Disruptions and reconfigurations in the HSS since the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Dislocated Landscape. Disruptions and reconfigurations in the Humanities and Social Sciences since the Russian invasion of Ukraine

The workshop is part of the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES) program of non-residential fellowships for Ukrainian researchers in Humanities and Social Sciences, developed in close collaboration with the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the French Embassy and Institute in Ukraine as well as the Ukraine in a Changing Europe Research Center at the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Department of East-European Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, as well as the Institute of Art History and the Institute  of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (see: https://cefres.cz/en/20938). 

Date: 22 & 23 October 2024
Location: at CEFRES and online (to get the link, please write to the address cefres@cefres.cz)
Language: English
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“Grand Entretien” with Boris Cyrulnik

“Grand entretien” with Boris Cyrulnik

This “grand entretien” is organized in partnership with the French Institute in Prague and the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 6:00 PM
Location: French Institute in Prague, Štěpánská 35, Prague 1
Langue: French with simultaneous translation into Czech
Moderator: Alice KOUBOVÁ (Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences)


Since the advent of neuroimaging, it has become evident that environmental deficiencies lead to brain dysfunction. When the environment is impoverished, the corresponding brain areas atrophy, causing individuals to perceive the world differently, often as hostile. All mammals can suffer from such disrupted development.

Continue reading “Grand Entretien” with Boris Cyrulnik

The normalized, the normalizers and their cinemas

The normalized, the normalizers and their cinemas: Czechoslovak and Soviet Films of the 1970s

Created and moderated by Anastasia Mamaeva, PhD student at UMR Eur’ORBEM (Sorbonne University/CNRS, Paris), this webinar is organized with the support of Eur’ORBEM, CEFRES (Prague) and Charles University (Prague).
Location: CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1 and online (to get the link, please register at cefres@cefres.cz)
Date: May 13, May 27, June 4, 2024 at 4:30 pm (CET)
Language: English


Every session will take place from 4.30 to 6 PM Prague/Paris time and will include a presentation and a discussion.

Monday, May 13

The Squalid Charms of the Stagnation Cinematic Aesthetics
Igor GULIN (independent cultural historian, critic, poet)

Monday, May 27

Visitors and Insiders: The Normalisation-Era Career of Jindřich Polák
Jonathan OWEN (independent scholar of Eastern and Central European cinema, avant-gardes, and cult film; author, Avant-Garde to New Wave: Czechoslovak Cinema, Surrealism and the Sixties, 2011)

Tuesday, June 4

Czechoslovak public relations films for export
Lucie ČESÁLKOVÁ (editor-in-chief, Iluminace magazine; Charles University, Prague)


Continue reading The normalized, the normalizers and their cinemas

Border Cases

A workshop organized by CEFRES PhD Students Filip Herza, Magdalena Cabaj and Katalin Pataki

Time & Venue: from 2 to 5 pm at CEFRES library, Na Florenci 3
Language: English

Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images
A barber shaving a man who looks extremely fearful. Lithograph by L. Boilly after himself.
By: Louis-Léopold Boilly
Session I

Discussant: Sabine ARNAUD (Centre Alexandre Koyré, EHESS)

2.00: Filip Herza (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University – CEFRES): Faces of Normative Masculinity: Shaving Practices and the Popular Exhibitions of “Hairy Wonders” in the early 20th Century Prague

2:25: Magdalena Cabaj (Warsaw University / ENS Ulm – CEFRES): Dear Herculine, Dear Aaron: From the Angel to the Beast. On Two Cases of Hermaphroditic Writing

2:50: Discussion

— Coffee Break —

Session II


  • Veronika ČAPSKÁ (Department of Historical Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University)
  • Karel ČERNÝ (Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University)

3.30: Katalin Pataki (Central European University – CEFRES): Medical Expertise in Service of Joseph II’s Monastic Reforms’

3:55: Adam Mézes (Central European University): ‘Seen and Discovered’ – the Diagnosis of Vampirism in 1730-1750’s Habsburg Empire

4.20: Discussion