Quand l’Autre est le plus proche : relations de voisinage chez les Bouriates en Mongolie rurale

Véronique Gruca (CEFRES / University Paris-Nanterre)
will be taking part at Franco-Czech historical seminar organized by CEFRES and Charles University

Date : Thursday February 18 , 9h-12h30
: CEFRES and online (see below)
: CEFRES and Charles University
: French

Pour vous connecter, inscrivez vous auprès de Jaroslav.svatek@ff.cuni.cz
Too see the programme, click here to visit the website.

Click here to join the Zoom meeting : https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/96694269885

Central Europe: Academic Freedom in Danger.

Jérôme Heurtaux, CEFRES

will be taking part in the seminar called Current Issues. Reflection on Crises coorganised by CEFRES  and the Institute for International Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University in Prague.

Date: Wednesday February 17th 2021, 11:00 to 12:20
Place: Online on Zoom
:  Maria Kokkinou (post-doc at CEFRES / Charles University), Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES)
Language: French

To join the Zoom meeting, please click here:
Code : 944 6694 1213

For more information about the seminar, click here: http://cefres.cz/fr/seminaires/penser-les-crises.

From one justice to another. Narratives of injustice by the executives of the former regime in Tunisia

Jérôme Heurtaux, CEFRES

Will host the 1st session of IMS FSV UK Research Seminar.

From one justice to another. Narratives of injustice by the executives of the former regime in Tunisia

Date: Monday 8 February 2021, 11:00
Place: online
: Institute of International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
Language: anglais

Please report your participation in the seminars and get the link to the seminar :

How to Address the Loss – Book Presentation

Presentation of the book: How to address the Loss ? Forced Migrations, Lost Territories and the Politics of History. A Comparative Approach in Europe and at its Margins in the XXth Century, Bruxelles (et al.), Peter Lang, 2018.

A Tandem Webinar
organized by Michèle Baussant (CEFRES, CNRS), with the collaboration of Maria Kokkinou (CEFRES / Charles University) and Johana Wyss (Czech Academy of Sciences / CEFRES) and led by Florence Vychytil-Baudoux,  associated membre of CEFRES and doctoral student at EHESS Paris


  • Anne Bazin (Sciences po/Ceraps), Lille
  • Catherine Perron (CERI, Sciences po), Paris


  • Catherine Klein Gousseff (CERCEC, CNRS), Paris
  • Katja Hrobat Virloget (University of Primorska), Koper

Join us on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 839 0418 6941

Central Europe facing risks: reinventing solidarity?

In the framework of the Night of Ideas and on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of CEFRES, the French Institute in Prague and CEFRES invite you to the online conference “Central Europe facing risks: reinventing solidarity?”

Given the environmental, safety and now health risks facing Europe, especially Central Europe, two main attitudes are clashing: national and community withdrawal on the one hand, and national and international solidarity on the other. How can we (re)invent forms of solidarity in Central Europe? What kind of historical experience can inspire public action today and outline the contours of living together? How can we answer to the challenges posed by the current pandemic to social cohesion within European nations but also to the cohesion of the European Union itself? A French historian, a Polish philosopher and a Czech journalist will share their expertise and confront their points of view on these crucial issues.


Opening words by Alexis Dutertre, French Ambassador in the Czech Republic.

Thomas Serrier, historian, professor at the University of Lille, co-publisher (with Etienne François) of Europa. Notre histoire, Les Arènes, Paris, 2017.

Michał Kozłowski, philosopher, associate professor at the University of Warsaw, author of Le Monde diplomatique (Polish edition).

Saša Uhlová, reporter.

Moderator: Jérôme Heurtaux, political scientist, director of CEFRES.

The conference will be available live:

– in French with Czech simultaneous translation via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97516953316?pwd=Mk5mQVJWR0FOKzkzZkNEUlgzM3pBUT09,

– in French on the Facebook of CEFRES and the French Institute in Prague.

An Anthropology of Middleman Minorities: The Case of Sapa in Pragueue

The fifth session of IMS / CEFRES Epistemological seminar will be hosted by:

Felipe Kaiser Fernandes (PhD candidate at CEU / associate at CEFRES)
TopicAn Anthropology of Middleman Minorities: The Case of Sapa in Prague

OrganisersJérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES), Claire Madl (CEFRES), Tomáš Weiss (FSV UK) and Mitchell Young (IMS FSV UK)
Where: on line
To register, please contact: claire(@)cefres.cz
When: Wednesday, December 16th, 4:30 pm- 6:00 pm
Language: English


  • Edna Bonacich : “A Theory of Middleman Minorities”. American Sociological Review, vol. 38, n° 5 (oct., 1973), p. 583-594.