Politics of Hunger. NaNo seminar #5

Politics of Hunger. Holodomor and Beyond. NaNo seminar #5

The fifth session of the seminar “Nature(s) & Norms” (NANO), carried out within the framework of the research program SAMSON (Sciences, Arts, Medicine and Social Norms), developed by Sorbonne University (Paris), the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University (Prague), Warsaw University and CEFRES welcomes three participants: Luba Jurgenson (CNRS / Sorbonne), Stanislav Tumis (Department of East European Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University), and Libuše Heczková as discussant.

Location: CEFRES Library and online (zoom)
To receive the link, please contact us at cefres[@]cefres.cz
Date: Friday, February 24th 2023, 4.30 pm
: English

Part 1
Luba Jurgenson, Eur’ORBEM (CNRS / Sorbonne)
A culture of norms: Biopower in the service of terror

Abstract: This presentation aims to interrogate the norms developed by the Soviet state, particularly during the Stalinist period, to regulate the relationship between the product of citizens’ labor and the food they are allowed to consume. It aims to seize in particular the situation of  populations considered as wrongdoers or criminals, namely peasants who oppose (or are supposed to oppose) collectivization and Gulag inmates. Hunger is a political weapon and a means of separating legitimate bodies (workers, defenders of the fatherland) from illegitimate bodies (those of “enemies”, “saboteurs”, “parasites” and other individuals who do not deserve to eat), the “healthy” body of society from its “sick” body;

Continue reading Politics of Hunger. NaNo seminar #5

The Men and Women of the Polish and Czech Parliamentary Far Right

“We defend the normal world!”: The Men and Women of the Polish and Czech Parliamentary Far Right

1st session of CEFRES in-house seminar
Through the presentation of works in progress, CEFRES’s Seminar aims at raising and discussing issues about methods, approaches or concepts, in a multidisciplinary spirit, allowing everyone to confront her or his own perspectives with the research presented. Continue reading The Men and Women of the Polish and Czech Parliamentary Far Right

Body and Sexuality. NaNo Seminar #4

The fourth session of the seminar “Nature(s) & Norms” (NANO), carried out within the framework of the research program SAMSON (Sciences, Arts, Medicine and Social Norms), developed by Sorbonne University (Paris), the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University (Prague), Warsaw University and CEFRES welcomes two participants: Mathieu Lericq (ESTCA, University of Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis) and Magda Szcześniak (Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw)

Location: Paris, CEFRES Library and online:
Meeting ID: 861 6127 0934
Passcode: 695781
Date: Friday, January 27th 2023, 4.30 pm
: English

Part 1
“Genealogy of a Taboo: Homosexuality and AIDS within Amateur and Educational Films Produced in Communist Poland”
Mathieu Lericq, ESTCA, University of Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis
Continue reading Body and Sexuality. NaNo Seminar #4

Samson Seminar: Nature(s) & Norms #3 – Eugenics

The third session of the seminar “Nature(s) & Norms” (NANO), carried out within the framework of the research program SAMSON (Sciences, Arts, Medicine and Social Norms), developed by Sorbonne University (Paris), the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University (Prague), Warsaw University and CEFRES welcomes two participants: Vojtěch Pojar (CEFRES / CEU) and Alicja Urbanik-Kopeć (IHN PAN)

When: Friday 16. December 2022, 17:00–19:00
Where: CEFRES Library and online
Language: English
Contact: cefres[@]cefres.cz

Part 1
Eugenics in Austria-Hungary: Social Functions and Imperial Circulation of an Ambiguous Body of Knowledge, 1900–1914

Vojtěch Pojar (CEU / CEFRES)

The notion of the circulation of knowledge poses new questions to the scholarship on eugenics in the Habsburg Empire. Focusing on imperial networks and the cognitive management of imperial diversity, my presentation will analyze four cases of imperial circulation of eugenic knowledge. It will show that the actors, institutions, and geographies of such circulation varied substantially, depending on the practices out of which the particular type of eugenic knowledge grew and on the social function it was envisaged to serve.

Part 2
Eugenics and social health
Alicja Urbanik-Kopeć (IHN PAN)

The role of criminal antropometry and early eugenics movement on the organization of state control of sex workers in the Kingdom of Poland, 1890-1915. In my presentation, I will show the influence of criminal anthropology on the organization of state run Medical Police Committees, set up by the Russian state officials to find, track, control nad. punish real and assumed sex workers in the cities.The official reasons for the tightening control on the disenfranchised urban population (mostly single, poor women) were care for public health and combating the pandemic of sexually transmitted diseases. However, they were used as a pretext to attempt an administrative control of life, health and reproduction of socially vulnerable women.

