Summer School – Narrer l’Histoire. Récits, disciplines, regards croisés

Narrer l’Histoire. Récits, disciplines, regards croisés
XXème Université Européenne d’Été (UEE) du réseau OFFRES (Organisation francophone pour la formation et la recherche européennes en sciences humaines

Organisateurs : Université Charles de Prague, Université Catholique de Lyon, CEFRES
Date : 5-9 juillet 2021
: en ligne
Comité scientifique :
Pour le réseau OFFRES : Chiara Mengozzi, Chiara Pesaresi
Pour le CEFRES : Jérôme Heurtaux

Bien que, contrairement aux années précédentes, cette édition se déroule en ligne, les activités comprennent, comme lors des précédentes éditions de l’UEE, des conférences plénières (le matin) et des ateliers thématiques (l’après-midi). Chaque conférence, d’une durée de 30 min., sera suivie d’une discussion avec la salle d’environ 20 minutes. Quant aux ateliers thématiques, les responsables d’ateliers prendront contact avec les participants quelques semaines avant le début de l’UEE, et pourront les réunir pour préciser les modalités de déroulement de l’atelier et pour entamer le travail sur les textes et matériels choisis. Ce travail préparatoire et la mise en commun pendant les trois jours d’atelier aboutirons à la présentation finale des résultats et éventuellement à la rédaction d’un texte qui sera mis en ligne sur le site du réseaux OFFRES.

Les ateliers  se tiennent en parallèle sur toute la durée de l’UEE et se déroulent en cinq séances réparties comme suit (proposition non contraignante) :

  • 3 séances de travail en équipe (5-7 juillet) ;
  • 1 séance de rédaction en commun (8 juillet) ;
  • 1 séance plénière de présentation des résultats des ateliers (9 juillet).

Liste des ateliers

Voir ici les argumentaires détaillés et les bibliographies des ateliers.

ATELIER N° 1 –  Régimes politiques hybrides. L’histoire récente des démocraties autoritaires
Responsables d’atelier :
Diana Margarit (Université Alexandru Ioan Cuza de Iasi)
Corneliu Bilba (Université Alexandru Ioan Cuza de Iasi)

ATELIER N° 2  – Quand les idées philosophiques rencontrent les récits historiques
Responsables de l’atelier :
Michal Kozlowski (Université de Varsovie)
Radmila Jovanovic Kozlowski (Université de Zagreb)

ATELIER N° 3 – Science-fiction et conflits sociaux : altérité, marginalisation, dynamiques intersectionnelles
Responsable d’atelier :
Daniele Comberiati (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3)

ATELIER N° 4 – Histoire et Pop culture : des relations en mutation, une ambiguïté cultivée
Responsables d’atelier :
Pierre-Guillaume Paris
Thomas Vogel

ATELIER N° 5 – Les pirates ont-ils une histoire ? Faire et défaire l’histoire (politique) à partir des marges… liquides
Responsables d’atelier :
Momchil Hristov (Sofia)
Orgest Azizaj (Tirana/Paris)

Voir l’argumentaire scientifique de l’école d’été ici.

Walking through the spaces/traces of the past(s)

CEFRES and Primorska University organize the second Proteus Webinar as part of the bilateral program PHC Proteus.

When: July 2nd, 2021, at 10:30 am
Where: Online
Connection link: 
Language: English

Neža Čebron Lipovec, University of Primorska and
Maria Kokkinou, Charles University / CEFRES
Funding and Evaluation: Campus France, French Institute in Slovenia, MEAE, MESRI (France) Slovenian Research Agency, Slovenian ministry of science (Slovenia)

Gruia Bădescu, Research Fellow, Zukunftskolleg,
University of Konstanz
Olga Sezneva, the Amsterdam Institute for Social
Science Research (AISSR), University of Amsterdam

with the collaboration of:
Felipe Kaiser Fernandes (CEFRES / EHESS) and
Johana Wyss (CAS / CEFRES)

Security Issues in Post-Brexit Europe: Views from the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Poland

The Center for French Studies at the University of Warsaw and the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences are glad to invite you to its roundtable on security issues in Post-Brexit Europe.

Date: Friday 18th June 2021, 15h – 17h
Place: Online, link of the webinair:
ID: 869 4413 5144
Language: English

Organizer: Amélie Zima (Center for French Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland)

Welcoming remarks:

  • Jérôme Heurtaux (Director of CEFRES)
  • Nicolas Maslowski (Director of Center for French Studies at the University of Warsaw, Poland)


  • Monika Brusenbauch-Meislova (Brno University, Czech Republic): Choppy Seas, or Calm Waters? Brexit Challenges for Czech Security and Defence policy
  • Delphine Deschaux-Dutard (Grenoble Alpes University, France): France, Germany and European Strategic Autonomy after Brexit: Squaring the Circle
  • Amélie Zima (Center for French Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland): Polish Defence Policy in Post-Brexit Era: Back to Atlancism?

