Historical Approaches to Technical Creativity

Historical Approaches to Technical Creativity and Innovation

The conference aims to present historical approaches to innovative technology in many fields: from private enterprise to electrification, decolonization, locomotives, watchmaking and the ecological aspects of technology.

Date: October 3, 2024
Place: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, (Technická 2, Prague 6)
Language: French, English

Organizer: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

Conference Programme Continue reading Historical Approaches to Technical Creativity


SILF 2024
45th International Colloquium of Functional Linguistics

The colloquium will focus on three main themes: Language and the Media, Europe as a Mosaic of Languages, and Grammaticalization and Dynamic Synchrony. The organizers have also prepared another specific theme, namely a workshop on semiology.

Date: Octobre 2-5, 2024
Location: Faculty of Arts, UP Olomouc, Křížkovského 512/10
Languagee: French, English, Czech

Organizers: SILF (International Society for Functional Linguistics), CEFRES, Olomouc Section of the Linguistic Association of the Czech Republic

Main themes of the colloquium Continue reading INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM OF FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS

Boundless Affections: Methodologies in Transnational History of Same-Sex Desire

Boundless Affections.
Methodologies in Transnational History of Same-Sex Desire in Literature (19th-20th centuries)

This international workshop is conceived as a preparatory event for the ICLA Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages Series’ Topic Volume Representing Same-Sex Desire. Local Contexts, Global Circulations in European Literary Cultures. (CHLEL : https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/projects/chlel/).

Date: September 19-20, 2024
Location: CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague and online (to register, please write to the address cefres@cefres.cz)
Language: English



  • Coordinating Committee for the Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages Series, International Comparative Literature Association (CHLEL-ICLA)
  • National Scientific Research Fund, Belgium (FNRS)
  • Adelphi University (New York), United States
  • French Research Centre in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES), Prague
  • Department of Czech & Comparative Literature, Charles University, Prague (ÚČLK FF UK)

Continue reading Boundless Affections: Methodologies in Transnational History of Same-Sex Desire

Central-European Masculinities

Central-European Masculinities in a Comparative Perspective: International Symposium

International symposium organized by CEFRES in the frame of the Central European Masculinities research project, with the support of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR, PARCECO Program), in collaboration with the University of Silesia in Katowice, the Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences (ÚČL AVČR) & the Department of Czech and Comparative Literature, Charles University (ÚČLK FF UK).

Location: CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
Date: June 19 20th, 2024
Languages: English, French
Organizers: Wojciech Śmieja (IL WNH UŚ), Mateusz Chmurski (CEFRES/Sorbonne), Iwona Kurz (IKP WP UW), Richard Müller (ÚČL AV ČR), Josef Šebek (ÚČLK FF UK), Ivana Taranenková (ÚSL SAV).

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87287534658?pwd=76IKqZc2qhThHlfLedvvxFbpNbe1iM.1 

Meeting ID: 872 8753 4658
Passcode: 451680

Continue reading Central-European Masculinities

Renaissance Principles and Their Early Modern Receptions

Renaissance Principles and Their Early Modern Receptions:
European Currents and Local Appropriations

A Workshop organized by the Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IAH CAS, Prague), within the program Strategie AV 21 of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and CEFRES (Prague) with the support of the École pratique des hautes études  (EPHE – PSL, Paris), Julius-Maximilians-Universität (Würzburg), Bayrisch-Tschechische Hochschulagentur (Regensburg), Politecnico di Torino, Universidad de Jaén, Charles University (Prague), National Gallery Prague.

Date: June 11-12, 2024
Locations: CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, June 11, 2024, Institute of Art History, Husova 4, June 12, 2024, National Gallery, Prague, Waldstein Riding School; Prague Castle
: English


Tuesday, June 11 (at CEFRES)

9.30 – 9.45 – Introduction

  • Claire Madl (CEFRES Prague)
  • Sabine Frommel (EPHE – PSL, Paris)
  • Eckhard Leuschner (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
  • Taťána Petrasová (IAH CAS, Prague)

9.45 – 11.45 – 1st panel

  • Chair: Sabine Frommel (EPHE – PSL, Paris)
  • Miguel Ángel Carrasco Sánchez (University of Jaén), The Benavides Family as Promoters of Renaissance Architectural Language in the Old Kingdom of Jaén
  • Gabriel Pereira (University of Coimbra), The Different Stages of Renaissance Architecture: João de Castilho’s Work in Tomar
  • Jakub Kříž (Masaryk University, Brno), The Renaissance Portal of the Olomouc Town Hall and the Problem of the Antique Mode in Moravia in the 1530s
  • Pablo Ferri (EPHE – PSL, Paris), Medicean Villas in the Annunciation During the Italian Renaissance

