An invisible empire? Austro-Hungarian economic space in Central and Southeastern Europe 1890–1930

An invisible empire?
Austro-Hungarian economic space in Central and Southeastern Europe 1890–1930:
actors, structures, embeddedness, factors of resilience

A roundtable discussion around the research project led by Gábor Egry, invited researcher at CEFRES in June 2024, thanks to a support granted by CNRS (SMI program).

Date: Thursday June 27, 2024, at 5 pm
Location: CEFRES, Na Florenci, Prague 1
Language: English

Gábor Egry is PI of the ERC NEPOSTRANS, Director General of the Institute of Political History in Budapest and member of the COST Action Women on the Move project, Gábor Egry studies post-imperial transitions on the example of Austria-Hungary.
Please find a presentation of his research work here.

In 2017, he received an ERC Consolidator grant for the project NEPOSTRANS – Negotiating post-imperial transitions: from remobilization to nation-state consolidation, a comparative study of local and regional transitions in post-Habsburg East and Central Europe.


Visual Representations, Memorials and Commemorations of WWII

Launch of the TANDEM incubator program CNRS-Slovak Academy of Sciences

Where: French Institute in Slovakia, Bratislava
When: June 26th, 4–6 pm


4 pm – Opening Keynote

 Jacques JOUSLIN DE NORAY, First Counselor of the French Embassy in Slovakia
Pavol ŠAJGALÍK, President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
William BERTHOMIÈRE, Deputy Scientific Director Europe and International, CNRS SHS

 4:20 pm – Signature of the convention for Tandem CNRS-Charles University 2024–2029 program

For MEAE: Mr. Pascal Le DEUNFF, Ambassador of France to Slovakia or his representative
For the Slovak Academy of Sciences: Mr. Pavol ŠAJGALÍK, President
For CNRS: Mme Isabelle LONGIN, Regiona Delegate Paris-Normandie, represented by Mr William BERTHOMIÈRE

 4:30 pm – Presentation of the first selected project by Tandem CNRS-Charles University program


Laureates of the first Tandem CNRS-Slovak Academy of Science program, Petra HUDEK et Thomas CHOPARD will present their project which focus on historical narratives, memorials and commemorations in Slovakia, Czechia and Poland. Their research aims to analyze evolutions and re-elaboration of museums and monuments since the fall of communist regime until nowadays, to different scales : from great national museums from the Second World War to the local emblematic museums, and also museums dealing with the Shoah memory. The project aims to take into account the specific context of Central and Eastern Europe, and to analyze the impact of the war in Ukraine on the development of national movements in museums, monuments and during commemorations. Starting in 2024 and covering the intense phase of 2025 commemorations, this project will analyze visual static elements in exhibitions, catalogs and public history discourses, as well as more dynamic elements connected to the memorial schedule.

Petra HUDEK  is a historian at the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Department of Contemporary History. In 2022-2023, she carried out her research project “Iconoclasm in the Czechoslovak public space after 1989. The heritage of socialism in historical perspective” as a post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences. She is currently preparing a monograph on Soviet war memorials in the Czechoslovak public space after 1989. Her research focuses on the politics of memory, museums, and the processes of museification of public space, as well as the instrumentalization of history.

Thomas CHOPARD is a historian and assistant professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, at the Centre of Historical Research (EHESS/CRH). His research focuses on the history of anti-Jewish persecution and Jewish migration in Central and Eastern Europe. His early work focused on the pogroms and anti-Jewish violence in Ukraine during the revolutionary period, before contributing to the ERC project Lubartworld retracing the trajectories of the Jews of the Polish town of Lubartów. His current research is at the intersection of the study of forced displacement suffered by Jews during the Second World War and the history of Stalinist repression.

5:30 pm – Questions from the public                                                           

6 pm – Toast to friendship

Civil Union, Equal Marriage

Civil union, equal marriage: what prospects for Europe?

On the occasion of the International Pride Month and as part of the Queer 24 cycle, the French Institute in Prague, the Goethe-Institut and CEFRES invite you to the roundtable “Civil union, equal marriage: what prospects for Europe?”

