Ivanna Tsar – Výzkum & CV

Jazykové chování ukrajinské mládeže v době válka na Ukrajině

Osa výzkumu I – přemístění, vykořenění, odchýlení: lidé, vědění, praktiky

Kontakt: vakavaka7@gmail.com.

Ivana Tsar pracuje od listopadu 2017 jako výzkumnice na Oddělení stylistiky, jazykové kultury a sociolingvistiky Institutu ukrajinského jazyka Národní akademie věd Ukrajiny (skupina sociolingvistiky). Je držitelkou PhD ve filologii a je předsedkyní Rady mladých vědců na Institutu ukrajinského jazyka. Ivana Tsar studovala na Lvovské národní univerzitě Ivana Franka a pokračovala doktorandským studiem na Institutu ukrajinského jazyka. Pokračování textu Ivanna Tsar – Výzkum & CV

Bohdan Shumylovych – Výzkum & CV

Late (post)Soviet Ukrainian art:
Urban creative groups and their involvement with the place/space of the 1980s–1990s

Research Area 3. Everyday experience of spaces

Contact: b.shumylovych@lvivcenter.org.ua

Bohdan Shumylovych obtained a master’s degree in modern history from the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary, 2004-2005) and a diploma in art history from the L’viv Academy of Arts (Ukraine, 1993-1999). In 2020, he received a Ph.D. from the European University Institute in Florence. He was a fellow of several grant programs and worked with the archive of the Faculty of Visual Arts at George Washington University, Washington (USA), and the archive of Open Society Institute (www.osaarchivum.org) in Budapest. Pokračování textu Bohdan Shumylovych – Výzkum & CV

Sergiy Shevtsov – Výzkum & CV

Borders of Transgression:
Violence of Norms and Violence of Violations

Research Area 2. Norms et transgressions

Contact : sergiishevtsov{@}gmail.com

Sergiy Shevtsov is Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (Odesa, Ukraine). I received a PhD in philosophy from ONU as a result of studying the formation of legal consciousness for more than ten years. My doctoral dissertation “Social mechanisms of the formation of legal consciousness” (scientific consultant: PhD, Professor Vernikov M. M.) was defended in 2013. The area of research includes the history of philosophy, philosophy of law, and ethics. In addition to publishing almost a hundred articles, I am the author of Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (2009), Metamorphoses of Law (2014), and editor of Processes of Integration and Differentiation in Modern Scientific and Philosophical Knowledge (2023). Pokračování textu Sergiy Shevtsov – Výzkum & CV

Viktoriia Myronenko – Výzkum & CV

Visual Propaganda During the War.
Methods of Nazi Germany and Contemporary Russia

Research Area 3. Everyday experience of spaces

Contact : victoriaeducation{@}gmail.com

Viktoriia Myronenko, PhD, is Associate Professor of Department of Cinematography at The Kyiv National K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University (Kyiv, Ukraine). She completed her PhD at National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture with her doctoral project titled “Peculiar traits of Photography in Kyiv of the Independence Epoch”. Currently, a full-time faculty member, she developed the lecture courses: History of Photography, Contexts of Photography and History of Ukrainian Photography.  Viktoriia Myronenko is an art historian with research interests in the history of Ukrainian photography and photography of Soviet and post-Soviet era in Ukraine. She is equally interested in the question of the intersections of gender and sexuality in visual culture of Ukraine. For five years, she worked as a researcher in the cross-disciplinary project Fragile Memory, the basis of which was the photo archive of Ukrainian cinematographer Leonid Burlaka. She is a member of the editorial team and the introductory article author of the books Ukrainian Erotic (Osnovy Publishing, 2017), Poo-tee-weet? Photography of War: Issue 1 (Osnovy Publishing, 2015). Pokračování textu Viktoriia Myronenko – Výzkum & CV

Volodymyr Mormot – Výzkum & CV

A challenging  Mercy Gesture.
Ukranian Refugees in the EU Countries

Research Area 1. Displacements, “dépaysements”, discrepancies

Contact: vmomot{@}duan.edu.ua

Volodymyr Momot is Professor at the Management department at the Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, ScD (Dr. Habilis) in Economics, PhD (Candidate of Science) in Physics & Mathematics.

Graduated from the Dnipro National University with a degree in Engineering, he worked further in field of Fluid & Gas Dynamics. He defended his candidate’s theses 3D Viscous Flow in the Axial-Flow Pumps in 1994 getting the PhD (Candidate of Science) in Physics & Mathematics. Answering the challenges which arise at mid-nineties he switched the scientific and educational activity field to the Economics & Business initially getting a master’s degree in Management & Economics then defending the doctoral theses Enterprise Strategy under the Conditions of Uncertain Business Environment (Methodological aspect) in 2004 getting the ScD (Dr Habilis) in Economics. Pokračování textu Volodymyr Mormot – Výzkum & CV

Natalia Matveieva – Výzkum & CV

Language Biographies of Temporarily Internally Displaced Ukrainians in the Context of the Full-Scale Russian-Ukrainian War

Axe de recherche 1. Déplacements, dépaysements, décalages

Contact : natalyamatveieva{@}gmail.com

Natalia Matveieva is Doctor of Philosophy (035 Philology), the Assistant of the Department of the Ukrainian Language and Slavistics (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnaituk National Pedagogical University); Junior Researcher of the Department of Stylistics, Language Culture and Sociolinguistics (The Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of  Sciences of Ukraine). Pokračování textu Natalia Matveieva – Výzkum & CV

Francouzský ústav pro výzkum ve společenských vědách