Household, kinship, intimacy: the reconfiguration of living together

Household, kinship, intimacy: the reconfiguration of living together

Ph students’ workshop, EHESS-CEFRES, CEFRES Library, Na Florenci 3, Prague

When: May 3, 2022, 9:30 am-6:00 pm
Where: At CEFRES and online
Language: English

Coordinators: Emmanuel Desveaux (EHESS), Falk Bretschneider (coordinator of the EHESS-CEFRES cooperation), Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES), Petr Gibas (CAS)

Supervisors: Valeria Siniscalchi (EHESS, centre Norbert Elias, Marseille), Chloé Mondémé (CNRS), Michèle Baussant (CEFRES), Claire Madl (CEFRES)

The conference will be at CEFRES and simultaneously on zoom:

Meeting ID: 835 1284 8136

Passcode: 975084

See the program below.

9h30 | Welcoming and presentation of the participants (Jérôme Heurtaux, Falk Breitschneider, Valeria Siniscalchi, Emmanuel Désveaux)

9h45 | Emmanuel Désveaux, What is a house ? An anthropological point of view.

10h45 | First general discussion

11h | Coffee break

11h15 | Barbora Kyereko, Cocoa and kinship among the matrilinear Akans of Ghana

12h | Véronique Gruca, Restoring balance after disruption. The organisation and reorganisation of daily life within a household of nomadic pastoralists in rural Mongolia

13h | Lunch

14h | Tuğba Gökduman, The (De)Sacralization of the Household: On Intimate Autonomy of Young Women in Contemporary Turkey

14h45 | Astrid Greve Kristensen, The Bosom of the House: Orphans’ Homes in Post-war Literature

15h30 | Coffee Break

15h45 | Vojtěch Pojar, Between “Reducing the Rural Overpopulation” and “Boosting the Aggregate Demand”: Great Depression and the Reconfiguration of Expert Debates about Rural Families and Their Reproductive Choices in Interwar Czechoslovakia

16h30 | Second general discussion

Biopolitics and Mass Gymnastics in the Modern History

Biopolitics and Mass Gymnastics in the Modern History of East Central Europe: Continuities and Discontinuities


When: From Thursday 28 April to Saturday 30 April 2022
Where: Day 1 and 2: CEFRES and online. Day 3: Czech Academy of Sciences, Národní 3, Prague 1. For more information, please contact: vojtech.pojar(@)
Language: English
Nikola Ludlová
(Central European University – CEU, Budapest and CEFRES, Prague)
Vojtěch Pojar
(CEU Budapest and CEFRES, Prague)
Lucija Balikić (CEU, Vienna)
John Paul Newman (Maynooth University, Ireland)

To assist online, please use the following link :

Meeting ID: 922 3998 7638

Passcode: 630958

See the program below.

Continue reading Biopolitics and Mass Gymnastics in the Modern History

US and Canadian Native people in historical perspectives

From popular imagery to contemporary realities: US and Canadian Native people in historical perspectives


When: Monday 25 April 2022 at 6 p.m
Where: Moravian regional library, Brno
Language: English
Host: Emmanuel Désveaux (EHESS)

Since the end of XIXth century, the Indians of North America have occupied a special place in the imaginary of Europeans : they were alltogether fierce and cruel, autonomous and rebellious, half-nude and covered with feathers or beaded dresses, war-like and friendly, etc. All these clichés derive from the Plains Indians and their specific way of living based on bison hunting and horse riding. First, it must be acknowledged that this representation is far too restrictive of the various cultures of the Northern part of America. The role of anthropology, specially that of Franz Boas and his followers, was instrumental to document life styles, social organisations and languages that extend from the Atlantic  to the Pacific Ocean and from the Arctic See to the Gulf of Mexico. In the second part of the talk, il will be discussed how Native people in the US and the Canada have been struggling  — and are still struggling — to adjust to a continuous process of colonialization that, if it did not always killed them systematically, impoverished them dramatically and tried to deprive them of their culture and religion. The conference can be understood as a tribute to their enduring resistance.”

The Philosophical Horizon as a Singularity of French Anthropology

The Philosophical Horizon as a Singularity of French Anthropology

6th 2022 Session of CEFRES Seminar 

When: Wednesday 20 April 2022, 4:30–6:30 pm
Where: At CEFRES and online (to register, please contact claire(@)
Language: English

Host: Emmanuel Désveaux (EHESS)

From Durkheim to Descola, via Mauss, Lévi-Strauss, Clastres and Godelier, and even Alban Bensa, a constancy is observed in French anthropology: the quest for universals in the gift, the exchange of women, the nature of government, or even the perception of nature and the significance of power relations. Continue reading The Philosophical Horizon as a Singularity of French Anthropology

Belarus and the Russian Invasion in Ukraine

Belarus and the Russian Invasion in Ukraine

2nd session of “CEFRES Webinars for Ukraine” organized in partnership with the GDR Connaissance de l’Europe médiane

Date: Wednesday 20th April 2022, 12:00-13:30
Location: online (to register, write at the address
Language: English

Convenor and moderation: Ronan Hervouet (CEFRES / University of Bordeaux)

With the participation of

  • Milàn Czerny, Belarus Observatory, Oxford University
    Belarus, Still a Sovereign State?
  • Yauheni Kryzhanouski, Sciences Po Strasbourg
    The Ukrainian Conflict Seen by the Belarusian Society
  • Anna Talarionok, Charles University
    Belarusian Exiles Caught in the Ukrainian Conflict

A complete presentation of the seminar is available and downloadable here.

Continue reading Belarus and the Russian Invasion in Ukraine

Psychoanalysis in Czechoslovakia (1918-1939)

Psychoanalysis in Czechoslovakia (1918-1939):
Freud’s Theories Between Czech and Slovak Art, Literature, Philosophy, and Politics 

1st session of the Seminar “Rethinking Psychoanalysis in Central Europe: Interdisciplinary and transnational perspectives“ 

When: Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 4:00–6:00 pm
Where: At CEFRES and online (to register, please contact claire(@)
Language: English

Coordinator: Agnieszka Sobolewska (University of Warsaw/Sorbonne University/CEFRES)

Guest-speaker : Adam Bzoch (Slovak Academy of Sciences)


  • Paweł Rodak (University of Warsaw)
  • Jean-François Laplénie (Sorbonne University)