Tetiana Karabin – Recherche & CV

« Le droit public ukrainien au défi de l’européanisation »

Contact: tetyana.karabin[@]uzhnu.edu.ua

Axe de recherche 1 – Normes et transgression

Tetiana Karabin dirige le département de Droit administratif, financier et de l’information de l’Université nationale d’Uzhhorod. Elle est spécialisée dans le droit administratif, la procédure administrative et les rapports de pouvoirs des différentes autorités publiques. Les questions relatives à la transformation des normes du droit administratif ukrainien sous l’influence des processus d’intégration de l’Union européenne et les principes de bonne administration sont également au centre de ses intérêts. Elle est l’autrice du livre Rozpodil povnovazhenʹ publichnoyi administratsiyi (La répartition des pouvoirs de l’administration publique). Uzhhorod : Hrazhda, 2016.



  • 1997-2002 – Specialist of Law (Master), Transcarpathian State University
  • 2002-2005 – Doctoral Studies (Ph.D), Faculty of Law, Transcarpathian State University
  • 2015-2017 – Habilitation Studies, Faculty of Law, Uzhhorod National University

PFonctions universitaires

  • Since 2017 –   Head of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Informative Law, Uzhhorod National University
  • Since 2021 – member of the editorial team of the journal  Public Law (Kyiv, Ukraine)
  • Since 2022 –   Head of the Specialized Academic Council for the Defense of Dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Law (Uzhhorod National University)

 Sélection de publications


  • Rozpodil povnovazhenʹ publichnoyi administratsiyi (Distribution of powers of public administration). Uzhhorod: Hrazhda, 2016. [in Ukrainian].
  • Pryntsypy «good administration» u pravotvorchosti u sferi publichnoho uryaduvannya (Principles of « good administration » in law-making in the field of public administration) & Osnovni stadiyi pravotvorchoho protsesu u sferi publichnoho upravlinnya (Main stages of the law-making process in the field of public administration). In M. Savchyn (Hg.) Publichne uryaduvannya, prava lyudyny i demokratiya: rehionalʹnyy zriz yevrointehratsiyi (Public governance, human rights and democracy: a regional slice of European integration). Uzhhorod: Vydavnytstvo UzhNU «Hoverla», 2015. [in Ukrainian].
  • Osnovni suchasni modeli detsentralizatsiyi publichnoyi vlady (Basic modern models of decentralization of public power) & Zakonnistʹ i svoboda rozsudu publichnoyi administratsiyi u konteksti detsentralizatsiyi publichnoyi vlady (Legitimacy and discretion of public administration in the context of decentralization of public power). In M. Savchyn (Hg.) Uprovadzhennya detsentralizatsiyi publichnoyi vlady v Ukrayini: natsionalʹnyy i mizhnarodnyy aspekty (Introduction of decentralization of public power in Ukraine: national and international aspects). Uzhhorod: TIMPANI, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
  • Nalezhna pravova protsedura ta rehulyatorna derzhava: rolʹ nezalezhnykh ahentsiy (Due legal procedure and regulatory state: the role of independent agencies). In M. Savchyn (Hg.) Pravove rehulyuvannya ta ekonomichni svobody i prava (Legal regulation and economic freedoms and rights). Uzhhorod: Vydavnytstvo «RIK-U», 2020. [in Ukrainian].
  • Einführung in das ukrainische Recht (with B. Wieser/Ya. Lazur/O. Bilash). C.H. Beck, 1. Aufl. 2020.
  • Polizeirecht & Staatsbürgerschaftsrecht & Fremdenrecht & Straßenverkehrsrecht & Abfallwirtschaftsrecht & Vergaberecht. In Bernd Wieser/Yaroslav Lazur/Tetyana Karabin/Oleksandr Bilash (Ed). Besonderes Verwaltungsrecht der Ukraine. Wien: Verlag Österreich, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2023. 143-154 p.

