Category Archives: Non classé

Julien Allavena – Research & CV

“From a Party Truth to a Class Truth”: Picture of Operaismo in Heresy (1956–1969)

Research Area 1 and 2 

His PhD research focuses on the Italian branch of the international “new left-wing”, appearing after 1956, as an intellectual network and activist groups in periphery of the partisan left-wing. His subject is more precisely connected to the group magazines associated with “Operaismo” or “Workerism”, namely Quaderni rossi and Classe operaia, whose archives he discusses (work notes, letters, mettings reports, personal papers) with hybrid methods. He thus uses tools from social history of political ideas, socio-history of parties, sociology of political crisis and transnational mobilisations.  Continue reading Julien Allavena – Research & CV

Valentin Auger – Research & CV

“The Quest for a Lost Meaning: Work and Workers in Late Socialist Czechoslovakia. A Story of Flying Literature”

 Contact: valentin.auger[@]

Research Area : 1


My doctoral research focuses on the notion of meaning in the work experienced by workers in socialist Czechoslovakia in the 1970s and 1980s. It is being carried out at the Institute of Economic and Social History (ÚHSD) of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Continue reading Valentin Auger – Research & CV

Jan Musil – Research & CV

“Thanatographies and the Modes of Literary Mourning”

Contact : 

Research Area 2 

In my research at the Department of Czech and Comparative Literature, Charles University, I am looking at autobiographical narratives concerned with the death of a close person and mourning, which I call thanatographies. 

In the contexts of claims that death had been made into a taboo during the 20th century (Ariès, Becker, Ohler, Jankélévitch, etc.), I understand thanatographies, emerging mainly in the second half of the period, as counter-narratives that treat death in its different forms, such as death of the other, grief, fear of own death, processes of dying, hospitalization, suicide, etc. in a sensitive and complex manner. If the norm is death that is on the one hand inexpressible or radically Other, or, on the other hand, aesthesized, objectified and medicalized, then the transgression is death, dying and grief as a subjective experience, communicated through writing, which is aware of its own performative nature (de Man) and seeks a sense of agency in the grieving process (Blumenberg). I am mainly interested in how mourning is staged using literary means, and I offer alternatives to the widespread Freudian reading of grief writing (not just thanatographies, but elegies and other commemorative genres, too) as work of mourning.  Continue reading Jan Musil – Research & CV

CEFRES Francophone Interdisciplinary Seminar 2023–2024. Map and Border

In keeping with the traditions of CEFRES, the interdisciplinary seminar proposes to bring together one Friday per month, researchers, doctoral students, alumni and French-speaking friends of the Center to discuss issues at the crossroads of their respective disciplines. In 2023-2024, we would like to begin by questioning the very act of delimiting and representing (a territory, a period, a trajectory), in short, using the crossfire of our respective disciplines, to question the map and the border.

Location: CEFRES library, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
Time: one Friday a month, 10 am–12 pm
Language: French

Between representation and identity, symbol and projection, between the concrete and the abstract, the map has accompanied the human species since antiquity as an object, a support for images and natural or abstract delimitations imposed on geographical, historical and/or social spaces. It also serves as an iconographic and pictorial memory of territories and the practices associated with them. Continue reading CEFRES Francophone Interdisciplinary Seminar 2023–2024. Map and Border

Rethink 2023–2024. Objects, models, and methods

RETHINK. Objects, models, and methods in Humanities and Social Sciences since the invasion of Ukraine

Seminar within the program of the CEFRES non-residential fellowships for Ukrainian scholars in humanities and social sciences, 2023

From May 2023, the CEFRES Ukraine fellows in Humanities and Social Sciences will remotely present their current research projects in discussion with Czech, French, and international specialists of respective fields. Our goal is to analyze what the Russian invasion has done to our disciplines, objects, methods of research and ways of thinking. Together, we invite fellows, colleagues in situ and all interested public to rethink: Continue reading Rethink 2023–2024. Objects, models, and methods

CEFRES Seminar 2023–2024

One of CEFRES’s mission is to train the young researchers welcome at the center.

Since Autumn 2021, CEFRES gathers in a Research Seminar all its PhD fellows and researchers opened to young researchers and to MA and PhD students of its partners, within “CEFRES Platform” and in the four Visegrad countries.

Through the presentation of works in progress, CEFRES’s Seminar aims at raising and discussing issues about methods, approaches or concepts, in a multidisciplinary spirit, allowing everyone to confront her or his own perspectives with the research presented. The seminar can be led by a single researcher or in pairs, be based on a reading or a document, or welcome an external researcher invited to present particularly inspirative work.

Location: CEFRES Library and online
Dates: once a month, on Tuesday – 16:30–18:30
Language: English
Contact: cefres[@]

Schedule for 2023–2024 Winter semester
Continue reading CEFRES Seminar 2023–2024