Chair: Marek Madej (University of Warsaw, Poland)

Credits: European Takuba Task Force, DICOD/EMA

CEFRES Review of Books – June 2021

The new edition of CEFRES Review of Books will take place on Thursday, June 17th, at 4:30 pm, online,
The link will be provided soon.

This informal meeting gathers CEFRES team, the library readers, and professionals from libraries and publishing. The aim of our Review of Books is to make better known the publishing landscape in humanities and social sciences. Each book is presented in no more than 10 minutes, so to stress its originality and stakes.

So far, the following presentations are announced:

  • Henri Bergeron, Olivier Borraz, Patrick Castel, François Dedieu : Covid-19 : Une crise organisationnelle (Les Presses de Sciences Po 2020) by Hugo Plassais
  • Gertrud Bing : Fragments sur Aby Warburg (Institut national d’histoire de l’art, 2020) by Lara Bonneau
  • Noémie Etienne : Les autres et les ancêtres. Les dioramas de Franz Boas et d’Arthur C. Parker à New York, 1900 (Les presses du réel, 2020) by Fedora Parkmann
  • Jacques Rancière : Le temps du paysage : Aux origines de la révolution esthétique (La Fabrique 2020) by Marie Blanc
  • Anne-Marie Thiesse : La Fabrique de l’écrivain national. Entre littérature et politique (Gallimard, 2019) by Michael Wögerbauer
  • Enzo Traverso : Passés singuliers. Le “je” dans l’écriture de l’histoire (LUX 2020) by Arthur Pérodeau

Gender, Political Struggle and Academic Freedom

An International webinar organised by Institut du genre, CEFRES and CEMCA (French Center for Mexican and Center American Studies)

This webinar will focus on the relationship between academia and political struggle, with an emphasis on gender studies and the critical knowledge associated with them. We will first discuss the current terms of the conservative backlash against gender studies, the forms of pressure and censorship against them depending on the powers and political contexts, and the political and economic issues of academic autonomy.

We also aim to re-anchor this reflection into the historicity of the debates that the institutionalization of gender studies has aroused over the past thirty years. In different places, this field has arised in conjunction with democratic-liberal transitions. It also has been accused of depoliticizing feminist studies dissolving them in a scientific “new empire” strongly marked by the intellectual influence of the USA, or by the neoliberal globalization. This field of knowledge supposedly homogeneous in the eyes of its detractors continues to span across various and sometimes divergent approaches. It is on this basis that we will question the current forms of social resistance and the reorganization of this field of study.

Finally, by looking beyond the European perspective, we will consider the role of academic space and gender studies as a base for feminist demands (about gender-based violence in Mexico). And, we will ask how the efforts to constitute or consolidate this field of study are currently being carried out in academic spaces that still unwilling to give them a place in their own right, except under the unique angle of “development” (about gender studies in Cameroon).

This international webinar is organized in partnership with the Institute of Gender in France (IDG), the Center for Mexican and Central American Studies (CEMCA) and the French Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES) in Prague on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the latter.

Date: 15 June 2021, 3–5 pm
Language: English
Place: online on Zoom: ID: 811 0466 2184


Welcome and introduction:



  • Andrea Pető, Central European University, Vienne
    Science policy of illiberal polypore state
  • Patrick Awondo, Université de Yaoundé
    What academic freedom does to gender as a subject of research in Cameroon
  • Verónica Rodriguez Cabrera, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco (Mexique)
    Academic freedom and gender studies: the question of violence against women 


Featured photograph: Marek Madl, Warsaw, October 2020

Displaced Memories & Memories of Displacement

Displaced Memories & Memories of Displacement.
Vanquished Others, Silenced Past, and the Burden of Implication in the 21st Century

An International Workshop organized by the Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Strategy AV21 and CEFRES

This two-day Workshop seeks to provide a comparative, collaborative, and interdisciplinary platform to discuss many cases of how the silenced heritage of the displaced populations in Europe and beyond is being negotiated in the present day. Breaking away from the traditional nation-centred orientation, we will focus on the memories of displacement, focusing on the people who were forced to abandon their homelands and previous lives and to re-establish their lives and homes elsewhere, as well as on the displaced memories about the violent removal, both symbolic and physical, of the vanquished others from their social spaces.