 Articles & chapitres de livres

  • Umovy zdiysnennya povnovazhenʹ publichnoyi administratsiyi yak kryteriy yikh rozpodilu po horyzontali (Conditions for exercising the powers of public administration as a criterion for their horizontal distribution). Naukovyy visnyk publichnoho ta pryvatnoho prava (Scientific Bulletin of Public and Private Law). 2016/4, 117–121. [in Ukrainian].
  • Optymizatsiya rozpodilu povnovazhenʹ mistsevykh orhaniv publichnoyi administratsiyi v konteksti zdiysnennya administratyvnoyi reformy (Optimizing the distribution of powers of local public administration bodies in the context of administrative reform). Aktualʹni problemy vitchyznyanoyi yurysprudentsiyi (Current issues of domestic jurisprudence). 2016/4, 201–205. [in Ukrainian].
  • Funktsionalʹni ta haluzevi zasady rozpodilu povnovazhenʹ publichnoyi administratsiyi (Functional and sectoral principles of division of powers of public administration). Prykarpatsʹkyy yurydychnyy visnyk (Prykarpattya Legal Bulletin). 2016/3, 134–138. [in Ukrainian].
  • Vymohy verkhovenstva prava i demokratychnoyi lehitymnosti v ukhvalenni rishenʹ publichnoyu administratsiyeyu: Ukrayina ta dosvid YS (Requirements of the rule of law and democratic legitimacy in public administration decision-making: Ukraine and the experience of the EU, with M. V. Savchyn/ M. V. Mendzhul). Pytannya administratyvnoho prava. Knyha1 (Issues of administrative law. Book1). Kharkiv: Pravo, 2017, 72-88. [in Ukrainian].
  • The division of public administration powers concerning the cross-border cooperation in Ukraine. Administracya publiczna a gospodarka / red. Yaworska-Debska, Anna Dobaczewska. Warszawa. 2018, 403-420.
  • Pravovyy rezhym publichnoho mayna (Legal regime of public property). Porivnyalʹno-analitychne pravo (Comparative and analytical law). 2018/6, 229-232. [in Ukrainian].
  • Zakonodavstvo pro administratyvnu protseduru ta administratyvnyy rozsud (Legislation on administrative procedure and administrative discretion). Porivnyalʹno-analitychne pravo (Comparative and analytical law). 2019/2, 128-130. [in Ukrainian].
  • Legal Regulation of the Military Chaplaincy in Modern Ukraine (with O.Bilash), Kosciol i Prawo, 2020/9 (22), Issue: 2, 97–112.
  • Ensuring a balance between public and private interests in the implementation of quarantine measures (with Lazur Y., Martyniuk O., Bukhanevych O., Kanienberh-Sandul O.) IusHumani. Law Journal. 2020/9(ІІ), 317-340.
  • Taxation of Religious Organizations in Ukraine (with O.Bilash), Kosciol i Prawo, 2020/9 (22), Issue: 1, 65–81.
  • Posadova osoba (The official, with Y.Lazur). Velyka ukrayinsʹka yurydychna entsyklopediya: u 20 t. (Great Ukrainian legal encyclopedia: in 20 volumes). Kharkiv: Pravo, 2020.T.5. Administratyvne pravo, 657-659. [in Ukrainian].
  • Tsentralʹnyy orhan vykonavchoyi vlady (Central executive body, with Y.Lazur). Velyka ukrayinsʹka yurydychna entsyklopediya: u 20 t. (Great Ukrainian legal encyclopedia: in 20 volumes). Kharkiv: Pravo, 2020.T.5. Administratyvne pravo, 930-931. [in Ukrainian].
  • Local Government Transfer into the Process of Ukraine’s European Integration: Achievements of Communities and Losses of the Executive Branch of Power (with O.Bilash / R.Fridmanskyy / V.Tymchak), Lex Localis, 2021/19 (3), 781–803.
  • Umweltschutzrecht in der Ukraine (with O.Bilash). Іn: OER Osteuropa Recht, 2021/67(3), 335– 352.
  • Preservation and Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Religious Purposes in Ukraine (with O.Bilash /M. Savchyn). Kosciol i Prawo, 2021/10 (23), Issue: 2, 9–30.
  • The Formation of Police law in the system of Special Administrative law of Ukraine (with O. Bilash). Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie, 2022/1 (15), 85-95.
  • Military and alternative (non-military) service for believers in Ukraine (with O. Bilash and A. Selivanov). Kosciol i Prawo, 2022/11 (24). nr 1, s. 9-26.
  • Legal regulation of religious education in Ukraine: implementation of the separation of the Church and other religious organizations from state educational institutions (with O.Bilash). Studia z prawa wyznaniowego, 2022/25, 107–127
  • State financial control over costs of religious organisations in Ukraine (with O.Bilash). Kościół i Prawo, 2022/11 (24), Issue: 2, 193-212.


  • ORCID:  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6538-5269
  • Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=trKyoD4AAAAJ&hl=uk
  • Researchgate:  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tetyana-Karabin
  • Web of Science ResearcherID: ABD-2785-2020
  • Scopus Author ID: 57219772273