The rhetoric of Good Friday sermons in 14th-century Bohemia: Defining norms, commonplaces, and discrepancies
8th session of CEFRES in-house seminar 2022-2023.
Through the presentation of works in progress, CEFRES’s Seminar aims at raising and discussing issues about methods, approaches or concepts, in a multidisciplinary spirit, allowing everyone to confront her or his own perspectives with the research presented.
Location: CEFRES Library and online
Date: Tuesday 9th of May 2023, 16:30
Language: English
Contact: cefres[@]
Olga Kalashnikova (PhD candidate at CEU / associated with CEFRES)
Discussant: Eloïse Adde (CEU)
Holy Week – and Good Friday in particular – represents a crucial period of the Lenten season, as it marks the peak of Christian devotion. During Holy Week, charismatic preachers of the Middle Ages sought to profoundly influence the daily life and religious behavior of the people. Bohemian preachers retold the story of Christ’s Passion to evoke an emotional response from listeners (and sometimes readers) and invite them to repent and confess their sins. In some instances, preachers experimented with available sources and theological and rhetorical approaches to the topic to reflect on the growing devotion to the Passion and sacraments in the region and even criticise moral decay of the Bohemian laity and clergy.
My presentation will focus on intellectual background and shared discourse on Christ’s Passion that surrounded fourteenth-century Bohemian preachers while composing their Good Friday sermons at desk. In addition, I will discuss the rationale, structure, methodology, and goals of my PhD project, which ultimately aims to critically examine Good Friday preaching in Bohemia in 1330-1380, identify the peculiarities (transgressions) – of the Bohemian corpus in the broader European context, and classify some theological, hermeneutical, pastoral, and rhetorical “commonplaces” (norms) typical for the genre.
See the complete program of the seminar here.
Prof. Xavier Galmiche, eminent French Bohemist and winner of the Premia Bohemica Prize (2020), introduces Bohuslav Reynek’s poetry in French translations and his interpretation of his œuvre. The event takes place on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the meeting of Bohuslav Reynek and Suzanne Renaud.
When: Thursday May 4th 2023 at 17:00
Where: Moravian regional library, Kounicova 65a, Brno
Language: Czech Continue reading Reading and translating Bohuslav Reynek’s poetry →
According to the dominant understanding, the nation is a product of modernity (the Industrial Revolution, capitalism, linguistic unification, printing press generalization and the democratization of schooling, etc.). However, nations did not appear ex nihilo in the 18th century. Traditional attempts to explain this emergence do not satisfy scholars, as they focus only on the moment when the nation became the hegemonic mode of political organization during the 19th century. In doing so, they fail to describe the long process that led to this hegemony. This conference will reassess the definition and genealogy of the nation.
Date: May 3rd, 4th and 5th 2023
Location: Central European University (CEU) Campus (Vienna) & online :
Organizer: Medieval Studies Department of the Central European University
Funding/co-organizers: ACRO (CEU), IMAFO (Austrian Academy of Sciences), FPPCHA (Lausanne), CRHiDI (Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles), CEFRES (Prague) and Stadt Wien Kultur.
Language: English
Continue reading Community, Identity, Individuals: Shaping the (Political) Nation in Premodern Europe →
Round table discussion about Ronan Hervouet‘s book: The Suspended Revolution. Belarusians against the authoritarian state, published by Éditions Plein Jour.
Date and location: April 28th, 4:30pm at CEFRES and online (contact cefres[@] for the Zoom link)
Organizers: CEFRES and Courrier d’Europe centrale
Language: French
While Belarus has been frozen for twenty-five years under the influence of an authoritarian regime ruled with an iron fist by Alexander Lukashenko, there is hope for a change as the 2020 presidential election approaches. Since August and the following months, the citizens rose en masse. They denounce the large-scale electoral fraud and demand the departure of the dictator. The struggle is intense, the period, revolutionary. The whole state and police structure is shaking. But the movement comes to an end because of a fierce and extensive repression. Hundreds of thousands of people flee abroad.
Continue reading “Belarus: The Suspended Revolution” →
Samuel Beckett in Central Europe. Stagings and reception beyond censorship
Researchers working on Beckett or on theatre in Central Europe are invited to meet in April at the CEFRES and at Charles University. The aim will be to examine the political and aesthetic, and sometimes legal and social, issues that certain dramatic texts may embody, taking Beckett’s theatre as a case study.
Date: Thursday 20th and Friday 21st April 2023
Location: CEFRES library and Charles University
Organizers: CEFRES in partnership with Sorbonne University, Paris, Bordeaux University and Charles University
Language: English
Convenors: Alice Clabaut, Charles Guillorit
Deadline for sending propositions: 31st January 2023
A summary of the conference and the call for papers is available here.
Thursday 20 April 2023
at CEFRES Library (Na Florenci 3 Prague 1)
16h- Opening Talk – Octavian Siu [online]
16h30 – Panel 1 : poetics of politics in the work of Samuel Beckett
Vanesa Cotroneo : Breaking the Iron Curtain: Media and Technology in Samuel Beckett’s Catastrophe (1982) and Nacht und Träume (1982)
Luciana Peycere : A post-pandemic operatic adaptation of Film (1965): the political and aesthetic potential of performing Beckett at a fringe venue in London.
17h30 – Roundtable: Staging Beckett today – testimonies of contemporaries stage directors (1h30)
Jan Bosse & Olena Zavhorodnya
Friday 21st April
at Charles University (Faculty of Arts, Room P104, nám. J. Palacha 1/2)
9h30- Welcoming coffees
10h – Keynote Speaker – Marek Kedzierski – Beckett in Perspectives. Discussing with Beckett, staging Beckett, reflecting upon Beckett
11h 15 – Panel 2: Overview of Beckett reception and stagings in Central Europe
Matthieu Protin – Samuel Beckett Stage Director of his own Theater in Germany: Influence and Consequence.
Tomasz Wiśniewski – “Beckett on the Baltic” and other research experiments in Gdańsk
Anita Rákóczy – A Director’s Apology – Beckett in Hungaria
[lunch break]
14h30 – Panel 2 bis: Overview of Beckett reception and stagings in Central Europe
Miloš Mistrík – Godot has finally come – to Slovakia
Martin Pšenička – Post-1989 stage productions of Beckett in the Czech Republic: a focus on Jan Nebeský’s 1996 production of Endgame
15h45 – Panel 3 : The question of censorship in and of Beckett’s theatre: a legal or a personal issue?
Alexander Hartley – Beckett’s Legal Scuffles and the Interpretation of the Plays [online]
Matthew Rimmer – The Legal Endgame of Samuel Beckett [online]
Concluding remarks – Alice Clabaut & Charles Guillorit
See more at the conference’s website.
First session of the CEFRES 2023 Francophone Interdisciplinary Seminar. The map and the border
In 2023, we would like to start by beginning by questionning the very act of bordering and representing (a territory, a period, a trajectory), in short, thanks to the interdisciplinarity of our respective disciplines, to question the map and the border.
Location: CEFRES Library, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
Dates: Friday, April 14th, 10 am – 11.30 am.
Language: french
Thomas CHOPARD (EHESS / IMS, Charles University), discussant Ronan HERVOUET (Université de Bordeaux / CEFRES)
Recent images reminded us of the entanglement between war, persecution, and exile. What role did the Soviet border play in the survival strategies or in the aggravation of the situation of the Jewish population? What status was the status of the border after the territorial translation and annexations that followed the German-Soviet pact of 1939? Continue reading The Soviet Border as a source for the Holocaust →