More on the whole seminar here.

Image: https://archive.org/details/ldpd_11497246_000/page/n25/mode/2up

CEFRES Review of books – December 2022

The next edition of CEFRES Review of Books will take place on Friday, December 16th, at 2:30 pm, on site and online, (ID on Zoom platform 896 9016 5381).

This informal meeting gathers CEFRES team, the library readers, and professionals from libraries and publishing. The aim of our Review of Books is to make better known the publishing landscape in humanities and social sciences. Each book is presented in French and in no more than 10 minutes, so to stress its originality and stakes.

So far, the following presentations are announced:

  • Emmanuel Alcaraz : Histoire de l’Algérie et de ses mémoires (Karthala 2021) by Clément Steuer
  • Anna Colin Lebedev : Jamais frères ? : Ukraine et Russie : une tragédie postsoviétique (Seuil 2022) by Ronan Hervouet
  • Magali Della-Suda : Les nouvelles femmes de droite (Hors d’atteinte 2022) by Adrien Beauduin
  • Virginie Despentes : King-Kong théorie (Livre de poche, 2007) by Michaela Rumpíková
  • Charles Stepanoff : L’Animal et la mort (La Découverte 2021) by Hana Fořtová

Pierre Bourdieu’s Science of Science: Sources, Arenas, Legacies

Center for Science, Technology, and Society Studies (Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences) and CEFRES
are pleased to invite you to the workshop “Pierre Bourdieu’s Science of Science: Sources, Arenas, Legacies.”

When: Thursday 15 December, 2022, 10 am – 6 pm
CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1 and online
Convenor & contact:
Jan Marsalek marsalek(@)flu.cas.cz

The aim of the workshop is to reflect on Pierre Bourdieu’s conception and practice of sociology of science that he was developing since 1975 onwards. Reputed as neglected for a long time, the sociology of science and scientific knowledge has become, in the second half of the 20th Century, one of the most prominent sociological sub-disciplines, that does not hesitate to intervene into general sociology itself. Pierre Bourdieu, celebrated and influential in a wide range of sociological areas, was curiously standing aside this spectacular development of the sociology of science we commonly situate in the 1970s and 1980s. From his singular point of view, which we shall analyse, he made several intriguing criticisms of the emerging trend in the sociology of scientific knowledge, on which we wish to reflect.

The workshop picks up the threads of the Sociology and Philosophy of Physics seminars organized in 2022 by the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts of the Charles University, Prague.


10:00 – 12:00 GUEST LECTURE

Pascal Ragouet, University of Bordeaux – Centre Émile Durkheim
“Science as a Field. Bourdieu’s Contribution to the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge”

– See below for the abstract –

14:00 – 18:00 ROUNDTABLE

Confirmed speakers

  • Jan Maršálek, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences
    Pascal Ragouet, University of Bordeaux – Centre Émile Durkheim (UMR 5116)
  • Manolis Simos, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Julien Wacquez, CEFRES
  • Lukáš Hadwiger Zámečník, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc
Abstract of the guest lecture

Science as a field. Bourdieu’s contribution to the sociology of scientific knowledge
Pascal Ragouet
Full Professor of sociology – University of Bordeaux – Centre Émile Durkheim (UMR 5116)

In the course of its history, the sociology of science has been traversed by several major debates. The first is the one that T. Shinn and I analysed in the book titled Controversies on Science by proposing to consider Robert K. Merton’s sociology as a form of differentiationism opposed to the anti-differentiationist tendencies of post-Kuhnian programmes of research on science such as the Strong Programme (D. Bloor, B. Barnes), the empirical programme of relativism (H. Collins, T. Pinch), laboratory studies (B. Latour and S. Woolgar, K. Knorr Cetina, M. Lynch) or the network actor theory (M. Callon, J. Law, B. Latour).

The second concerns the question of whether scientific knowledge can be sociologically analysed. With R. Merton, the sociology of science kept its distance from a sociology of scientific knowledge. The break comes with the Strong Programme and the Empirical Programme of relativism. The pendulum swings back the other way with the radical constructivism of network actor theories. Today, sociologists of science and technical innovation seem to be less concerned with scientific knowledge than with the need to think about science in society, when it is called upon by industrialists and politicians, when it feeds expertise, when it is questioned in the context of risk management and reflections on the relationship between science and democracy.

Bourdieu’s contribution to the sociology of science makes it possible to overcome these lines of conflict because it is based on a theoretical framework articulating a theory of social structuring, a theory of practice and a theory of social asymmetries. Based on two personal research projects on biology, the aim is to show the fruitfulness of this approach.

For further information, see:  http://odolnaspolecnost.cz/vedeckagramotnost/