8224). Eur’ORBEM is an interdisciplinary research unit in social sciences and humanities which gathers experts on Eastern, Central and South-Eastern Europe. The PhD project is part of two research areas proposed by Eur’ORBEM: “History, Memory, Identities and Conflicts“ and “Arts and Transculturality”. The PhD student is expected to take full part in the scientific life of the research team. The PhD shall be supervised by Doc. Clara Royer, PhD, a specialist of East-Central European cultures at Sorbonne University ( The PhD student shall take part in the scientific life of the research team.

The PhD contract requires a mobility period in East-Central Europe. The PhD student should spend preferably 3 months per year gathering the necessary sources of their research. According to the focus of their PhD dissertation, the PhD student may do fieldwork in at least one Visegrad country (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia). For this research period, they will be welcomed by the French Research Centre in Social Sciences (CEFRES – USR 3038 CNRS-MEAE) in Prague, Czech Republic CEFRES is part of the network of French Research Institutes Abroad (UMIFRE). CEFRES is therefore under the tutelage of both the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). The Center will provide the PhD student with administrative and logistic support while allowing a stimulating scientific environment thanks to its research Platform with The Charles University and the Czech Academy of sciences, but also through its scientific network spread in other Visegrad countries.

See further information on CNRS website

En français

300 days of detention for Fariba Adelkhah

We’ve been in lockdown for 20 days. Fariba Adelkhah, a researcher at the International Research Centre of Sciences Po Paris, has been in prison for 300 days in Iran. By posting her face on the websites of academic institutions and research teams in Europe and elsewhere, we want to show the support of the scientific community and urge the French government to do everything possible to secure her release.

Fariba Fariba is in danger. We must act urgently for her.

©Stéphanie Samper

CFP: Shaping the ‘socialist self’? The role of psy-sciences in communist states of the Eastern Bloc (1948–1989)

International Workshop

Venue: Prague
Date: 6 November 2020
Deadline for applications: 30 June 2020
Organizing institutions: CEFRES, Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Collegium Carolinum in Prague

The history of psy-sciences under communist rule in the former Eastern Bloc has been widely perceived as a mirror image of state socialist mental health policies. In the last years, however, the situation has changed: the history of psy-sciences in communist Europe has become an evolving field of research dealing with a variety of topics ranging from the transnational history of psychiatry to the history of social control and criminality.

Continue reading CFP: Shaping the ‘socialist self’? The role of psy-sciences in communist states of the Eastern Bloc (1948–1989)