Proustian Perspectives

Date and location: March 23–25, 2023, Prague and online
Organizers: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Czech Literature and Comparative Studies & Department of Romance Studies; with the collaboration of CEFRES
Languages: French and English

Read and download the list of participants and abstracts of their presentation on the FF UK website here.

See the program here.

Text of the call for papers:

Although well explored, Marcel Proust’s literary work is a territory that never ceases to reveal unknown corners. Whether the subject of interest is the author’s masterpiece or his other literary attempts, or even his unpublished writings, research continues to bring out new discoveries. The century that has passed since the author’s death has been marked by efforts to understand his work, or at least to multiply its readings with different interpretative languages.

In Search of Lost Time represents a field of possibilities that – by its essentially open nature – brings to light new answers to old questions: is the aim of the work to satisfy the author’s desire to record his entire life; to overcome death through the power of language, or to express the essence of things? Is it a monumental act of free and involuntary recollection? Or a vast meditation on so many social issues?

The centenary of the author’s death has provoked an increased and intensified interest in his work: not only the new discoveries of important manuscripts following the donation to the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, but also the new Proustian biographies by Jean-Yves Tadié and William C. Carter, or the results of genetic criticism in a broad sense (IMEC, Nathalie Mauriac Dyer, Marion Schmid, Anthony R. Pugh). Through its main themes, In Search of Lost Time has become an important milestone in the research history of queer themes (for all, we have to mention Eve Kosofsky-Sedgwick’s essays, published posthumously), and in the social approach to understanding literature (Jacques Dubois, Edward J. Hughes).

The renewed interest in In Search of Lost Time in the context of Central Europe is evidenced not only by the appearance of documents concerning the extraordinary role that the work played in the individual histories of the twentieth century (for example the gulag lectures of Józef Czapski), but also by its new editions (in Czech), or new translations (Polish by Krystyna Rodowska and Wawrzyniec Brzozowski, German by Bernd-Jürgen Fischer), and last but not least by the success of both the Czech 2019 dramatization directed by J. A. Pitínský, and the highly acclaimed Polish dramatization, directed by Krzysztof Warlikowski in 2015.

On the occasion of the centenary of the author’s death, we would like to organize a conference that will inspire and show possible interpretative approaches to Marcel Proust’s texts, and perspectives from which they can be considered. Our goal is to bring together researchers and doctoral students interested in Proust, and to open a discussion about possible viewpoints on his work.

Velký rozhovor s Antoinem Compagnonem. “Pokud neinovuješ, zemřeš”

Velký rozhovor s Antoinem Compagnonem: „Pokud neinovuješ, zemřeš“

Toto setkání je součástí série Grands Entretiens pořádané CEFRESem a Francouzským institutem v Praze, u příležitosti mezinárodní konference Proustian Perspectives organizované Ústavem české literatury a komparatistiky & Ústavem románských studií Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy (ÚČLK & ÚRS FF UK) ve spolupráci s CEFRES.

Kde: Francouzský institut v Praze
Kdy: středa 22. března 2023, 18:00
Jazyk: čeština a francouzština (simultánní tlumočení)
Kontakt: cefres[@]

Antoine Compagnon (Collège de France / Académie française)
Moderátorka: Eva Voldřichová-Beránková (FF UK) Pokračování textu Velký rozhovor s Antoinem Compagnonem. “Pokud neinovuješ, zemřeš”

Displacements: Women’s Writing and Creative Practices in Modern Central and southeastern Europe.

Displacements: Women’s Writing and Creative Practices in Modern Central and southeastern Europe. Emancipatory Experiences and Transnational Trajectories?

International conference

Convenors: Mateusz Chmurski, Clara Royer, Lola Sinoimeri
Time and Place: March 16-17, 2023 – CEFRES and online:
Meeting ID: 856 6190 2411
Passcode: 456173
Languages of the conference: French & English

Scientific Committee:
Anna Borgos (Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities), Libuše Heczková (Univerzita Karlova), Luba Jurgenson (Sorbonne Université), Iwona Kurz (Uniwersytet Warszawski), Jasmina Lukić (Central European University), Markéta Theinhardt (Sorbonne Université)

Partners: EUR’ORBEM (CNRS-Sorbonne University), CEFRES (CNRS-MEAE), Departement of Czech and comparative literature, Charles University (ÚČLK FF UK), Institute of Polish Culture, Warsaw university (IKP WP UW) – with the support of the European University Alliance 4EU+, the GDR “Connaissance de l’Europe médiane” (CNRS) and the French Institute in Prague

Read the thesis of the conference here.

Pokračování textu Displacements: Women’s Writing and Creative Practices in Modern Central and southeastern Europe.

Vyhnanství a vzpomínky na zmizelé světy

“Nikdy jsme o tobě nemluvili, ale vždy jsi tady bylo Alžírsko.” Vyhnanství a vzpomínky na zmizelé světy

Šesté setkání Interního semináře CEFRESu v roce 2022-2023.
Cílem semináře CEFRESu je představit probíhající výzkum členů CEFRESu a otevřít tak mezioborovou diskuzi o otázkách týkajících se metod, přístupů a koncepcí, díky které bude moci každý účastník porovnat vlastní pohled s předloženými pracemi.

Kde: Knihovna CEFRES a online
úterý 14. března 2023, 16:30
: angličtina

Michèle Baussant (CNRS, CEFRES/ Institut Convergences Migrations)
Diskutant: Emina Zoletić  (CEFRES / Varšavská univerzita)
Pokračování textu Vyhnanství a vzpomínky na zmizelé světy

Politika hladu. Holodomor a za jeho hranicí. NaNo seminář č. 5

Politics of Hunger. Holodomor and Beyond. NaNo seminar #5

The fifth session of the seminar “Nature(s) & Norms” (NANO), carried out within the framework of the research program SAMSON (Sciences, Arts, Medicine and Social Norms), developed by Sorbonne University (Paris), the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University (Prague), Warsaw University and CEFRES welcomes three participants: Luba Jurgenson (CNRS / Sorbonne), Stanislav Tumis (Department of East European Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University), and Libuše Heczková as discussant.

Location: CEFRES Library and online (zoom)
To receive the link, please contact us at cefres[@]
Date: Friday, February 24th 2023, 4.30 pm
: English

Part 1
Luba Jurgenson, Eur’ORBEM (CNRS / Sorbonne)
A culture of norms: biopower in the service of terror

Abstract: This presentation aims to interrogate the norms developed by the Soviet state, particularly during the Stalinist period, to regulate the relationship between the product of citizens’ labor and the food they are allowed to consume. It aims to seize in particular the situation of  populations considered as wrongdoers or criminals, namely peasants who oppose (or are supposed to oppose) collectivization and Gulag inmates. Hunger is a political weapon and a means of separating legitimate bodies (workers, defenders of the fatherland) from illegitimate bodies (those of “enemies”, “saboteurs”, “parasites” and other individuals who do not deserve to eat), the “healthy” body of society from its “sick” body;

Pokračování textu Politika hladu. Holodomor a za jeho hranicí. NaNo seminář č. 5

Poslanci a poslankyně české a polské krajní pravice

Poslanci a poslankyně české a polské krajní pravice: “Bráníme normální svět!”

První setkání Interního semináře CEFRESu v roce 2023.
Cílem semináře CEFRESu je představit probíhající výzkum členů CEFRESu a otevřít tak mezioborovou diskuzi o otázkách týkajících se metod, přístupů a koncepcí, díky které bude moci každý účastník porovnat vlastní pohled s předloženými pracemi. Pokračování textu Poslanci a poslankyně české a polské krajní pravice