Category Archives: CEFRES Team

CEFRES PhD grants 2024 | Results

France & Visegrád PhD mobility grants
  1. Vera GUSEYNOVA (Sociology, EHESS)
  2. Daniela MUNTEANU (History, CEU)

Waiting list (gives the right to become associate)

  1. Julien ALLAVENA (Political science, Paris 8 University)
  2. Mathias VALVERDE (History, Strasbourg University-EHESS)
  3. Anastasia MAMAEVA (Film and Eastern-European Studies, Sorbonne University)
CEFRES-SAV PhD mobility grants

Dominik KULCSÁR (Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences)

CEFRES Platform PhD grants
  1. Josefína FORMANOVÁ (Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Charles University – FF UK)
  2. Kajetán HOLEČEK (History, FF UK)

Waiting list (gives the right to become associate)

  1. Jan MUSIL (FF UK)
  2. Valentin AUGER (FF UK)
CEFRES-CEU mobility grants
  1. Seema SRIDHAR

Olesia Totska – Research & CV

“Foreign economic cooperation of Ukraine and EU countries: modern trends”

Contact: Totska.Olesia(@)

Olesia Totska is a professor at the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Ukraine. She has the scientific degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences, the academic title of professor. She is the author of 272 publications, of which 236 are individual (as of August 1, 2024).

Her research interests are international trade; management of the development of higher education (educational, scientific-innovative and financial-investment spheres); mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics and management; project management. Continue reading Olesia Totska – Research & CV

Anna Yanenko – Research & CV

“Captured Spaces: Kyiv Museum Life in the late 1920s and 1930s. Based on the photos from the National Preserve ‘Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra’ collection”

Research area 3 – Objects, Traces, Mapping: Everyday Experience of Spaces

Anna Yanenko is a researcher (Deputy Head of the Research Department of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and Museums History) in the National Preserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra” (Ukraine). She is a co-founder and coorganizer the continual Research Seminar on History of the Humanities in Ukraine (an initiative of ICOM Ukraine and the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). She coordinates conferences on history of humanities, archaeology and museums in Ukraine. Continue reading Anna Yanenko – Research & CV

Tetiana Karabin – Research & CV

“Challenges of the Europeanization of the Public Law of Ukraine”

Contact: tetyana.karabin[@]

Research area 2 – Norms and transgressions

Tetiana Karabin is a head of the Department of administrative, financial and informative law, Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine. She specializes in administrative law, administrative procedure, ratio of powers of public authorities. The issues of Ukrainian administrative law transformation of norms under the influence of European integration processes and the principles of good administration as well are in the focus of her interests. She is the author of the book Rozpodil povnovazhenʹ publichnoyi administratsiyi (Distribution of powers of public administration). Uzhhorod: Hrazhda, 2016 [in Ukrainian].   Continue reading Tetiana Karabin – Research & CV

Roman Dzyk – Research & CV

“‘Exilic energies’: the expirience of Julia Kristeva”

Contact: r.dzyk[@]

Research Area 1 – Displacements, “dépaysement”, discrepancies

Roman Dzyk holds a PhD in Philology and currently serves as the Head of the Department of World Literature and Theory of Literature at Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. He obtained his bachelor’s degree (2007) and master’s degree (2008) in philology with honors from the same university. In 2012, he successfully defended his PhD thesis in literary theory. Continue reading Roman Dzyk – Research & CV

Nataliia Dziubanovska – Research & CV

“Assessment of the Migration Processes Impact as a Result of the War in Ukraine on the International Trade of the Visegrád Group Countries”

Research area 1 – Déplacements, dépaysements, décalages

My research interests lie in the applied use of mathematical methods for the study of economic systems at various management levels. One of my research directions is the modelling of international trade.
During my dissertation research, I conducted an in-depth analysis of international trade, particularly focusing on the application of various models and methods to identify relationships between its key indicators. My scientific works include the analysis of international trade dynamics within the European Union, the application of artificial neural networks for export and import forecasting, and the development of multifactor models for studying EU countries’ trade. Additionally, I have applied mathematical models to assess trade in Ukrainian regions.

