“References to French, American and British Popular Cultures in Czechoslovak cinema, 1969–1982″
Contact : anastasia.mamaeva(@)cefres.cz
Research Area 2: Norms and Transgressions
From political thrillers to burlesque adaptations of Belle Époque dime novels, references to French, American and British pop culture characters and tropes abound in the Czechoslovak cinema of the “offensive normalization” era. In line with recent works on the concept of “porous Iron Curtain” and the remapping of Cold War media Anastasia’s PhD thesis aims to show that pop culture references abide by their own rules and travel along different routes than those indicated by the political maps of the time. Continue reading Anastasia Mamaeva – Research & CV→
Research area 1 : Displacements, “dépaysement”, discrepancies
My thesis investigates the upheaval caused by the large-scale invasion of Ukraine for Central and Eastern European specialists in academic, cultural and media circles in France and the Czech Republic.
The aim is to understand how the large-scale war led French and Czech researchers, cultural professionals and journalists working on Ukraine to rethink their personal and professional practices. Continue reading Joséphine Brive – Research & CV→
“From a Party Truth to a Class Truth”: Picture of Operaismo in Heresy (1956–1969)
Research Area 1 and 2
His PhD research focuses on the Italian branch of the international “new left-wing”, appearing after 1956, as an intellectual network and activist groups in periphery of the partisan left-wing. His subject is more precisely connected to the group magazines associated with “Operaismo” or “Workerism”, namely Quaderni rossi and Classe operaia, whose archives he discusses (work notes, letters, mettings reports, personal papers) with hybrid methods. He thus uses tools from social history of political ideas, socio-history of parties, sociology of political crisis and transnational mobilisations.Continue reading Julien Allavena – Research & CV→
“Jews in Cheb (Eger) in the High and Late Middle Ages”
Contact : kajetan.holecek[@]cefres.cz
Research Area 3 – Objects, Traces, Mapping: Everyday Experience of Spaces
My dissertation examines the Jewish position in the urban space of Cheb (Eger), a town on the Czech-German border. Given that the Jewish community in this town is among the oldest and most populous in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown, it could be seen as representative of other medieval Jewish communities. The local context thus serves as a valuable case study for understanding the role of Jewish residents in the environment of medieval towns. The primary objective of my research is to define the role of Jews in medieval urban society by analysing social interactions within the urban space in answering the question: How should we speak and think of the Jews in the urban space?Continue reading Kajetán Holeček – Research & CV →
“Philosophy of Failure: Negativity and Error in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit”
contact: josefina.formanova@cefres.cz
Research Area 2 – Norms & Transgressions
My dissertation project draws on the observation that the current global society revolves around the highly valued ideal of success. In addition, we can witness the declining ability to resign into passivity or doubt on the one hand, as well as the increasing tendency to lethargy where action proves vital on the other. In the broader scope of my research, I explore the notion of passivity in action, and claim it to be the foundation for living in meaningful relationships with others and the world. Specifically, I adhere to the idea of reinventing the understanding of activity according to its inherent uncontrollability, which appears to be present in each human act or relation. My research embarks from the most common situation, in which controllability is open for observations: from human failure.Continue reading Josefína Formanová – Research & CV→
“The Quest for a Lost Meaning: Work and Workers in Late Socialist Czechoslovakia. A Story of Flying Literature”
Contact: valentin.auger[@]ff.cuni.cz
Research Area : 1
My doctoral research focuses on the notion of meaning in the work experienced by workers in socialist Czechoslovakia in the 1970s and 1980s. It is being carried out at the Institute of Economic and Social History (ÚHSD) of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University.Continue reading Valentin Auger – Research & CV→
French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences – Prague