JDE EHESS-CEFRES dynamiques de la participation politique

Dynamiques de la participation politique. Les savoirs disciplinaires au prisme des « études aréales »

Une journée d’étude doctorale organisée dans le cadre de la Convention de coopération entre l’EHESS, le CEFRES, l’Université Charles et l’Académie tchèque des sciences.

Organisateurs et discutants durant le workshop : Lucie Drechselova (CETOBAC, EHESS), Falk Bretschneider (Centre Georg Simmel, EHESS), Mateusz Chmurski (directeur du CEFRES)
Date et lieu : 26 septembre 2023 – CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague. Il est également possible de participer en ligne. Pour participer en ligne, suivre le lien suivant : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84781174864
Langue de la journée d’étude : anglais

Keynote assuré par Olga Lomová, Université Charles et Tomáš Weiss, Université Charles.

Voir l’argumentaire sur la page de l’AAC.

Programme de la JDE :

9:00-9:10 Welcome Address: Mateusz Chmurski, director of CEFRES & Falk Bretschneider (EHESS)

9:10-10:10 Dialogical Keynote

Olga Lomová, Centre for Strategic Regions & Professor of Chinese Literature at the Faculty of Arts (Charles University): “The Elusive Nature of „area studies” and Czech Academic traditions”


Tomáš Weiss, Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences (Charles University): “Area Studies Today: Between Academic and Political Use”

10:10-10:20 Coffee Break

10:20-12:15 PANEL 1 Area Studies through the Prism of Other “Studies”: Gender, Decolonization and Researchers’ Positionality

Discussant: Pelin Ayan Musil, Institute of International Relations, Prague

Alex Alexis, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne: Law from One Geographical Area to Another: Decolonizing Legal Transplants through Political Participation

Rebecca Saab Saade, EHESS: The Orientalism of Sexual Desire and the Omnipresence of the White Gaze. How Desiring Arabs Travels Between Spaces

Anna Huláková, Charles University: Women’s Political Participation in the Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament

Szilvia Nagy, CEU Vienna: Situating the Global East: Positionality in the Shadow of the Epistemic ‘Grey Zone’

12:15-13:15 Lunch Break

13:15-14:15 PANEL 2 Area Studies viewed from the Perspective of Central Europe

Discussant: Tomáš Petrů, Oriental Institute (Czech Academy of Sciences) & Faculty of Arts (Charles University)

Monika Stachová, Charles University: “O Roma hi čačes a po névo droma.” Slovak Roma in the State Socialism and Early Post Socialism

Aleš Michal, Charles University: Liberal Democratic Representation Facing New Triangle Polarization: Lessons from the Central Europe

14:15-14:30 Coffee Break

14:30-15:30 PANEL 3 Area Studies: the Challenges and Prospects of Interdisciplinarity

Discussant: Radek Buben, Centre for Ibero-American Studies, Faculty of Arts (Charles University)

Anne Goerens, Centre d’Etudes Politiques Et sociales (CEPEL), Montpellier: Towards political participation through citizen empowerment? The case of energy policy in Guadeloupe

Noelia Noya Iglesias, EHESS: A reflection on interdisciplinary bridges to consider the roles of territorial intermediation in Latin America

15:30-15:45 Coffee Break

15:45-18:15 Collective Master Class led by Antonella Romano (EHESS-Centre Alexandre Koyré): “Area Studies and Social Sciences: Place, Position, Positionality” & General Discussion

18:15-18:30 Closing of the workshop: Lucie Drechselová, CETOBaC (EHESS)

19:00 Workshop dinner for invited researchers