11.45 – 12.00 – Coffee break

12.00 – 13.30 – 2rd panel

  • Chair: Valentina Burgassi
  • Felix Schmieder (PALAMUSTO, University of Warsaw), Living Between Cultures: Renaissance Residences of Catherine Jagiellon in Poland and Sweden
  • Lucía Pérez (EPHE – PSL, Paris), Diego Siloé and His Contemporaries: Some Thoughts on Funeral Chapels
  • Mariia Ovsianikova (EPHE – PSL, Paris), The Imaginary Temple: Constructing the Identity of the Christian Temple in Italian Painting of the 15th–16th centuries

13.30 – 14.30 – Lunch break

14.30 – 16.00 – 3nd panel

  • Chair: Eckhard Leuschner (Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg)
  • Clara Léoni (EPHE – PSL, Paris), The Hanged Man: A Visual and Discourse Exploration of Capital Punishment
  • Christina Hablik (Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg), Transfer and Transformation of Pictorial Ideas: the Likeness of Julius II as a Means of Propaganda in the Conflict Between the Papacy and France (1510–1513)
  • Annemarie Graf (Julius-Maxmilians-Universität, Würzburg), The Prints of Previous Centuries: Collecting Renaissance Prints in the Second Half of the 17th Century

16.00 – 16.15 – Coffee break

16:15 – 18.15 – 4th panel

  • Chair: Taťána Petrasová (IAH CAS, Prague)
  • Corinna Gannon (Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main), Material Hybridity of Rudolfine Kunstkammer Objects and the Notion of Universality
  • Tadeáš Kadlec (Charles University – IAH CAS, Prague), Count Michna’s Palace in Prague: Its Origins and Meanings
  • Robert Seegert (Julius-Maxmilians-Universität, Würzburg), Renaissance Paintings Collected by High-Ranking Clerics in Southern Germany during the 18th Century: The Example of the Würzburg Prince-Bishops
  • Adéla Bricínová (Charles University, Prague and EPHE – PSL, Paris). Projects for the Reconstruction of the Castle Bečov nad Teplou: Castles in the sky of Duke Alfred Beaufort-Spontin

18.15 – 18.30 – Closing remarks


Wednesday, June 12

9.30 – 10.15 Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences, collection of historical photography of Renaissance architecture, with its curator Petra Trnková, IAH CAS

10.30 – 12:00 At CEFRES, 5th panel

  • Chair: Pedro Antonio Galera Andreu
  • Tomáš Murár (IAH CAS, Prague), Weltgeist or Weltanschauung? Search for the Meaning of Italian Renaissance in the Late 19th Century Art History
  • Lorenzo Fecchio (Politecnico di Torino), The Anglo-American Rediscovery of Italian Renaissance Gardens
  • Valeria Sedlerjonok (The Giorgio Cini Foundation, Venice), The Art of Reception: Venetian Renaissance Painting as Seen in Early 19th Century Venice

12:00 – 13:30 – Lunch break

13:45 – 15:00 Exhibition From Michelangelo to Callot. The Art of Mannerist Printmaking, Waldstein Riding School, Malá Strana, metro Malostranská stop; guided tour with the main curator Alena Volrábová, National Gallery Prague and co-author Sylva Dobalová (IAH CAS).

15:30 – 18:00 Prague Castle, Summer House Belvedere, Ballroom and the context of Emperor’s gardens, with Richard Biegel (Charles University, Prague), Sylva Dobalová (IAH CAS).

18:00 – 18:15 – Closing remarks


You can download the program here.

Racializing Romani People in the 19th Century

Racializing Romani People in the 19th Century

A conference, jointly organized by the Prague Forum for Romani Histories at the Institute of Contemporary History, the Czech Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with Gonzaga University, the Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU, and the Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, and supported by Strategy AV21 (Research Programme: Identities in the World of Wars and Crises), Lumina Queruntur award (LQ300582201), and Gonzaga University.