Date: Monday June 17, 2024 at 5 p.m
: Institut Français de Prague, Štěpánská 35,
Languages: In English, translated in Czech


Continue reading Civil Union, Equal Marriage

Contested Energy Transitions

Contested Energy Transitions.
Conflicts and Social Innovations in the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, and France

Kick-off meeting of a research project developed within AV ČR–CNRS TANDEM Program by the Czech Academy of Sciences, Charles University and CNRS, at CEFRES.

When: Tuesday 23 April 2024, 2 pm–3:30 pm
Where: CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1 and online (to get the link, please register at
Language: English

With the participation of the project coordinators:

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The meeting will be opened by:

  • Mr. Tomáš KOSTELECKÝ, Member of the Academy Council, Czech Academy of Sciences


Gilles Lepesant, Martin Durdovic, and Krzysztof Tarkowski will present this project in energy social research. The project aims to better understand transition resistance and stakeholder conflicts arising from the adoption of EU energy transition policies and to identify new patterns in energy governance that will help overcome these challenges. The research is based on a comparative approach between countries and focuses on case studies at the local or regional level. 

A Subaltern That Sings

A Subaltern That Sings.
From Sound Resistance to Musical Diplomacy in Wartime Ukraine

Kick-off meeting of a research project developed within CU-CNRS TANDEM Program supported by Charles University, CNRS and CEFRES.

Date: April 9, 2024, from 2 pm to 3:30 pm CET
Location: CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
Language: English
Project Coordinators:
Valeria KORABLYOVA (CEFRES / Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University) and
(CEFRES / Sorbonne University)

The meeting will be opened by:

  • Mr. Stéphane CROUZAT, Ambassador of France to the Czech Republic
  • Mr. Ladislav KRIŠTOUFEK, Vice-rector for Research, Charles University
  • Mr. William BERTHOMIÈRE, director for European and international affairs at CNRS Sciences humaines et sociales


Valeria Korablyova and Louisa Martin-Chevalier will present this research project dedicated to the musical dimension of Ukrainian resistance as a vehicle for escaping the subaltern position of a double periphery in the blind spot between the EU and Russia. The project brings together two academic subfields – cultural diplomacy and postcolonial studies – to reveal how Ukrainian musicians and activists use musical means to increase their visibility on a global level and to raise their country’s geocultural status on the mental maps of international audiences. From the European opera scene to the Eurovision Song Contest, Ukrainians deploy their soft power to manifest their country’s agency and garner international support for their cause.

Since 2018, the TANDEM program endeavors excellency in social sciences and humanities by bringing together Czech and French colleagues to intensify scientific collaboration between our countries in the frame of European Research Area. The program is a joint initiative of CEFRES, CNRS SHS, CU & the Czech Academy of Sciences (AV ČR) in the frame of the CEFRES Platform of scientific collaborations. Its former members have obtained two ERC grants, including the BOAR project.

Museums and their narratives

Museums and their narratives
Is the « national » label a thing from the past?

A roundtable discussion organized within a new cycle of meetings Résonnances / Rezonance by the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Adacemy of Sciences, CEFRES, the French Institute in Prague, and the National Gallery in Prague

Date: March 12, 2024, 5:00–6:30 pm
Location: Trade Fair Palace (Veletržní palác), National Gallery Prague Dukelských Hrdinů 47, Prague 7 (Auditorium, 6th floor)
Language: French and Czech with simultaneous translation


Sébastien ALLARD (Director of the Paintings Department, Musée du Louvre),
Danièle COHN (Professor of esthetics and philosophy of art, Université Paris I),
Milena BARTLOVÁ (Professor of art history, Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague – UMPRUM)
& Anna PRAVDOVÁ (Curator of the Modern collections, National Gallery Prague – NGP)
Chair: Lara BONNEAU (philosopher, Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Adacemy of Sciences – FLÚ AV ČR)


Continue reading Museums and their narratives