In one of my recent works, which has been peer-reviewed and accepted for the 14th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies, I explore the forecasting of key international trade indicators for the European Union using hybrid models. This work employs approaches that combine various forecasting methods, such as statistical models, machine learning, and econometric methods. The study investigates the impact of external factors on EU international trade and develops hybrid models that account for these influences


Nataliia Dziubanovska, Dr. Sc. (Economics), Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics, West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine.

I obtained my Doctorate in Economic Sciences in 2021 with a dissertation focused on methods and models for measuring and evaluating international trade among countries. In 2023, I was awarded the title of Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics at West Ukrainian National University. Earlier, in 2015, I earned my Ph.D. in Economics with a dissertation on modelling bank credit and deposit policy. I also hold two Master’s degrees (equivalent to Specialist Diplomas): one in Banking (2007), and another in Pedagogy and Methods of Secondary Education, Mathematics, and Basics of Informatics (2006).

List of selected publications

• Dziubanovska N., Maslii V., Krysovatyy A., Desyatnyuk O., Drelich-Skulska B. (2023). The Effects of Digital Economy on International Trade: An Empirical Analysis of EU Countries Panel Data. 13th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT)’2023. Wroclaw, Poland, 21-23 September, 2023. P. 216-219. DOI:
• Slyvka, O., Dziubanovska, N., Maslii, V. (2023). Empirical approaches to assessing the convergence of regions in Ukraine based on the volumes of foreign direct investments attracted. Scientific works of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Economic sciences. 2023. 2 (69), 2023. P. 104–110. DOI:
• Dziubanovska, N., Maslii, V. (2023). Tools of augmented and virtual reality as elements of the strategy of attracting foreign direct investment. 7th International scientific and practical conference «Strategies and innovations: current management practices». Kryvyi Rih, 2023. Р. 126-128.
• Dziubanovska, N., Maslii, V. (2023). Internet banking in EU countries: trends and prospects. International scientific and practical conference «Imperatives of economic growth in the context of the implementation of global goals of sustainable development». Kyiv, 2023. Р. 165-168.
• Dziubanovska, N., Maslii, V. (2023). Evaluation of the foreign direct investments impact on the revenues of local budgets in Ukraine. Еconomy and society. 2023. №49. URL: DOI:
• Dziubanovska, N., Maslii, V. (2023). Foreign direct investments and their impact on the finances of economic entities: a theoretical aspect. International scientific and practical conference «Transformational processes of the national economy in today’s conditions». Kyiv, 2023. Р. 122-125.
• Dziubanovska, N., Maslii, V., Lytvyn, Z. (2023). Multifactor models for studying the impact of investment activities of enterprises on their profitability: case of Ukraine. Access to science, business, innovation in digital economy, ACCESS Press, 4(1): 7-23. DOI:
• N. Dziubanovska, V. Maslii (2023). Digital Economy and Foreign Investment Processes of EU Countries: Analytical Aspect. Ekonomichnyy analiz, Vol 33, No 1. pp. 278–287. DOI:
• Dziubanovska N., Maslii V., Lytvyn Z., Blyask V. (2022). An approach to the analysis of the intensity of the dynamics of international trade on the example of the countries of the European Union. Statistics of Ukraine. 2022. № 2. P. 73–84. DOI:
• Dziubanovska N., Maslii V. (2022). The Assessment of the Impact Investments on the Economic Development of Ukraine Based on Panel Data // 2022 12th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), 2022, pp. 231-234. DOI:
• M. R. Luchko, N. Dziubanovska and O. Arzamasova (2021). Artificial Neural Networks in Export and Import Forecasting: An Analysis of Opportunities. 2021 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS), pp. 916-923. DOI:
• Dziubanovska, N. (2019). Multifactor models for studying the EU countries’ international trade. Economic Annals-XXI (2019), 175(1-2), 29-34. DOI:
• Dziubanovska, Nataliia. (2019). MAR Splines models for evaluation of Ukrainian regions’ trade. State and regions. Series: Economics and Business. DOI:
• Dziubanovska, N., Yeromenko, V., Seniv, H. (2019). The application of binary classification methods for evaluation of international trade. Intellect