Category Archives: CEFRES Team

Jan Musil – Research & CV

“Thanatographies and the Modes of Literary Mourning”

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Research Area 2 

In my research at the Department of Czech and Comparative Literature, Charles University, I am looking at autobiographical narratives concerned with the death of a close person and mourning, which I call thanatographies. 

In the contexts of claims that death had been made into a taboo during the 20th century (Ariès, Becker, Ohler, Jankélévitch, etc.), I understand thanatographies, emerging mainly in the second half of the period, as counter-narratives that treat death in its different forms, such as death of the other, grief, fear of own death, processes of dying, hospitalization, suicide, etc. in a sensitive and complex manner. If the norm is death that is on the one hand inexpressible or radically Other, or, on the other hand, aesthesized, objectified and medicalized, then the transgression is death, dying and grief as a subjective experience, communicated through writing, which is aware of its own performative nature (de Man) and seeks a sense of agency in the grieving process (Blumenberg). I am mainly interested in how mourning is staged using literary means, and I offer alternatives to the widespread Freudian reading of grief writing (not just thanatographies, but elegies and other commemorative genres, too) as work of mourning.  Continue reading Jan Musil – Research & CV

Natalia Marakhovska Research & CV

Embracing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) through Art
in Culturally Responsive Teaching

Research  Area 2: Norms and Transgressions

Natalia Marakhovska, an Associate Professor in the Department of Romance and Germanic Philology at Mariupol State University, relocated to Kyiv, Ukraine, joins CEFRES for 2024. She is a team member of the Erasmus+ project BELONG (Better Education through Long-term Investment into Inclusiveness and Student and Staff Wellbeing) at the Competence Development Centre of Masaryk University, Brno.

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Petra Hudek – Research & CV

Visual Representations, Memorials and Commemorations of the Second World War in Central Europe

Research Area 3 – Objects, Traces, Mapping: Everyday Experience of Spaces

Contact: petra.hudek[@]

Petra Hudek is a historian at the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Department of Contemporary History. In 2022-2023, she carried out her research project “Iconoclasm in the Czechoslovak public space after 1989. The heritage of socialism in historical perspective” as a post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences. She is currently preparing a monograph on Soviet war memorials in the Czechoslovak public space after 1989. Her research focuses on the politics of memory, museums, and the processes of museification of public space, as well as the instrumentalization of history.

Gábor Egry – Research & CV

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An invisible empire? Austro-Hungarian economic space in Central and Southeastern Europe 1890-1930: actors, structures, embeddedness, factors of resilience

Historian, Phd, DSc, chief director. He has published four books and two edited volumes, most recently Etnicitás, identitás, politika. Magyar kisebbségek nacionalizmus és regionalizmus között Romániában és Csehszlovákiában 1918-1944 [Ethnicity, identity, politics. Hungarian minoirties between nationalism and regionalism in Romania and Czechoslovakia 1918-1944] (Napvilág, Budapest, 2015), and numerous articles in specialist journals (incl. SlavicReview and EastCentral Europe), volumes and media outlets on topics of history and politics of identity. He was visiting lecturer at the University of Miskolc, at Stradins University, Riga and at ELTE Budapest, „Europa” Fellow of the New Europe College – Institue for Advanced Studies, Bucharest, visiting fellow at the Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena and at IOS Regnesburg, Fulbright visiting reserach scholar at Stanford University, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies. Continue reading Gábor Egry – Research & CV

Anna Kuszmiruk: Research and CV

“A philosophical critique of the concept of time in 20th-century physics. Henri Bergson and the relativity theory”

Research Area 3 – Objects, Traces, Mapping: Everyday Experience of Spaces


The main issues I address in my thesis are Henri Bergson’s conception of time in philosophy and his critique of relativity theory in relation to the concepts of time and simultaneity in the special theory of relativity. Furthermore, my work tackles the great breakthroughs in 20th[1]century physics, including the transition from the concepts of abstract time, empty space and absolute motion to the relativity of space-time and then to the indeterminacy principle ushering in quantum physics, which, incidentally, seems to confirm, according to the great physicist Louis de Broglie, Bergson’s thoughts on the understanding of time. Moreover, I also address the issues of accusations of irrationalism against Bergson and his contemporary rehabilitation, including new voices in the interpretation of Bergson’s debate with Einstein and the most recent research on Bergsonism.

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