Organizing committee: Michèle Baussant (CEFRES, CNRS, ICM), Maria Kokkinou (Charles University, CEFRES) and Johana Wyss (Czech Academy of Sciences / CEFRES).
For more information about 2020-2021 Tandem Team’s project, see here.
For more information about the Tandem programme, see here.

Date: 9th – 11th of June 2021
Venue: Villa Lanna, Prague and online, you will find the links below.
Language: English

Please find the full argument of the Conference and the list of the participants here. 


Wednesday 9th of June 2021

Link to join the webinar:
ID: 813 5797 9512

 17:00 – 17:20: Welcome remarks by CAS representatives and CEFRES representatives

17:20 – 18:30: Keynote: Legacies of Forced Displacements and the Burden of Implication in the 21st Century by Johana Wyss, CAS / CEFRES

18:30 – 20:00: Evening reception  

Thursday 10th of June 2021 – First day of the Workshop

Link to join the webinar:
ID: 860 4318 6862

8:30 – 9:00: Registration

9:00 – 9:10: Welcome by the organizers & housekeeping

9:10 – 9:20: Introduction by Michèle Baussant

9:20 – 10:50: Panel 1, Dissonant Heritages: Victims, Bystanders and Unrecognized Heroes

Talking about Jews in Poland: An interactional, ethnographic perspective, Thomas Van de Putte, University of Trento

Salonica – Thessaloniki: Holocaust survivors & memories of absence, Kateřina Králová, Charles University

Unrecognized Heroes and Conflicting Historical Heritage, Michal Pavlásek, Czech Academy of Sciences

Chair, Evelyne Ribert, IIAC, CNRS, EHESS, ICM fellow

10:50 – 11:20: Break (30 minutes)

11:20 – 12:30: Panel 2, Politics of National Identity and Vivid Memories

Newcomers in Czech Western Silesia 1945-1960: Between “old” and “new” identity, Ondřej Kolář, the Silesian Museum in Opava

Contested heritage of Istria. Between conflict nationalisation processes, identity foundations and bridges, Katja Hrobat Virloget, University of Primorska

Chair, Rose Smith, Charles University

12:30 – 13:40: Lunch Break (70 minutes)

13:40 – 15:10: Panel 3, Unmaking Belonging, Making “Internal Strangers”

Namibian Czechs – their identity and search for home, Kateřina Mildnerová, Palacký University Olomouc

Memories and relationship to otherness in contemporary Portuguese society: The case of displaced populations following the independence of African colonies, Irène Dos Santos, URMIS, CNRS, Université de Paris, ICM Fellow

“And then they all left.” Recollection of forced migration and negotiation of the past in three-generation families of Germans in the Czech Republic, Jana Nosková, Czech Academy of Sciences

Chair, Kateřina Čapková, Czech Academy of Sciences

 15:10 – 15:30: Break (20 minutes)

15:30 – 17:00: Panel 4, Memoryscapes of Displacements

Landscape and the memory of loss and absence in Germany, Austria and Czech Republic, Paul Bauer, Charles University

Contested heritage and progressive nostalgia in the urban centres of northern Istria, Neža Čebron Lipovec, University of Primorska

Saving German heritage in Central Europe: discourse, praxis, challenges. Mapping patrimonialisation efforts around Podersam/ Podbořany, Catherine Perron, CERI-Sciences Po

Chair, Anežka Brožová, Charles University

18:30 – 21:00: Evening Reception

Friday 11th of June 2021: Second Day of the Workshop

Link to join the webinar: ID: 844 4007 6725

9:00- 9:10: Opening of the second day

9:10 – 10:20: Panel 5, Sites of Memory Without “milieux de mémoire”

Returning as a minority experience? A comparison between Albanians and Jews in Greece during the first decade of the 21th century, Pierre Sintès, Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, TELEMME, Aix-en-Provence, France

An absence that still matters:  Jews in Egypt and Egypt inside the Jews, Michèle Baussant, CEFRES, ISP, CNRS, ICM Fellow

Chair, Barbora Spalová, Charles University

10:20 – 10:40: Break (20 minutes)

10:40 – 11:50: Panel 6, Relating to the Past of Displacement: When “History” and Remembrance Begin with Artefacts

Displacement of the sources: The circulation of historical documents during the post-WWII decades, Máté Zombory, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Greek exiles, communist legacies and heritages of waiting in the Czech Republic and Central Europe, Maria Kokkinou, CEFRES, Charles University

Chair, Filip Herza, Czech Academy of Sciences

11:50 – 12:20: Closing remarks Michèle Baussant, Maria Kokkinou, Johana Wyss

12.30 – 13:30: Farewell lunch