All posts by Claire Madl

CNRS International Emerging Action / AVČR Mobility Plus – CFA 2022

CNRS International Emerging Action (IEA)

International Emerging Actions are PI-to-PI projects whose purpose is to explore new fields of research and international partnerships through: short-term mobility of scientists, the organisation of working meetings, and the initiation of early-stage joint research works for shared scientific projects. These actions have a duration of two years.

As a complement to the resources provided directly by participating teams, International Emerging Actions receive funds earmarked by the CNRS for international mobility between the laboratories
involved, for organising working meetings, and implementing field assignments between partners, for a total amount comprised between €10,000-€14,000 over the duration of the project.

See the presentation of the Programme on CNRS website here
and read the complete 2022 call on CNRS website here.

In the Czech Republic, the partner institution of the programme is the Czech Academy of Sciences.

See the terms and condition on the website of the Czech Academy of Scieces here.

In 2022, the calendar of the programme was as follows:

  • Launch date of the call for proposals: CNRS: June 22, 2022, CAS: June 27, 2022
  • Closure date of the call for proposals: September 16, 2022
  • Release of the results: December 2022
  • Start date of the projects: January 2023

2022 Winner of CEFRES Platform Award

We are happy to announce the name of the winner of the sixth CEFRES Platform Award for best article in social sciences and humanities in an international peer-reviewed journal (see the CFA here):

  • Martin Tremčinský (PhD candidate at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University) for his article: « Labour, control, and value: Marx meets Negri in Bitcoin mining » published in Dialectical Anthropology Vol. 46, n° 1, 2022.

The jury warmly thanks all the applicants for the outstanding quality of the scientific works they submitted.

Alessandro Testa: Research & CV

Research Area 1 & 3: Displacements, “Dépaysements” and Discrepancies & Objects, Traces, Mapping


Dr. Alessandro Testa is Associate Professor at the Institute of Sociological Studies, Charles University, Prague, where since 2020 he has also led the ERC CZ “ReEnchEu” research project. Prior to this, he was Lise Meitner Postdoctoral Fellow and Teacher at the University of Vienna (2015–2019).
Trained in history, ethnology, and religious studies at the Universities of Florence, Rome, Paris, and Messina, he received his PhD in Social Anthropology in 2013. He has conducted long-term, intensive ethnographic fieldworks in Italy (2010-2012), Czech Republic (2013–2014; 2020-ongoing), and Catalonia (Spain) (2016–2020). In the past decade he has been affiliated for long terms with the Universities of Tallinn, Pardubice, Vienna, and Prague, and has also been a visiting scholar in Germany, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Iceland. Continue reading Alessandro Testa: Research & CV

Committee’s Composition 2020-2021

Statutory Members

  • Ondřej Beránek, Vice President in charge of Research Area III. Humanities and Social Sciences of AV ČR
  • Lenka Rovná, Vice-Rector for European Affairs of UK
  • Jérôme Heurtaux, director of CEFRES

UK Representatives

AV ČR Representatives

Pour les chercheuses et chercheurs du CNRS

Le Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales (CEFRES) accueille régulièrement des chercheurs du CNRS pour une affectation d’une année renouvelable.

Situé à Prague, le CEFRES est une Unité mixte de recherche du CNRS et institut français de recherche à l’étranger (UMIFRE) du ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères  et une Unité d’appui et de recherche (UAR 3138) du CNRS.

Fortement internationalisé, le CEFRES comprend une vingtaine de chercheurs (doctorants, post-doctorants, enseignants-chercheurs et chercheurs du CNRS) et accueille plusieurs équipes de recherche sur des thématiques et dans des disciplines variées. Continue reading Pour les chercheuses et chercheurs du CNRS