Date: 20-21 May, 2024 at 12:45pm
Location: Villa Lana, V Sadech 1/1, 160 00 Praha 6-Bubeneč
Conclusive public roundtable discussion (21/5/2024): CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
Language: English

CEFRES welcomes in its premices the last public roundtable discussion, 21 May 17h00-18h30 Round-table discussion

  • Chair : Vita Zalar 
  • Speakers: Margareta Matache, Sunnie R. Chang 

Participants of the conference

  • Rafael Buhigas JIMÉNEZ (member of  the History and Commemoration department of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture, ERIAC)
  • Maria CHIOREAN (PhD candidate at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)
  • Martin FOTTA (head of the Department of Mobility and Migration at the Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences – EÚ AV ČR)
    Carolina García SANZ (associate professor in the Department of Contemporary History at the University of Seville)
  • Margareta (Magda) MATACHE (lecturer at the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)
  • Dezso MATE (Romani Rose Fellow at the Research Centre on Antigypsyism at the Heidelberg University’s Department of History)
  • Verena MEIER (PhD candidate at the Research Centre on Antigypsyism at the Heidelberg University’s Department of History)
  • Sunnie RUCKER-CHANG (associate professor at the Ohio State University)
  • Laura Soréna TITTEL (postdoctoral researcher at Justus Liebig University Giessen)
  • Tom TYSON (PhD on the history of Gypsies in early modern Scotland at Cambridge University)
  • Dalen WAKELEY-SMITH (assistant professor of history at Washington University in Saint Louis)
  • Egemen YILGÜR (professor of anthropology at Yeditepe University)

Complete Program

Monday, May 20th

12:45 Welcome 

Ann Ostendorf and Vita Zalar 

13:00-15:00Keynote session 

  • Chair: Ann Ostendorf 
  • Margareta Matache: The Racialization of Romani People Across Time and Geographies: Patterns and Mechanisms.
  • Sunnie R. Chang: Relational Perspectives on the Origins and Uses of ‘Blackness’ in Roma and African American Communities 

15:00-15:30Coffee break 

15:30-17:30Panel I: Intellectualizing Race 

  • Chair: Tina Magazzini 
  • Dezso Mate: History of the Gypsy Lore Society
  • Martin Fotta: Race, Nation, and Lusophone Gypsylorism 
  • Tom Tyson: Antiquarians, Missionaries, and the ‘Romantic Gypsies’ of Scotland 

Tuesday, May 21 

10:00-12:30 Panel II: Racializing Nations 

  • Chair: Martin Fotta 
  • Rafael Buhigas Jiménez: ‘Gitanos’ from Working-Class Neighbourhoods in the (Proto)Gossip Magazines: Racialization and Criminalization in Madrid (1850- 1900) 
  • Dalen Wakeley-Smith: ‘A Very Undesirable Class of Immigrants’: Immigration Officials, Race, and ‘Gypsies’ in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era Egemen Yılgür: Ethno-racialization of the ‘Gypsy’ in the Modern Ottoman Censuses 
  • Carolina García Sanz: Constructing the ‘Racial Enemy’ against the Spanish Colonial Crisis: The Civil Guard and the ‘Gypsies’ 

12:30-13:00 Lunch break 

13:00-15:00 –  Panel III: Contradictions and Critiques of Racialization 

  • Chair: Renata Berkyová 
  • Verena Meier: Antigypsy Special Legislation in Germany: Labels for State Repression and the Ambivalences of Definition 
  • Laura Soréna Tittel: Marx’s Critique of Vagabondage and the Policing of Roma in the Nineteenth Century 
  • Maria Chiorean: Racialization in Abolitionist Fiction: Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Măriuca’s Cabin, a Comparative Case Study 

17:00-18:30Roundtable discussion hosted by the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES), Na Florenci 3, Prague. The event is open to the general public. No prior registration needed.

  • Chair: Vita Zalar 
  • Speakers: Margareta Matache, Sunnie R. Chang 


The scholarly study of race, racism, racialization, and racial capitalism on a global scale has significantly reframed our understanding of the nineteenth century. It has been established that ideas about race influenced the thoughts and experiences of all people who lived in the nineteenth century. Racial thinking permeated law, politics, science, and diplomacy. It supported colonizing projects, caused removal from traditional homelands, diminished access to resources, limited citizenship rights, criminalized individuals, and dislocated countless people around the world.

This two-day conference brings the scholarship on nineteenth-century racecraft into conversation with Romani history. The organizers invite contributors to consider the impact of racialization on Romani communities in the nineteenth century.

The intimate two-day conference will be centered around panels consisting of 20-minute presentations with extensive discussion. Scholars from all disciplines were encouraged to apply. We particularly welcomed applications from Romani scholars and early-career scholars.

The conference is an in-person event only. Interested attendees should contact Marek Jandák (jandak@usd.cas.cz) to register.

For further details regarding the discussion content, please visit the Program Forum for Romani Histories website.